
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
卷材cold rolled coil
/热轧cold rolled/hot rolled
cold rolls
退火钢cold-rolled close annealed (steel)
卖空空头指卖空者抢购期货以冲销原订卖空合同short squeeze
多头long squeeze
多头long squeeze
差额square position
带材热hot strip mill
收支in balance
期末end-of-period cutoff
平账册unmatched book
平远期外汇买进头寸unmatched forward purchase position
平远期外汇卖出头寸unmatched forward sale position
rolling mill
卷材hot rolled coil
多头即迫使多头忍痛抛卖squeezing bulls
即期货交易的冲销evening up
平交易round turn
平利率差异covered interest differential
平头寸cover the position
平套利交易covered interest arbitrage
平账matched book
票机ticket chopper
空头bear squeeze
空头short squeeze
空头即迫使卖空者高价补进squeeze the shorts
空头榨取卖方,迫使减缩bear squeeze
进头寸take position
钢厂steel plant
钢工人mill operator
钢机日历作业率calendar operating rate of rolling mills
连续制法continuous rolling method
连续制过程continuous rolling process
钢条捆steel strapping