
Terms containing 转距 | all forms | in specified order only
earth.sc.从月球测距测量地球自转Earth Rotation from Lunar Distance
tech.从转舵到新航向的距离distance to new course
el.转-距离关系曲线deflection versus distance curve
space双站测距转发系统bilateration ranging transponder system
econ.反转收益率差距reverse yield gap
tech.反转收益率差距反收益差距reverse yield gap
space可变焦距转绘仪zoom transfer scope
shipb.可调螺距可逆转螺旋桨adjustable pitch reversing propeller
nautic., tech.可调螺距可逆转螺旋桨variable pitch reversing propeller
shipb.可调螺距逆转螺旋桨adjustable pitch reversing propeller
auto.吊车后桥中心到旋转轴的距离distance from center of rear axle to axis of rotation
earth.sc.周转测距站turn-around ranging stations
construct.回转 〔旋回〕纵距advance
nautic., tech.回转中心纵距reach
space回转测距站'turn around ranging station
avia.回转测距站turn around ranging station
tech.转距geostrophic distance
auto.左右转向节主销中心线接地点的距离king-pin spacing
auto.吊车并装双轴中心到旋转轴的距离distance from center of bogie to axis of rotation
geophys.数字转换器 采样间距digitizer spacing
tech.斜距高度转换开关slant-range-altitude switch
gen.斜距高度转换开关slant-rangealtitude switch
el.旋转臂伸距swinging radius
el.旋转臂悬距swinging radius
railw.机车平均周转距average locomotive turnround kilometers
skiing犁式短距离旋转snowplough short swing
skiing犁式短距离转弯snowplow short swing
railw.移交重车中转距average kilometers of local wagons to be delivered in transit at technical station per transit operation
row.移帆转向失去的距离loss of distance during the jibe
tech.空周转距average empty wagon kilometers in one complete turn round of wagon
railw.空车中转距average kilometers of empty wagons in transit
railw.空车周转距average turnround kilometers of empty wagon
tech.符号到间距转换mark-to-space transition
tech.货物转向架支距distance between centers of freight turning rack
railw.货车中转距average kilometers of wagons in transit
tech.货车中转距average kilometers of wagons in transit loaded at technical stations per transit
railw.货车全周转距average wagon kilometers in one complete turnround
tech.货车全周转距average wagon kilometers in one complete turnround of wagon
railw.货车周转距average loaded wagon kilometers in one complete turnround
railw.货车空周转距average empty wagon kilometers in one turnround
mil., air.def.距离门转移range gate dumping
tech.距离比例尺转换器range scale selector
met.距离转换开关zoning switch
tech.距离转换开关range switch
tech.距离转换开关range selector
avia.转储差距dump gap
auto.转向桥/底盘转动偏距半径轮胎支承面中心至主销轴线与地面交点间的距离steering offset
auto.转向拖距steering mechanical trail
railw.转向架中心距distance between bogie pivot centers
railw.转向架中心距bogie pivot pitch
railw.转向架中心距bogie pivot centers
tech.转向架中心距distance between bogie centres
tech.转向架中心距distance between center to center of bogies
tech.转向架中心距distance between bogie centers
railw.转向架全轴距wheelbase of combination truck
railw.转向架全轴距total wheelbase of bogie assembly
tech.转向架全轴距total wheel base of bogie assembly
tech.转向架心盘中心距bogie pivot pitch
railw.转向架心盘距distance between bogie pivots
railw.转向架组全轴距wheelbase of combination truck
railw.转向架轴距wheel base of bogie
tech.转向架轴距wheel-base of a bogie
auto.挂车转向架轴距bogie wheelbase
tech.转向架轴距truck wheelbase
tech.转向架轴距bogie wheelbase
tech.转向架间距truck spacing
auto.转向横距在车轮中心高度上的轮辐中心与主销轴线的距离spindle offset
auto.转向盘到座椅的距离steering wheel to seat
auto.转向桥/底盘转向节主销轴线正偏置横偏主销轴线与地面交点在轮胎接地中心点的内侧positive king-pin offset
auto.转向桥/底盘转向节主销正偏置横偏参阅 positive king-pin offsetpositive wheel offset
auto.转向节主销轴线与车轮中心之间的水平距离kingpin offset at the wheel center
auto.转向节主销零偏置距zero scrub radius
auto.转向节主销零横偏偏移zero kingpin offset
auto.转向时车辆最外与最内轮胎触地中心转向半径之差转向轨距turning track
tech.转向轨距turning track
auto.转向轮主销后倾偏距wheel caster offset
auto.转子发动机转子偏心距rotor eccentricity
el.mach.转子槽距rotor slot pitch
el.mach.转子绕组节距rotor winding pitch
tech.转子节距rotor pitch
el.mach.转子齿距rotor tooth pitch
tech.转子齿距rotor slot-pitch
auto.道路转弯间距离tum-to-turn distance
tech.转换反射波垂直时距曲线vertical hodograph of convert reflection wave
geophys.转换至零炮检距transformation to zero offset
tech.转楔测距仪rotating wedge range-finder
dril.转盘补心至地面的距离rotary drive bushing to ground
sport., med.转移距离transfer distance
avia.转移距阵transfer matrix
tech.转节距trochanter spur
tech.转角视距corner clearance
agric.转距rotation moment
tech.运转辊距running nip
tech.远距离转换开关remote plug
tech.远距转速调节remote speed adjustment
tech.透过转换波垂直时距曲线vertical hodograph of transmitted convert wave
tech.重周转距average loaded wagon kilometers in one complete turnaround of wagon
geophys.长源距控制环路转播transits for long spacing control loop