
Terms for subject Gymnastics containing 身体 | all forms | in specified order only
侧手翻向内转体90° 后手翻接团身后空翻cartwheel round-off ¹⁄₄ turn with backward spring to backward somersaukt tucked
侧手翻向内转体90° 接团身后空翻cartwheel round-off ¹⁄₄ turn to backward somersault tucked
俄式挺身转体Russian wendeswing
先直体后团身的后空翻delayed tucked somersault backward
分腿坐转体180° 挺身下straddle leg sitting with ¹⁄₂ turn to forward dismount
向后跳起转体团身前空翻tucked Arabian
团身后空翻 3 周转体360° 下back in back out
团身后空翻 3 周转体360° 旋下triple salto backward tucked with full turn
团身后空翻 3 周转体360° 旋下full in-back out
团身后空翻3周转体360° 旋下full twisting double flyaway
#子翻身转体illusion turn
屈体立撑向后向前回环挺身跳下stoop circle dismount backward (forward)
挺身后空翻转体180° 接前空翻jump backward ¹⁄₂ turn to forward somersault
挺身摆越转体180° 成支撑两手同时握Swiss double
杠外正撑后摆挺身摆越转体90° 成支撑front vault to forward swing
翻上成支撑并沿身体纵轴转体360° 跳下felge forward to support and ¹⁄₁ turn around longitudinal axis of body to dismount
腾身回环接屈体下free hip circle backward to stoop dismount
跺子转体团身前空翻 1³⁄₄ 接前滚翻back roll 1 % salto with half turn to forward
跺子转体团身前空翻630° 接前滚翻back 1³⁄₄ salto with half turn to forward roll
身体下落成支撑lower the body to support
身体下落成支撑lowering the body to support
身体侧向波浪body waves sideward
身体前波浪body wave
身体姿势body posture
身体平转whole body twists horizontally
身体方位body dimension
身体水平绕环full horizontal circle of torso
身体滚动body roll
身体素质physical quality
身体素质body heredity
身体素质练习conditioning exercise
身体练习body exercise
身体重心centre of body weight
鹞子翻身转体illusion turn