
Terms for subject Electric machinery containing 转储 | all forms
万能转换开关general change-switch
万能转换开关multipurpose switch
万能转换开关universal rotary switch
三段组合式转子three-piece rotor
三相线绕转子式电动机three-phase wound-rotor motor
三角形-星形转换delta wye switching
三角形-星形转换△-Y transformation
三角形-星形转换delta-star transformation
三鼠笼转子triple squirrel cage rotor
不均匀转子anisotropic rotor
不锈钢叶片转轮runner with strainless steel blades
两向旋转two direction rotation
中比转速medium specific speed
串并联转换器series-parallel switch
临界扭转振动critical torsional vibration
临界扭转速度critical torsional speed
临界起建转速critical build-up speed
临界转数critical number of revolution
临界转速critical whirling speed
临界过载转矩pull-out torque
临界过载转矩critical overload torque
主绕组中的堵转电流locked rotor current in main winding
传动转换开关driven tumbler
传递转矩transmitting torque
低功率因数运转low power-factor operation
低转速low speed
倒丁字形鼠笼转子sash-bar rotor
假想转子imaginary rotor
偏心转子eccentric rotor
停转滑差率blocked slip
停转滑差率locked-rotor slip
停转滑差率breakdown slip
停转负载stalling load
停转转矩locked-rotor torque
停转转矩系数breakdown factor
允许转速acceptable revolution
允许转速permissible revolution
分半型转子bisectional rotor
分瓣式转轮split runner
分瓣转子segmented rotor
分瓣转子segmental rotor
分级旋转变流机split pole rotary converter
分裂绕组转子d. w. r.
分裂绕组转子divided winding rotor
分裂绕组转子split winding rotor
分裂绕组转子同步电机d. w. r. synchronous machine
分裂绕组转子同步电机split winding rotor synchronous machine
分裂绕组转子汽轮发电机d. w. r. turbogenerator
分裂绕组转子汽轮发电机divided winding rotor turbogenerator
切向加速转矩tangential accelerating torque
刚性转子supercritical rotor
刚性转子stiff rotor
初期运转initial operation
初次运转initial running
半圆形转子磁极hemispherical rotor pole
单向旋转unidirectional rotation
单向旋转single direction rotation
单相电容器运转异步电动机permanent split capacitor single-phase motor
单相电容器运转异步电动机capacitor start-and-run single-phase motor
单相转子single phase rotor
单转向联轴器non-reverse coupling
单鼠笼转子single squirrel cage rotor
合成转矩resultant torque
同步谐波转矩synchronous harmonic torque
同步转矩pull-in torque
同步转速百分比percent synchronous speed
同步附加转矩synchronous supplementary torque
启动电动机转子pony-motor rotor
启动转矩交流电动机locking torque (of AC motor)
启动转矩locked rotor torque
启动转矩永磁电动机detent torque (of PM motor)
启动转矩breakaway torque
启动转矩与额定转矩之比ratio of starting torque to rated torque
启动转矩倍数multiple of starting torque
启动转速lift-off speed
周期运转方式periodic duty
圆柱形转子发电机cylindrical rotor generator
圆柱形转子电机cylindrical rotor machine
圆柱锻钢转子forged steel cylindrical rotor
圆盘转子built-up rotor
圆盘转子disc rotor
圆筒型转子drum type rotor
堵转电抗standstill reactance
堵转电抗locked-rotor reactance
堵转电流比locked-rotor current ratio
堵转试验locked-rotor test
堵转转子locking rotor
堵转转子工况locked-rotor condition
堵转转子温升locked-rotor temperature-rise
堵转转子电压blocked rotor voltage
堵转转子电压locked-rotor voltage
堵转转子电流locked-rotor current
堵转转子试验locked-rotor test
堵转转子转矩locked-rotor torque
堵转转矩standstill torque
堵转阻抗locked-rotor impedance
堵转阻抗特性locked rotor impedance characteristic
备用转子standby rotor
外层旋转发电机outer-spinning generator
外层旋转发电机outer-field generator
外悬型转子overhung rotor
外旋转型电动机outside-rotating motor
外旋转结构outside-rotating structure
外转子outer rotor
外转子式电动机external rotor motor
外转子式磁阻电动机external rotor reluctance motor
外部旋转电动机outer pole motor
外部旋转电动机outer-spinning motor
多段组合转子multi-piece rotor
多相旋转电机polyphase rotating machine
多鼠笼式转子multiple-cage rotor
失步转矩out-of-step torque
失步转矩系数breakdown factor
失速转速stalling speed
套筒式转子sleeve rotor
带短路环的转子end ring rotor
