
Terms for subject Athletics containing 转储 | all forms
上体扭转姿势torqued position of the upper body
上体转矩upper body torque
仰卧起坐转体sit-up with twist
掷标枪时内转臂cock the arm
内转臂cock the arm
单足旋转pivot rotation
掷铁饼单足旋转动作pivot rotation
掷铁饼单足旋转式pivot rotation style
掷铁饼的单足旋转式pivot rotation style
向前转肩终点动作forward shrug finish
完整旋转complete turn
扭转动作torque motion
扭转过栏rotate over
扭转过栏rotate over hurdle
旋转wind up
旋转2圈double turn
旋转式投掷rotation style
旋转式rotation style
旋转惯性rotational inertia
旋转投rotation throw
旋转推铅球技术spin shot put technique
旋转推铅球技术rotational shot put technique
旋转支撑腿pivot leg
旋转能rotational energy
旋转速度rotatory velocity
旋转速度turning speed
旋转速度rotary velocity
特罗特跳远落地转身法Trotter turn
潜入俯卧式跳高绕竿旋转revolve around the crossbar
脚趾外转toe out
脚跟-脚掌旋转heel-ball turn
腾地旋转jump turn
跑进中转身running-rotation turn
身体急转body whip
身体旋转body rotation
转体body rotation
转体trunk twist
转向标turning mark
转弯处turning place
转弯点turning point
转弯跑turn a corner running
转身wind up
转身跳turning jump
转髋hip rotation
转髋hip turning
进入旋转entry to the turn
髋部旋转hip rotation
髋部转动hip turning