
Terms for subject Steel production containing 轴向 | all forms | in specified order only
万向接轴universal spindle
万向联轴器universal joint
万向连轴节universal spindle coupling
矫直机万向联轴器universal joint for leveler
轧辊轴向移动roll shift
轧辊轴向移动式机座shift roll stand
轧辊轴向移动轧机shift roll mill
轧辐轴向roll axes
轴向滑移axial slip
轴向移动辊shift roll
轴向窜动axial shifting
锁紧装置轴向阻挡工作辊运动clamps block axially the work rolls
锁紧装置抵抗轧辊的轴向clamps support the axial thrust of rolls