
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
一次primary rolling
一次冷钢板single cold rolled steel plate
一次冷钢板single-reduced plate
一次加热roll in one heat
一火roll in one heat
七机座热带钢机组seven-stand hot steel strip train
七机架热带钢机组7-stand hot strip mill complex
七辊seven-high rolling mill
七辊冷seven-high cold rolling mill
万能universal rolling
万能universal mill
万能机轧制的齐边中厚钢板universal mill plate
万能钢梁universal beam mill (① Universal beam mills have been developed to make column sections and beams accurately and competitively. 万能钢梁轧机的研发成功可使钢柱和钢梁的生产尺寸更精确,更具有竞争力。② Between 1990 and 1992 a universal beam mill at Teesside was modernized for £ 69 million and a second continuous caster was added at Port Talbot for £ 70 million. 1990年至1992年期间,对蒂赛德厂的万能式钢梁轧机进行了现代化改造,.耗资6900万英镑;在塔尔波特港厂增建了第二台连铸机,耗资7000万英镑。)
万能凸度UC universal crown (mill) (【技】即 HC 轧机的改进型。除轧机中间辊可轴向移动外,增加了中间辊正反弯辊,从而增加了辊型的调整功能,主要用于轧制薄、硬的带钢。亦称为 UC 轧机。)
万能凸度universal crown mill
万能凸度UC mill
万能可逆式立辊universal reversing edging mill
万能可逆式粗universal reversing roughing mill
万能式universal rolling mill
万能式universal mill (【技】在水平辊一侧或两侧有一对或两对立辊的轧机。万能轧机分为钢板万能轧机和 H 型钢万能轧机。)
万能式机机座universal mill stand
万能式中厚板universal plate mill
万能式扁坯初universal slabbing mill
万能式粗universal roughing mill
万能式精universal finisher
万能式精机座universal finisher stand
万能式精机座universal finishing stand
万能式轨梁universal beam and rail mill
万能式轨梁universal structural mill
万能式钢梁universal beam mill
万能板坯初universal slabbing mill
万能板形控制UPC mill
万能板形控制universal profile control mill
万能行星式universal planetary mill
三十六辊thirty-six-high mill (【技】由我国自行设计制造并正式投人生产的一种台式多辊轧机。轧机共有 36 个轧辊,辊系排列为1-2-3-4 (1-2)-5型。机架采用四立柱开口式,可轧制的最小箔材厚度为 0.001 mm。)
三机座three-stand mill
三线式型钢棒材three-strand rod mill
三联triplet mill
三角精孔型triangular finishing pass (Y 形轧机的)
三辊three-roll mill
三辊three-high rolling mill
三辊万能式three-high universal mill
三辊劳特式中厚钢板three-high Lauth plate mill
三辊回转three-roller rotary rolling
三辊小方坯three-high billet mill
三辊式trio mill
三辊式three-high rolling mill
三辊式three-high mill (【技】分上中下三个轧辊,在轧制过程中轧辊的转动方向不变,轧件从中下辊间轧过去,再从中上辊间轧过来,进行往复轧制的轧机。)
三辊式机机座three-high mill stand
三辊式机机架three-high mill housing
三辊式机机架three-high housing
三辊式管机three-high tube-rolling mill
三辊式管机Assel elongator
三辊式中厚板three-high plate mill
三辊式中厚板机机组three-high plate mill train
三辊式中厚板机组three-high plate mill train
三辊式初three-high cogging mill
三辊式初three-high blooming mill
三辊式初机组three-high cogging train
三辊式初机组three-high blooming train
三辊式型钢three-high shape mill
三辊式型钢three-high section mill
三辊式型钢three-high jobbing mill (采用单根轧制方式的)
三辊式开坯three-high cogging mill
三辊式开坯three-high blooming mill
三辊式成组three-roll block
三辊式粗three-high roughing mill
三辊式粗机座three-high roughing stand
三辊式粗机组three-high roughing train
三辊式粗机组three-high roughing mill train
三辊式精three-high finishing mill
三辊式精机座three-high finishing stand
三辊式精机组three-high finishing train