带端环的转子end ring rotor
带飞轮的转子flywheel rotor
常规绕组转子conventional wound-rotor
开口极旋转换流器split pole converter
开启气隙冷却转子open-gap-cooled rotor
异步电机的堵转阻抗特性locked-rotor impedance characteristic of asynchronous machine
异步转矩asynchronous torque
异步附加转矩asynchronous supplementary torque
异种钢转轮runner with differential metals
总转矩resultant torque
恒功率变转矩输出constant horsepower variable-torque output
恒定旋转场constant rotating field
恒转矩拖动constant torque drive
恒转矩控制constant torque control
恒转矩电动机constant torque motor
恒转矩范围constant torque range
感应电磁转矩induced electromagnetic torque
扇形叠片磁轭转子sector rim type rotor
扇形片磁轭转子segmental rim rotor
手动旋转开关hand rotary switch
手持式转速表hand revolution counter
振幅旋转相量amplitude rotating phasor
摩擦转矩frictional torque
摩擦转矩friction torque
星形-三角形转接star-delta switching
最低转速minimum speed
最低转速minimum revolution
最低转速minimal speed
最低转速minimal revolution
最大功率转速speed at maximum capacity
最大同步转矩maximum synchronizing torque
最大堵转电流maximum rotor-locked current
最大容许转矩greatest permissible torque
最大异步转矩maximum asynchronous torque
最大牵出转矩synchronous pull-out torque
最大电磁转矩maximum electromagnetic torque
最大脉振转矩maximum pulsation torque
最大转矩交流电动机breakdown torque
最大转矩交流电动机pull-out torque
最大转矩torque peak
最大转矩试验交流电动机breakdown torque test
最大转矩试验交流电动机pull-out torque test
最大过转矩maximum over-torque
最小转矩交流电动机pull-up torque
最高允许转速maximum permissible revolution
最高整定转速maximum setting speed
最高转矩maximum torque
最高转速top speed
最高转速maximal revolution
最高运行转速maximum running speed
最高运行转速maximum operation speed
有效转子电流actual rotor current
有效转矩available torque
有效转矩actual torque
有槽转子slotted rotor
有用转矩useful torque
有齿转子toothed rotor
机械加速转矩mechanical accelerating torque
机械旋转速度angular velocity of rotation
机械转矩mechanical torque
机械转矩率mechanical torque rate
机械输入转矩mechanical input torque
机电转换器electromechanical converter
机电转换器electromechanical transferer
机电转换器electromechanical switch-over
标称转矩nominal torque
校准转子calibrated rotor
椭圆槽转子oval-slot rotor
椭圆形旋转磁场elliptical field
模拟-数字转换器analogue digital converter
模拟-数字转换器A-D converter
模拟-数字转换器analog digital converter
模拟转换开关analog polyplexer
模铸转子鼠笼die cast rotor cage
横向旋转频率transverse gyro frequency
次临界转速subcritical speed
次临界转速minor critical speed
次同步转速subsynchronous speed
止转转子locking rotor
止转转子locked rotor
止转转子温升locked rotor temperature-rise
止转转矩locking torque
止转转矩blocked-rotor torque
正反旋转either direction of rotation
正向磁场转矩forward field torque
正常转差率normal slip
正常转速normal revolution
正序转矩forward field torque
正序转矩positive order torque
气冷转子air-cooed rotor
气冷转子gas-cooled rotor
氢冷转子hydrogen cooled rotor
永磁转子PM rotor
永磁转子permanent-magnet rotor
永磁转矩permanent-magnet torque
焊接转轮fabricated runner
焊接转轮welding runner
爬行转矩crawling torque
球形转子spherical rotor
电动机的固有转速调整率inherent regulation of motor
电动机的堵转电流locked-rotor current of motor
电动机转差electrical slip
电动机转速调整率regulation of a motor
电动机运转试验motoring test
电动机逸转racing of motor
电-声转换器electro-acoustic transducer
电容器运转电动机permanent-capacitor motor
电容器运转电动机capacitor run motor
电机转速宽范围的自调节poor regulation
电枢过转矩armature overtorque
电磁转矩electric magnetic torque
电磁转矩magnetical torque
电阻式转换开关resistance-type exchange switch
破坏转矩breakdown torque
破坏转矩disturbing torque
稳态转矩steady-state torque
稳态转矩-转速特性steady-state torque-speed characteristic
稳态转速调整率steady-state speed regulation
稳态转速调整率speed regulation on steady state
稳态转速调整范围steady-state speed regulation limit
