
Terms for subject Table tennis containing 转录 | all forms
不旋转球non-spin ball
不旋转球plain ball
不旋转球knuckle ball
不转弧圈球dummy loop
不转球plain ball
全场转移field moving
击球加转impart spin to the ball
击球加转give spin to the ball
刁钻的旋转球vicious spin
加转give spin to the ball
加转击球impart spin to the ball
加转削球hard cut
加转发球heavy spun serve
加转弧圈球high-spin loop drive
加转弧圈球选手super looper
加转高吊弧圈球super loop
又急又刁的旋转球quick vicious spin
反旋转拍Phantom rubber
发不旋转球serve without spin
发不旋转球knuckle service
发不旋转长球long knuckle service
发不旋转长球long knuckle serve
发不转球serve without spin
发不转长球long knuckle service
发刁转球wicked-twisted serve
发快速旋转球heavy spin serve
发旋转球spin service
发球时用手指转球犯规动作finger spin
变化旋转发球varied and heavily spun service
变化旋转球baffling variety of spin
对低球平削加转flat spin
巧妙旋转发球tricky spin service
平削加转flat spin
强旋转弧圈球heavy spin loop
快刁旋转球quick vicious spin
快速与旋转的打法speed-and-spin play
快速旋转发球fast backhand crosscourt service
快速旋转打法speed-and-spin play
急刁旋转球quick vicious spin
发球时手指转球finger spin
打急转弧球选手super looper
抵消旋转offset spin
抵消旋转counteract the spin
抵消旋转counteract spin
抽转球revolving topspin
拉强旋转弧圈球lift heavy-spin loop
拉强转弧圈lift heavy-spin loop
旋转球spin stroke
旋转球spin ball
裁判用语无旋转!Without spin!
混合旋转mixed spin
转为主动wrest back the initiative
转动手腕turn the wrist
转动脚踝shake the ankle
转动踝关节shake the ankle
转动颈部roll the neck
转腕turn the wrist
转身body turn
逆旋转counterclockwise spin