
Terms for subject Automobiles containing 车工 | all forms | in specified order only
上海汽车工集团总公司Shanghai Auto Industry Corporation (Group)
中国上海汽车工业总公司Shanghai Automobile Industry Corporation
中国汽车工业公司China Automotive Industrial Corporation
中国汽车工程师学会Society of Automobile Engineers of China
保温防腐工程车heat preservation and antisepsis engineering vehicle
修理工程服务motorlorry workshop
修理工程车workshop truck
修理工程车workshop lorry
修理工程车tool truck
修理工程车tool and gear truck
修理工程车tool and gear carlorry
售后服务修理工程车service car
修理工程车repairing truck
日•丰田关东汽车工业公司Kanto Auto Works, Ltd
加工凸轮轴的仿形车床jig lathe
加拿大汽车工业公司Canadian Motor Industries, Ltd.
加拿大汽车工业协会Automotive Industries Association of Canada
勘测工程车recording car
化工品挂车chemicals handling trailer
化工液体运输车chemical liquid tanker
北京汽车工业公司Beijing Automotive Industry Holding Company
厢式修理工程车machine-shop van
双向行驶的工业用车bidirectional vehicle industrial
双工作人员客车指有乘务员客车two-men operation bus
法语 国际汽车工程师协会联合会本部在巴黎,隔年召开成果发布会Fédé ration International des Sociétés D'Ingénieurs des Techniques L'Automobile
国际汽车碰撞修理工业代表会议International Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair
国际汽车贸易和修理工程组织International Organization for Motor Trades and Repairs
发动机在经常性的反复停车和起步工况下的燃油经济性例如在市区行驶的条件下stop-start economy
城市客行驶city bus cycle
赛车手制造厂车手factory driver
工业车辆industrial motor vehicle
工业车辆industrial vehicle
工业车辆industrial truck
工业车辆注册industrial vehicle registrations
工厂工作维护works car
工作车日working vehicle-day
工具修理工程挂车tool and gear trailer
工具检修tool car
货车工具车implement lorry
工具车tool trolley
工具车tool cart
工具车rolling cart
工具车tool and gear truck
工具车tool and gear carlorry
工具车implement car
工具车床tool lathe
工厂内部修理车间jobbing plant
工厂拉力赛车works rallye car
竞赛摩托车工厂摩托车works motorcycle
工厂赛竞赛摩托works racer
工厂赛车works racing car
车赛工厂赛车队works team
工地用货车construction-site truck
工地用货车construction-site lorry
工地货车building-site truck
工矿自卸车这种车辆最大总质量和最大轴载质量超过公路桥荷载,只能在专用路上行驶heavy-duty dump truck
工程救助rescue truck
工程救助rescue lorry
工程救援salvage lorry
工程机械运输车construction machinery transporter
工程沙漠车mobile work vehicle off-road for desert
工程车mobile work shop
工程车mobile repair shop
工程车辆engineer vehicle
建筑工地辅助运输车辆construction assistance vehicle
车辆成套随车工tool kit
车辆成套随车工supplementary tool set
车辆成套随车工tool set
车辆成套随车工supplementary tool kitset
牵引车车工作状态运行情况trailer operation
按美国汽车工程师学会标准测定的SAE功率马力Society of Automotive Engineers horsepower
施工现场货车construction-site truck
施工现场货车construction-site lorry
施工现场车辆construction-site vehicle
施工用自卸车construction dump truck
无损检测工程车mobile nondestructive testing laboratory
日本工业车辆协会Japan Industrial Vehicles Association
日本工业车辆协会标准Japan Industrial Vehicles Association Standard
日本汽车工业联合会Japan Motor Industrial Federation
日本汽车工业联合会Japanese Motor Industrial Federation, Inc.
日本汽车工程师学会Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc.
日本汽车工程师学会Japanese Society of Automotive Engineers/Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan
日本汽车工程师学会 SAE/NET按SAE 规定的净功率,转矩等Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc.