三辊斜three-roll cross mill
三辊斜穿孔trio rotary piercing
三辊行星管机three-high planetary tube mill
三辊钢坯three-high billet mill
三辐行星planetary Schrägwalzwerk
三金属带制装置arrangement for rolling trimetallic strip
三金属带制装置arrangement for rolling tri-metallic strip
top groove
top pass
top roller
topping roll
upper roll
top roll
辊平衡top roll balance
辊平衡机构 装置top roll balancing mechanism
辊平衡机构 装置top roll balance arrangement
辊平衡机构top roll balancing mechanism
辊平衡缸top roll balance cylinder
辊弹簧式平衡装置top roll spring balance arrangement
辊液压式平衡装置top roll hydraulic balance arrangement
辊直径偏差top roll diameter variation
辊组合部件top roll assembly
辊重锤式平衡装置top roll counter weight balance arrangement
上游upstream mill
上辊不传动的二辊式jump mill
上辊不传动的二辊式叠薄板轧机jump mill
克罗莱特冷轧管机的上辊可换槽块top die
罗克莱特冷轧管机的上辊可换槽块top die
lower groove
bottom groove
lower pass
bottom pass
lower roll
辊组合部件bottom roll assembly
下传动边机underdriven vertical edger
下传动式立辊underdriven vertical edger
下游down-stream rolling mill (The new continuous strip casting technology will have a major impact on the design of the downstream rolling mills. 这种新的带钢连铸技术将对下游轧机的设计有重要影响。)
下辊制线调整bottom roll pass line adjusting
下辊可换槽块bottom die (罗克莱特冷轧管机的)
光整冷non-skin pass
不光整冷nonskin pass
不再加热的初方坯unreheated bloom
不可逆式nonreversing mill
不可逆式nonreversing rolling mill
不可逆式unidirectional mill
不可逆式八辊E-MKW mill
不对称asymmetrical rolling
不对称冷asymmetrical cold rolling
不锈钢冷cold-rolling mill for stainless steel (Much of this investment will be used to complete projects that are currently under construction, including a new galvanizing line, a cold-rolling mill for stainless steel, and the relining of a blast furnace. 这项投资的大部分将用于完成目前的在建项目,包括一条新的镀锌作业线,一台不锈钢冷轧机和一座高炉的大修。)
专业化管厂single-product tube mill
专业化钢厂specialized steel rolling plant
专用specialty rolling mill
专用special purpose rolling mill
专用speciality rolling mill
世界一流的无缝钢管worldclass seamless pipe mill
丝杆thread bar rolling mill
丝杠lead screw rolling
伊万斯带钢Evans mill
优质high-grade rolled steel
优质冷quality cold-rolled sheet (指薄板)
优质冷quality cold-rolled plate (指厚板)
优质冷cold-rolled prime
优质冷深冲薄板quality cold-rolled deep-drawn sheet
优质商品冷薄板cold-rolled commercial quality sheet
优质碳素结构钢冷薄钢板quality cold-rolled structural carbon steel sheet
优质碳素结构钢冷钢带quality cold-rolled structural carbon steel strip
会聚型三辊式管机convergent Assel mill
会聚型三辊式管机 CAP computer-aided planning 计算机辅助计划convergent Assel mill
刀具切分slit rolling with cutting tool
分类钢机classified rolling mill
切分split rolling
切分dividing rolling
切分制技术split rolling technique (【技】在热轧机上,利用特殊的轧辊孔型和导卫装置中的切分轮或者其他切分装置,将一根轧件沿纵向切成两根或两根以上轧件,进而轧制出两根或两根以上成品材的轧制技术。)
切边中厚板sheared plate mill
roll cogging
initial breakdown
cog down
half-wrought material
semi-finished product
cogged ingot
坯剪切机cogging shear
坯翻转机bloom turnover device
大方坯cogged bloom
大方坯square bloom
大方坯roughed bloom
大方坯仓库 贮存场bloom yard
大方坯仓库bloom storage
