
Terms for subject Securities containing 转动 | all forms
可转换浮动利率本票convertible rate FRN
可转换滚动信贷convertible revolving credit
可转浮动利率票据convertible floating-rate note
可转让的滚动承销额度transferable revolving underwriting facility
扭转长短期利率的行动operation twist
有权转换为固定利率的浮动利率票据floating rate note with fixed rate conversion option
流动资产周转率velocity of liquid assets
流动资本周转数working capital turnover
清算机构的自动转账系统clearing house automated transfer system
清算机构自动转账系统clearing house automated transfer system
自动客户账户转账automated customer account transfer
自动货币转换automatic currency conversion
自动转定期存款automatic renewal time deposit
自动转账服务automatic transfer service (ATS)
自动转账系统automatic transfer system (ATS)
自动转账结算settlement by autopay
自动转账账户automatic transfer service account
自动转账账户automatic transfer switch (ATS)
自动转账账户ATS account
货币市场基金自动转账money market fund sweep
资金自动转移automatic funds transfer