稳态转速调整范围speed stability index
第三临界转速third critical speed
笼型转子squirrel cage rotor
笼型转子cage type rotor
笼型转子感应电动机cage rotor induction motor
等效转子电流equivalent rotor current
紧转配合easy slide fit
缓转启动器inching starter
缩尺模型转轮scale runner-model
缩尺模型转轮scaling model runner
耐过转矩能力overtorque endurance ability
脆性转变温度fracture transition temperature
谐波同步转矩harmonic synchronous torque
谐波感应转矩harmonic induction torque
谐波旋转场harmonic rotating field
谐波旋转电势harmonic rotating emf
谐波旋转电压harmonic rotating voltage
谐波旋转电场harmonic rotating electric-field
谐波旋转磁势harmonic rotating mmf
谐波旋转磁场harmonic rotating magnetic-field
谐波旋转磁通harmonic rotating flux
负序磁场转矩backward field torque
负序转矩backward field torque
负序转矩backward sequence torque
负序转矩-sequence torque
负序转矩negative-order torque
负载转差率load slip
负载转矩moment of load
负载转矩特性load-torque characteristic
负载转速load speed
转/分number of revolutions per minute
转向架steering bogie
转场式同步发电机internal-field alternator
转场式同步发电机rotating-field type alternator
转场式同步发电机inner-pole type alternator
转场式同步发电机revolving field type synchronous generator
转场式同步机rotating-field synchro
转子magnet wheel
转子rotor body
转子槽内线圈主绝缘ground insulation of rotor slot coil
转子槽内线圈主绝缘rotor slot armer
转子中心体外径external diameter of hub
转子中心部rotor center
转子串接变阻器启动rotor-rheostat starting
转子串接电阻启动rotor resistance starting
转子临界转速rotor critical speed
转子位置可调的加压试验applied voltage test with rotor in adjustable position
转子冲片rotor lamination
转子冲片rotor stamping
转子冷却方法rotor cooling method
转子制造工艺规程rotor fabrication process specification
转子功率因子rotor power factor
转子加工精度turning accuracy of rotor
转子动平衡rotor dynamic equilibrium
转子动平衡rotor dynamic balance
转子动平衡试验rotor dynamic equilibrium test
转子动平衡试验rotor dynamic balance test
转子单点接地保护rotor one-point earthing protection
转子单点接地继电器rotor one-point earthing relay
转子启动电流rotor starting current
转子周速rotor circumference velocity
转子周速peripheral speed of rotor
转子圆周rotor circumference
转子圆周速度rotor circumference velocity
转子型式rotor type
转子堵转电流rotor-locked current
转子堵转试验rotor-locked test
转子堵转试验rotor-blocked test
转子堵转转矩rotor-locked torque
转子外径external diameter of rotor
转子外径airgap diameter
转子外径rotor outer diameter
转子安匝rotor ampere turn
转子嵌线inserting of rotor coil
转子嵌线assembly of rotor winding
转子平衡试验rotor balance test
转子开路电压rotor open-circuit voltage
转子引线rotor lead
转子引线端子secondary terminal
转子打槽楔driving rotor wedge
转子打槽楔机rotor wedge driver
转子护环rotor retaining ring
转子护环rotor cap
转子护环rotor retainer ring
转子护盖rotor cap
转子指压板rotor finger (plate)
转子挠度rotor deflection
转子振动rotor vibration
转子振荡rotor oscillation
转子振荡试验rotor oscillation test
转子换算电阻reduced rotor resistance
转子接地rotor earthing
转子接地继电器ground relay of rotor
转子接线rotor coil connection
转子接线图rotor winding diagram
转子支架rotor spider
转子支臂rotor arm
转子杂散损耗rotor stray loss
转子极数number of rotor poles
转子检修坑rotor-repairing pit
转子检修墩rotor erection pedestal
转子止转工况rotor-locked condition
转子止转试验rotor-locked test
转子气隙系数rotor airgas coefficient
转子温升rotor temperature-rise
转子温升试验rotor temperature-rise test
转子温度rotor temperature
转子温度场rotor temperature field
转子温度监控rotor temperature monitoring
转子漏抗rotor leakage reactance
转子漏磁rotor leakage
转子漏磁通rotor leakage flux
转子环rotor end ring
转子电势波形rotor emf waveform
转子电流密度rotor current density
转子电角electrical rotor angle
转子电阻启动器rotor-resistance starter
转子真空烘房rotor vacuum baking oven
转子磁动势rotor mmf
转子磁场rotor magnetic field
转子磁场线圈rotor field coil
