
Terms for subject Dancing containing 转录 | all forms
交叉转cross turn
从左陀螺转分展步opening out from reverse top
以分式激转步为前导的交叉踌躇步cross hesitation preceded by open impetus turn
侧行位置开始的流动自转traveling spin from promenade position
侧行位置的快右转纺织步quick natural weave from PP (running weave)
侧行位置轴转开始的之字步zigzag from PP pivot
侧行右转natural promenade turn
侧行曲转羽步curved feather from PP
侧行相对位置开始的流动自转travelling spin from counter promenade position
侧行纺织步在分式激转步之后weave from PP after open impetus turn
全转whole turn
内转inside turn
内转圈inside of a turn
减弱右旋转步underturned natural spin turn
减弱外侧旋转步underturned outside spin
分式左转步open reverse turn
分式滑形转步open telemark
分式滑形转步和翼步open telemark and wing
分式滑形转步接交叉踌躇步open telemark followed by cross hesitation
分式滑形转步接羽步结束open telemark and feather ending
分式滑形转步至翼步open telemark followed by wing
分式滑形转步进入叉踌躇步open telemark into cross hesitation
分式激转步open impetus turn
分式激转步之后的交叉踌躇步cross hesitation after open impetus turn
分式结束之后的外侧回旋左转步outside swivel turning L after open finish
分步转open turn
刺出左转步stab reverse turn
前进走步与侧行步转向侧行位置forward walk and side step turned to PP
华尔兹的转waltz turn
卷曲步转至分式侧行位置curl turned to OPP
卷曲绕转步curly whip
原地右转natural flicker
原地右转natural Fleckerl
原地右转步spot turn to right
原地左转reverse flicker
原地左转left Fleckerl
原地左转和右转spot turn to L and R
原地左转步spot turn to left
原地转spot turn
双交叉绕转步double cross whip
双左旋转步double reverse spin
双脚扭转twist on both feet
反身抛步过额转overturned fallaway throwaway
右侧行转步至摇摆转步natural promenade turn to rock turn
右扭转natural twist turn
右扭转步接羽步完成natural twist turn feather finish
右拧转natural twist turn
右换左步双旋转change of place R to L with double spin
右摇转步natural rock turn
右旋转在角落里natural spin turn at the corner
右旋转步natural spin turn
右滑形转步natural telemark
右滚转步natural roll
右盘旋滑形转步natural hover telemark
右转natural turn
右转及右转踌躇步结束natural turn & natural turn with hesitation finished
右转后退锁步跑步结束natural turn back lock running finish
右转基本动作natural basic movement
右转基本步natural basic movement
右转接外侧回旋步natural turn with outside swivel
右转颠跛追步tipple chasse to right
右轴转natural pivot
右轴转步natural pivot turn
右轴转至 U 形步natural pivot to hairpin
右锁步转natural lock turn
右陀螺转步natural top
后转截步back corte
基本左转basic reverse turn
外侧回旋步在左转 1,2 步之后outside swivel after 1 and 2 of reverse turn
外侧旋转步outside spin
外转outside turn
外转圈outside of a turn
大旋转步Grand Circle (Advanced Ending to Promenaded)
头转head spin
夹臂旋转arm roll
女士原地右转沃达斯步Voltas spot turn to R for lady
女士原地左转沃达斯步Voltas spot turn to L for lady
将头部向左转turn one's head well to the L
左交叉转left cross turn
左、右摇转步RF & LF rock turn
左换右步过额转overturned change of place L to R
左绕转步reverse whip
左转reverse turn
左转基本动作reverse basic movement
左转并步chasse reverse turn
左转截步reverse Corte
左转波浪步reverse wave
左转颠跛追步tipple chasse to left
左轴转步reverse pivot
左陀螺转步reverse top
并步左转步chasse reverse turn
并步转身chasse turn
并脚双左旋转步double reverse spin
并退右转fallaway natural turn
并退左转步fallaway reverse
并退左转步及滑轴步fallaway reverse and slip pivot
延长左转波纹步extended reverse wave
开始转向右commence to turn R
开式转折步open telemark
强度右旋转步overturned natural spin turn
快分式左转quick open reverse
快右转纺织步quick natural weave
手转式动作elbow glide
扭转步twist turn
抛掷绕转步throwaway whip
拳转动作倒立旋转fist glide
摇晃旋转wonky wheels
摇转步rock turn
整周转whole turn
旋转下落fall with spin
旋转而起rise with spin
旋转锁步turning lock
旋转锁步向右turning lock to right
旋转锁步向左turning lock to left
旋转锁步至侧向锁步turning lock to side lock
曲棍球步转至分式侧行位置hockey stick turned to OPP
曲转三步curved three step
曲转三步接直行追步curved three step progressive chasse
曲转羽步进入后退羽步curved feather to back feather
滑轴转步slip pivot
激转步impetus turn
环绕沃达斯右转步circular Voltas to R
环绕沃达斯左转步circular Voltas to L
由侧行并步至陀螺转步chasse from PP to top spin
由分式位置阿娜玛娜右转手中转步以右手握右手Alemana from OP with R to R hand
由分式位置阿娜玛娜右转手中转步以左手握右手Alemana from OP with L to R hand
盘旋滑形转步hover telemark
盘旋转截步hover corte
盘旋转至侧行位置hover telemark to PP
直角右转步quarter turn to right
直角左转步quarter turn to left
穿越右转步passing natural turn
简单旋转步simple spin
绕转抛掷步whip throwaway
绳索旋转步rope spinning
美式旋转步American spin
翼步前导步分式激转步wing preceded by open impetus turn
翼步在分式激转步之后wing after open impetus turn
脚尖、脚跟旋转步toe heel swivel
脚尖轴转toe pivot
脚跟-脚掌拧转heel-ball twist turn
膝做旋转knee spin
臂下转underarm turn
臂下转向左和右underarm turn to L and R
螺旋转步spiral turn
螺旋转至扇形位置spiral turn to fan pos
行进侧步左转progressive side step reverse turn
行进旋转progressive rotation
西班牙臂转步Spanish arms
角落上之右转步natural spin turn at the corner
角落上之陀螺旋转步top spin at a corner
足的回旋转foot swivel
足跟旋转heel turn
足跟转heel turn
足跟轴转heel pivot
跑步右转running right turn
跑步右转running natural turn
跑步旋转running spin turn
踌躇右转步natural turn with hesitation
身体做完整的旋转turtle float
身体加强转overturn of body
身体旋转body roll
身体稍向左转slight body turn to L
转圈turn around in circles
转度amount of turn
1-2转³⁄₈弱under ³⁄₈ between 1-2
转身角度amount of turn
轴转侧行并退步promenade fallaway with pivot
轴转动作pivoting action
连续交替手转double 99
连续原地左转沃达斯步垫步continuous Voltas spot turn to L R
连续式扭臀转步continuous hip twist
连续式环绕扭臀转步continuous circular hip twist
连续脚部旋转heel walk
重心向前转移至左脚transfer weight forward to LF
重心转回右脚transfer weight back to RF
重心转回右脚并稍向后transfer weight back to RF and slightly back
重心转换weight change
重心转移change of weight
闭位旋转步close turn
闭式扭臀螺旋转步close hip twist spiral
闭式扭臀转步close hip twist
闭式激转及羽步结束closed impetus and feather finish
阿娜玛娜右转Alemana turn
阿娜玛娜右转手中转步抑制步至分式相对侧行位置Alemana check to OCPP
陀螺旋转步top spin