
Terms for subject Environment containing 转储 | all forms
不可逆转性irreversibility of the phenomenon That quality of a process that precludes a prior state from being attained again (一种过程特性,在该过程中不可再次回到已经执行过的某个过程状态。)
从常规向有机转换transition from conventional to organic
共质体转移symplast translocation
再转移效率retranslocation efficiency
同向转运机制symport mechanism
回转炉rotary furnace A heat-treating furnace of circular construction which rotates the workpiece around the axis of the furnace during heat treatment; workpieces are transported through the furnace along a circular path (有循环结构的热处理炉,在热处理的过程中工件会围着炉子的轴旋转;工件通过炉子沿着循环的路径运输。)
废料转换技术waste conversion technique Any specialized procedure or method used to transform refuse from one state, form or chemical composition into another (用于将废料从一种状态、形式或化学成分转换成另一种状态的程序或方法。)
废物转变能源conversion of refuse to energy
快速中转列车rapid transit train
技术转让technology transfer The transfer of development and design work: 1. from a parent company to a subsidiary, perhaps in another nation where it will be paid for in repatriated profits or royalties; 2. from one country to another as a form of aid to help promote development and sustainable growth. Many nations have made great progress on the strength of technology transfer (发展和设计工作的转让:a.从一个母公司到一个子公司,也许在另外一个地方将要为遣返利润或特许权使用费支付费用;b.从一国到另一国,作为一种援助形式以帮助促进发展和可持续增长。许多国家在对技术转让的强度也有很大进展。)
旋转式环境可视红外仪spinning environmental visible and infrared instrument
翻 〔倒〕转upset
翻转湖沼学, 循环,特别是在秋天和春天,水层中的水面与底层水下沉混合;由于密度区别上的变化造成温度上的变化。这种循环是非常普通的,无论是冬天还是冰封。overturn The circulation, especially in the fall and spring, of the layers of water in a lake or sea, whereby surface water sinks and mixes with bottom water; it is caused by changes in density differences due to changes in temperature, and is especially common wherever lakes are icebound in winter; limnology
能源转换energy conversion The process of changing energy from one form to another (能源从某种形式转换成另一种形式的过程。)
营养物转移假说nutrient diversion hypothesis
英国设得兰岛转运油库环境小组Shetland Oil Terminal Environmental Group
贮藏物质的再转移retranslocation of reserves
转移中心mobilization centre
转移结冰translocated freezing
转运机制transfer mechanism
运转消耗指植物呼吸作用operating cost
逆转〔逆温〕层inversion layer
海面防污染空投转移系统air deliverable anti-pollution transfer system
防污染转移和贮存系统antipollution transfer and storage system