日本汽车用品工业协会Japan Motor Articles Industry Association
日本汽车车身工业协会Japan Auto-Body Industrial Association
日本汽车零部件工业协会Japan Auto-Parts Industries Association
日本汽车零部件工业协会Japan Auto Parts Industries Association
日本车轮工业公司Japan Motor Wheel Company
更换活顶乘用车顶篷的工厂chop shop
机动工业车辆powered industrial truck
机动车汽车拆卸工motor-vehicle dismantler
环保署的机动车辆污染源调查工作部Manufacturers Operation Division
机械加工车间machine shop
车工automotive industries
车工产,行automobile industry
车工motorcar industry
车工motor industry
《汽车工业》月刊Automotive Industry
车工业公路安全委员会Auto Industries Highway Safety Committee
德语 车工业协会Verband der Automobilindustrie
德语车工业协会Verband der Automobil industrie
车工业执行组Automotive Industry Action Group
车工业研究协会Motor Industry Research Association
车工业联合会Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries
车工业联合会Automotive Industries Association
法语欧洲经济共同体车工业联合委员会Comite des Liaison des Constructeurs Automobiles
车工业通讯英国杂志Auto Industry Newsletter
车工业部department of automotive
车工作不良car sickness
车工作能力working ability of vehicle
车工car tool
车工automotive tool
车工automobile engineering
车工motor-vehicle engineering
车工Automotive Engineering
车工程学automotive engineering
车工程学会Society of Automotive Engineers
车工程学会Institute for Automotive Engineering
车工程师automobile engineer
车工程师motor-vehicle engineer
车工程师Automotive Engineer
车工程师专业资格认证automotive engineer registered
车工程师学会The Institution of Automobile Engineers
法语车工程师学会Societe des Ingenieurs de I'Automobile
车工程师学会Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
车工程师学会Association of Institutes of Automobile Engineers
发动机车工程师学会SAE制动功率马力SAE bhp
车工程师学会委员会SAE Council
车工程师学会手册SAE handbook
车工程师联合学会Incorporated Institution of Automobile Engineers
车工程杂志The Journal of Automotive Engineering
车工程杂志Journal Automotive Engineering
车工motor-vehicle technology
车工生产技术automobile technology
汽车修理工car mechanic
汽车修理工技师car mechanic/auto-repairmanmotor mechanic
汽车修理工技师automobile mechanic
汽车发动机翻新工作者协会Automotive Engine Rebuilders Association
汽车手工具及工具箱行业协会Hand-Tools Institute
汽车技工motor-vehicle mechanic
汽车技工motorcar mechanic
汽车抢修工具first aid motor transport outfit
汽车机械工程师学会Institute of Automotive Mechanical Engineers
汽车油漆工car painter
汽车电工电气技师auto electrician
汽车维修工技术员automotive technician
汽车维修工具instrument of vehicle maintenance and repair
汽车维修工程有限公司Auto maintenance engineering Co. Ltd
汽车维修竣工辆次number of vehicle being received from maintenance or repair
汽车设计工程技术automobile automotive design engineering
汽车配套协作件供应工业automobile supplier industry
汽车零件修复工作者协会Automotive Parts Rebuilders Association
注册汽车工程师chartered automobile engineer
注册汽车工程师Chartered Automobile Engineer
车工car wash operator
测量工程车measuring engineering vehicle
润滑油净化工程车lube purity engineering vehicle
澳大利亚汽车工业公司Australian Motor Industries Corp.
焊接工程车mobile welding workshop
物探工程车matter exploration engineering vehicle
现场汽车工程师site automotive engineer
用于良好工作条件的车辆light-duty vehicle
电信工程车telecommunication field service truck
电力工程车electric engineering vehicle
经全美学会认证的汽车维修工程师National Institute Automotive Service Engineer
维护工程车maintenance truckvehicle
美国汽车工程师协会Association of Institutes of Automobile Engineers
美国汽车工程师学会SAE净制动功率SAE net bhp
美国汽车工程师学会标准的标称额定功率马力horse power SAE
货车技工机械师truck mechanic
车用工作液automotive fluid
车窗玻璃安装工具glazing tool
车窗玻璃拆卸工具glazing removal tool
车身作业工具body tool
车身作业工具bodywork tool
车身工程师body engineer
车身校正工具body bumping tool
车身钣金工body knocker
制恸器车轮工作缸制动分泵wheel slave cylinder
车轮平衡重工具wheel-weight tool
车辆随车工具vehicle tool
车辆制造工艺vehicle technology
车辆修理工vehicle mechanic
车辆修理工技师vehicle mechanic
客车车门开闭工作缸door cylinder
客车车门关闭工作缸door closing cylinder
客车车门开闭工作缸door operating cylinder
客车车门开闭工作缸door opening cylinder
车门铰链销拆卸工具拉器door-pin remover
车间内装运工具等的小车rolling cart
车间分工明细表workshop specification sheets
车间工作作业shop work
车间工作台workshop table
车间工作图workshop drawing
车间工作室点,场workshop box
车间工具garage tool
运送工人的挂车labor carrier
野战现场,野外,流动修理工程车field repair-shop truck
锻工车间smith's shop
标准standard tool
维修basic service tool
车工tool equipment
车工具套装driver's tool set
韩国汽车工程师学会Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
驻车制动器正工作parking-brake on