大方坯修整工段bloom conditioning department
大方坯切割器bloom cutter
大方坯切头bloom crop
大方坯切头bloom butts
大方坯剪切机bloom shear
大方坯加热炉bloom reheating furnace
大方坯加热炉bloom heating furnace
大方坯尺寸bloom size
大方坯换热式加热炉recuperative bloom reheating furnace
大方坯推出机bloom pusher
大方坯用夹头bloomery hook
大方坯用钢锭bloom ingot
大方坯用钢锭bloomed ingot
大方坯磅秤bloom scales
大方坯装料器bloom feeder
大方坯试样bloom sample
大方坯钳bloomery tongs
孔型cogging pass
孔型reducing pass
孔型bloom pass
小方坯cogged billet
-开坯联合轧机combination blooming billet mill
primary mill
cogging mill
粗轧,开坯cogging mill
blooming mill
cogging-down mill
机孔型blooming mill pass
机座breakdown mill
机座blooming stand
机座cogging stand
机座cogging-down stand
机座blooming mill stand
机机架housing of cogging mill
机机架cogging mill housing
机机架blooming mill housing
机用轴承bearing for cogging mill
机组cogging train
机组breaking-down train
机组blooming train
机轧辊cogging roll
机轧辊blooming roll
机轧辊bloom roll
机轴承bearing for blooming
板坯slab billet
板坯cogged slab
板坯bloom slab
板坯堆放场slab yard (Slabs are then hot charged into the reheat furnace or they can be taken off line and placed in a slab yard on the west side of the caster. 然后将板坯热装进加热炉,或者也可以运离生产线放人连铸机西侧的板坯库。)
板坯用钢锭slab ingot
板坯齐边压力机slab reducer
车间cogging shop
车间blooming shop
车间blooming department
车间blooming mill department
-轧坯联合轧机combination blooming billet mill
轧槽 孔型blooming groove
轧槽blooming pass
轧槽 孔型blooming pass
轧槽cogging groove
轧槽bloom pass
轧辊bloom roll
轧辊blooming roll
道次initial breakdown pass
道次cogging pass
道次blooming pass
道次bloom pass
初次压initial breakdown
包壳sheathed rolling
包壳sheath rolling
包套sheathed rolling
包套canned rolling
包层sandwich rolling
包覆clad rolling
roll in pairs (薄板的)
roll doubles (薄板的)
合尺寸制产品sized rolled product
合理制制度rational rolling schedule
合金钢alloyed steel roll
合金钢alloy steel roll
合金铸铁alloy cast iron roll
合金铸铁alloy iron roll
同主机座紧配的立辊轧边机close-coupled edger
同主机架紧配的立辊close-coupled edger
同步symmetrical rolling
后续冷工艺subsequent cold rolling process
round groove
圆形型材mill for rolling circular shapes
圆形钢材mill for rolling circular shapes
圆柱cylindrical roller
圆柱cylindrical roll
圆柱辊颈straight neck roll
圆盘形piercer disc
圆钢round steel bar
圆钢round steel rolling
圆钢round rolling
圆钢round steel rolling mill
圆钢mill for rolling circular shape
圆锥辊颈taper neck roll
备用spare roll
备用辊库存量roll inventory
复二辊式机组double two-high rolling train
复二重式double duo mill
复合composite rolling
复合sandwich rolling
复合clad rolling
复合包夹composite rolling
复合制法composite rolling method
复合制法sandwich rolling process
复合制钢材composite rolled steel product
复合duplex roll
复合composite roll
复合compound roll
复合小型compound bar mill
复合浇铸double poured roll
复合浇铸的composite casting roll
复合浇铸的冷硬铸造double-pour chill roll
复合浇铸的细晶粒double-pour grain roll
复合浇铸的铸铁double-pour cast iron roll
复合浇铸的麻口铸铁double-pour grain roll
复合铸造double-pour roll
off-gauge material
外形contour rolling
多余制设备surplus rolling facilities
