
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing 转储 | all forms
不动产转让税real estate transfer tax
不动产转让税real property transfer tax
不可转让的证券nonmarketable security
不可转让的证券nonnegotiable security
世界银行和基金组织理事会关于向发展中国家转移实际资源的部长Development Committee
世界银行和基金组织理事会关于向发展中国家转移实际资源的部长Joint Development Committee
世界银行和基金组织理事会关于向发展中国家转移实际资源的部长Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries
体制转轨贷款Systemic Transformation Facility
债务-债券转换debt-bond swap
债务-债券转换debt-bond exchange
债务-开发转换debt for development swap
债务-援助转换debt for aid swap Paris Club
债务-环境转换debt for nature swap
债务-环境转换debt for environment swap
债务-股本转换debt for equity swap
债务-股本转换debt for equity conversion
债务-股本转换debt-to-equity swap
债务-股本转换conversion of debt into equity
债务-股本转换debt-equity swap Paris Club
债务-自然保护转换debt for nature swap Paris Club
债务转换debt swap
债务转换bond swap
债务转换debt-debt swap
债务转换debt conversion Paris Club
债务转换债券debt conversion bond
债务转期短期转为长期debt funding
债务转期短期转为长期debt consolidation
债转债bond swap
债转债debt-debt swap
债转债debt swap
债转债debt conversion Paris Club
债转股debt for equity swap
债转股debt for equity conversion
债转股debt-to-equity swap
债转股conversion of debt into equity
债转股debt-equity swap Paris Club
再分配转移支付redistributional transfer payments
出售/转移股权divestiture of public enterprises
单方转移unilateral transfer
单方转移unrequited transfer
发展中和转轨国家developing and transition countries
可转换可调整的优先股convertible adjustable preferred stock
可转换的债务工具convertible debt instrument
可转移性pension transferability
可转移性pension portability
可转让提款账户NOW account
可转让提款账户negotiable order of withdrawal account
可转让的合同transferable contracts
可转让的有价证券marketable security
可转让的有价证券transferable security
可转让的有价证券negotiable security
向前转嫁forward shifting
向后转嫁backward shifting
周转余额working balance
周转信贷revolving credit
周转信贷revolving credit facility
周转货币vehicle currency
国际开发协会的贷款转赠款机制IDA buy-down mechanism
国际转口international transit
实 物转移transfer in kind
实际资源的转移transfer of real resources
应急可转债contingent convertible bonds
成本全部转移full cost pass-through
所有权转移ownership transfer
所有权转让transfer of title
技术转让transfer of technology
技术转让technology transfer
支出转换政策switching policy
支出转换政策expenditure-switching policy
政府间赠与或转移intergovernmental grants or transfers
旋转木马式欺诈法missing trader fraud
旋转木马式欺诈法carousel fraud
无偿转移unrequited transfer
有偿的经常性转移requited current transfer
服务出口国和私人转移接受国exporters of services and recipients of private transfers
期限转换maturity transformation
流动性转换liquidity transformation
流转税turnover tax
电子资金转账系统electronic funds transfer
短期资金转移shift of short-term funds
移民转移migrants' transfers
税务亏损往前结转loss carryback
税务亏损往前结转tax loss carryback
税收转嫁shifting of tax
税收转嫁shifting of tax burden tax policy
税收转嫁pass-through taxation
经常性转移current transfer
经常性转移支付/收入current transfer payments/receipts
货币转换currency conversion
购买力转移transfer of purchasing power
贷款转赠款buy-down loan
贸易转向trade diversion
资本流动的逆转reversal of capital flows
资本流动的逆转capital flow reversal
资本转移capital transfer
资本转移税taxes on capital transfers
赋税亏损结转tax loss carryforward
赋税亏损结转tax loss carryover
赋税亏损结转loss carryforward
赋税亏损结转loss carryover
转入下期carry over
转口贸易transit trade
转手买卖commodities arbitrage
转手交易switch transaction exchange market
转折 〔转坡,转向〕点turning point
转折点change point
转换曲线production possibility curve
转换曲线transformation curve
转换曲线production frontier
转换曲线production possibility boundary
转换曲线production possibility frontier
转换表bridge table
转换表conversion key
转换表correspondence table
增值税转盘式骗税missing trader fraud
增值税转盘式骗税carousel fraud
转移定价transfer pricing
转移成本transfer cost
转移支付transfer payment
转移收入transfer income
转移风险transfer risk
转船运输transshipment customs
转表bridge table
转让价格transfer pricing
转让价格transfer price
转贷pass on lending
转贷borrowing on a pass-through basis
转贷on-lending of borrowed funds
转贷安排onlending arrangement
转贷成本onlending cost
转轨国家transition economy
转轨国家country in transition
转轨国家transition country IMF country classification
转轨经济体transition economy
转轨经济体country in transition
转轨经济体transition country IMF country classification
转运税transfer tax
邮政汇划转账制度post giro
邮政汇划转账制度Giro system
邮政汇划转账制度Giro system postal
为洗钱和逃税目的频繁转账churning money laundering