转子磁场线圈的桶形表面barrel surface of rotor field coil
转子磁极rotor pole
转子磁通rotor flux
转子笼条rotor cage (-bar)
转子精车final turning of rotor
转子线圈电密current density in rotor coil
转子线圈装配rotor winding assembly
转子线圈连接rotor coil connection
转子线棒数number of rotor bars
转子线棒电密current density in rotor bar
转子线棒电流rotor-bar current
转子线棒电阻resistance of rotor bar
转子表面rotor surface
转子表面损耗rotor surface loss
转子表面损耗rotor face loss
转子车加工turning of rotor
转子转速与同步转速之比ratio of rotor speed to synchronous speed
转子轭rotor yoke
转子轭部磁密flux density in rotor yoke
转子轭部磁路长length of magnetic path in rotor yoke
转子轭部磁路长length of flux path in rotor yoke
转子轮辐rotor arm
转子轴向位移引起的轴向力axial magnetic centering force
转子轴向可动的电动机axially movable motor
转子轴向长度axial rotor length
转子轴向长度axial length of rotor
转子轴径rotor journal
转子轴线rotor axis
转子通风槽rotor duct
转子通风槽rotor vent
转子通风槽板rotor vent plate
转子速度rotor speed
转子配槽楔fitting of rotor wedge
转子钢片rotor steel sheet
转子钢片rotor plate
转子阻尼条rotor damping bar
转子阻尼槽rotor damping slot
转子阻尼系统rotor damping system
转子阻尼线圈rotor damping coil
转子阻尼绕组rotor damping winding
转子阻抗rotor impedance
转子静平衡rotor static balance
转子顶起系统rotor jack system
转子预检查pre-checking of rotor
转子馈电式调速发电电动机rotor feed type speed-adjustable generator-motor
转子馈电电动机rotor feed type motor
转子馈电电动机inverted machine
转子齿宽breadth of rotor tooth
转子齿宽rotor tooth width
转子齿磁密flux density in rotor teeth
转子齿脉振rotor tooth pulsation
转子齿脉振损耗rotor tooth pulsation loss
转子齿脉振磁势rotor tooth pulsation mmf
转子齿谐波rotor tooth harmonic
转子齿距rotor tooth pitch
转子齿部安匝ampere-turns for the rotor teeth
转子齿部磁路长length of magnetic path in rotor tooth
转子齿部磁路长length of flux path in rotor tooth
转子齿高rotor tooth highness
转子齿高height of rotor tooth
转片式电容器vane capacitor
转速rotational speed
转速rotating rate
转速上升率rate of speed rise
转速上升率percentage of speed rise
转速下降drop in speed
转速下降falling-off in speed
转速下降特性曲线dropping speed characteristic
转速传感器tachometer generator
转速传感器speed sensor
转速信号发生器SSG shaft
转速信号发生器传感器SSG sensor
转速信号发生器齿盘SSG gear
转速变化speed variation
转速变化speed change
转速变化率rate of speed change
转速可调电动机-changeable motor
转速可调电动机speed-adjustable motor
转速定值器speed setter
转速-时间特性speed-time characteristic
转速检测器speed detector
转速检测装置speed detector
转速测量speed measurement
转速测量tachometric surveying
转速百分比percent speed
转速稳定指数speed stability index
转速等级speed grade
转速继电器speed relay
转速范围range of speed
转速调整特性speed regulation characteristic
转速调节器speed adjuster
转速调节器speed-adjusting device
转速调节器speed regulation device
转速调节率speed regulation (rate)
转速调节范围speed regulation range
转速调节范围speed-adjusting range
转速调节范围range of speed change
转速-负荷特性曲线speed load characteristic
转速-转矩曲线speed-torque curve
转速-转矩特性曲线speed-torque characteristic
转速频率speed frequency
逆旋转方向移刷backward brush shifting
逆转向刷位移brush shift against direction of rotation
逆转转矩counter rotating torque
透平转轮turbine runner
逸转runaway rotation
锁定转子外施电压试验applied voltage test with rotor locked
锥形转子cone rotor
锥形转子conical rotor
锥形转子电动机conical rotor motor
锻钢转子forged steel rotor
防逆转继电器zero-speed plugging switch
阻尼转矩restraining torque
附加转矩additional torque
静止摩擦转矩friction torque at standstill
静止转子stationary rotor
静转矩blocked-rotor torque
非协联飞逸转速off-cam runaway speed
非线绕转子non-wire wound rotor
鼓形转子solid drum rotor
鼠笼转子squirrel cage rotor
鼠笼转子short-circuited rotor
鼠笼转子shortcircuit rotor
鼠笼转子squirrel-cage rotor
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