多品种精密versatile precision-rolling mill
多机制的连续式轧机close continuous mill (一根轧件同时在几个机座中轧制)
多机座multistand rolling
多机座带钢multistand strip mill
多机座连续式close continuous mill
多机架multiplestand rolling mill
多机架管机multi-stand pipe mill
多机架带钢multistand strip mill
多机架连管机multistand pipe mill
多条multistrand rolling
MKW 多用途MKW mill
MKW多用途M.K.W mill
多线multiple-strand rolling
多线multistrand rolling
多线multistrand mill
多线multiple-strand mill
多线multistrand rolling mill
多线multiple-strand mill
多线冷管机multistrand cold-tube rolling mill
多线切分multislit rolling
多线切分multi slit rolling
多线式multistrand mill
多线扭转线材机机组multiple-strand twist block
多辊multiroll rolling
多辊multihigh rolling
多辊cluster mill
多辊型钢strand mill
多辊式cluster mill
多辊式multiroll mill
多道次multipass rolling
多道次限动芯棒管机multipass retained mandrel mill
小压下量knobbling (用于清除氧化皮)
小压下量制机座dummy stand
小型bar rolling mill
小型merchant bar mill
小型small rolling mill
小型merchant-bar mill
小型bar mill (【技】小型轧机:用于轧制方、圆、六角、八角钢等轧材的轧机。按机架布置分为横列式、棋盘式、半连续式、连续式等类型。)
小型机用坯bar mill feed
小型bar mill products
小型型钢merchant bar
小型merchant bar
小型冷mini cold mill
小型初small-size bloomer
小型初baby bloomer
小型型材机产品bar mill products
小型型材机用坯bar mill feed
小型型钢.small section mill
小型型钢merchant-bar mill
小型型钢merchant mill
小型型钢light section mill
小型型钢light-section mill
小型型钢机组small section mill train
小型型钢机组light section rolling train
小型型钢机组merchant mill train
小型型钢机组small-section mill train
小型或中型型钢jobbing mill
小型钢材mill for rolling light sections
小型钢材bar iron rolling mill
小型钢材机机组bar iron rolling train
小方坯billet rolling mill
小方坯billet mill (The first phase of the integrated steel plant included a blast furnace, an oxygen converter, a battery of coke ovens, a slab mill, a plate mill, a billet mill, and a hot-strip mill, and was completed in1973. 这座钢铁联合钢厂的一期工程包括一座高炉、一座氧气转炉、一组焦炉、一台板坯轧机、一台中厚板轧机、一台小方坯轧机和一台带钢热轧机,于1973年完工。)
小方坯机组billet rolling train
小方坯机组billet mill train
小方坯billet roll
尖角方扁钢平-立交替可逆式H-V reversing mill for flat bar with sharp corners
布棋式机组staggered rolling train
cut groove
温度incipient rolling temperature (【技】在轧钢生产中轧件轧制第一道时的温度。开轧温度过高或过低都会影响钢材质量和轧制过程。)
开口式open-top mill
开口梁形live beam pass
开口粗孔型open roughing pass
开坯breakdown rolling
开坯mill for rolling break-down
开坯breakdown mill
开坯cogging mill
开坯big mill
开坯机发动机cogging engine
开坯机组breaking-down train
开坯机组cogging train
开坯机组breakdown train
开坯机组breakdown mill train
开坯blooming pass
开坯bloom pass
开坯knobbling rolls
开坯reducing rolls
开坯breakdown roll
开坯pressure roll
开坯breaking-down roll
开坯-初blooming mill
开坯机cogging roll
开坯机getting-down roll
开坯机cogging-down roll
开坯机座getting-down roll
开坯机座breakdown roll
开拯breakdown mill
异型shape mill
异型shaped rolled metal product
异型profiled rolled product
异型材shape rolling
异型材shaped section mill
异型线材profile wire rolling mill
异型钢材profiled roll
异形shape mill
异形groove-rolled bar
异形初shaped bloom
异形初大方坯shaped bloom
异径辊rolling with different diameter rolls
异步cross shear rolling
异步rolling with different roll speeds
异步asynchronous rolling (【技】不对称轧制的一种。利用上下轧辊线速度差来改变变形区中的变形条件,使板材在压缩变形的同时产生较强的剪切变形。)
异步冷asymmetrical cold rolling
异痣钢材profiled roll
异速rolling with different roll speeds
CSP 式CSP mill
1-2-3-4 式二十辊1-2-3-4 rolling mill
式二十辊1-2-3-4 mill 1-2-34
1-2 式六辊1-2 mill
1-2 式六辊1-2 rolling mill
1-2式六辊1-2 mill
1-2-3 式十二辊1-2-3 mill
1-2-3式十二辊1-2-3 mill
1-2-3-4 式廿辊1-2-3-4 mill
弗罗林小弹性变形Fröhling low-expansion mill
成内斜的reentrant groove
成卷coil rolling
成品finishing mill
成品finished steel mill products
成品finished rolled steel products (Finished rolled steel products are classified according to the shape of their cross-sections as: section product, flat product, tube, and wire rod. 依据断面形状,轧制钢材可分为:型钢、扁平材、管材和线材。)
成品finished rolled products
交货成品材标准长度commercial stock length
成品材的标准交货长度commercial stock length
成品finishing roll
成品polishing roller
成品finished roll
成品polishing roll
横列式轧机成品前预精轧机座的pony rolls
成品前预精轧机座的leader rolls
成品前机座的leader rolls (横列式轧机的)
成品前机架的pony rolls (横列式轧机的)
成品前预精机座leader stand
成型shaping mill
成套set of rolls
成对交叉PC mill
成对交叉pair cross mill
成对合pair rolling
成形forming rolling machine
成形forming rolling mill
成形forming mill
成形forming roll (The tubemaking process begins with coils of steel strip which are fed automatically through a series of forming rolls which gradually curl the flat strip into a tube shape. 这种制管法首先将带钢卷自动喂人一系列成形辊,由成形辊将平整的带钢逐渐弯曲成管状。)
成组机生产线block mill line
成组式粗roughing monoblock
成组式粗roughing block
shear rolling
cross shear rolling
最低可厚度lower thickness limit in rolling
最大允许单位面积制力maximum permissible specific rolling force
最小可厚度minimum thickness for rolling
最小可厚度minimum gauge in rolling
最高硬度冷钢板full hard temper
最高硬度的冷薄钢板hard temper (sheet)
最高硬度的冷钢板full hard temper
最高硬度的冷钢板hard temper
有槽轧辊rolling with grooved roll
有槽shaped roll
有槽profiled roll
有槽grooved roll
有色金属non-ferrous rolling
有色金属制车间non-ferrous rolling plant
有色金属rolled non-ferrous metal
有色金属non-ferrous mill products
有限冷硬definite chill roll
标称精速度nominal finishing speed
洛德式Lord mill (两个工作辊的中心线不在同一垂直面上)
焊管坯skelp mill
焊管坯斜边成形scarfing roll
ball rolling
球墨铸铁spheroidal graphite roll
球墨铸铁nodular iron roll
球墨铸铁nodular-iron roll
球墨铸铁ductile iron roll
理想制过程simple rolling process
理论制模型theoretical rolling model
砂型铸造sand roll
砂型铸铁grain roll
砂模铸造sand roll
程序控制自动automatic program-controlled rolling mill
程序控制自动automatic card-programmed rolling mill
程控自动automatic card-programmed rolling mill
老式premodernization mill
老式old-style mill
考克斯Kocks mill
耐热钢冷cold-rolling mill for heat-resistant steel
耐磨attrition-resistant roll
蘑菇形辊穿孔机rotary-rolling mill
蘑菇形辊管材扩径机rotary-rolling mill
调整辊位置roll setup
调整辊位置roll setting
退火后光整冷的薄板skin-passed temper
退火的annealed rolled product
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