
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
中国桥工程公司China Road and Bridge Engineering Company
信息交流线communication line
修建这条公包括建造几座桥梁Building this road will involve the construction of several bridges
修建铁construct a railroad
与铁路联运highway and railway coordinated transport
卡车运输终点站truck terminal
等级types of road (指全天候公路 (all weather road)、碎石公路 (macadam road)、泥路 (dirt road))
货运业rhe road haulage industry
货运量volume of road haulage
车辆运输的货物goods by road vehicles
运输transports routiers
运输highway transport
兹确认我方七月二十日电报实盘,1,000公吨花生,1993 年产大We confirm our firm offer by cable of the 20th July regarding 1,000 M/T peanuts F.A.Q. 1993 crop
road toll
road maintenance costs
road maintenance costs
冷藏铁货车refrigerated van
国际Transports Internationaux Routiers
国际运公约Transport International Routier Convention
国际运公约TIR Convention
国际运放行证TIR Carnet
国际铁货物运送公约International Convention Concerning the Carriage of Goods By Rail
法语亦缩为 e/ren route
塞浦斯镑Cyprus Pound (符号为 £ C., 国际代码 CYP)
商品article of average quality
宣浦斯镑Cyprus Pound
得克萨斯-墨西哥铁公司Texas Mexican Railway Company
我方想了解你方是否可以为这一商品找到销We'd like to know whether you can find outlets for this commodity
sweeping machine
投标承建一条新的铁tender for construction of a new railway
拓宽销broaden the sales market
无销sale resistance
暴风雪使铁中断A severe snowstorm blocked up railroads
有销产品salable products
有销merchantable (a.)
横贯大陆铁trans-continental railway
此项商品销很好There is a good market for this article
运输与铁路water and rail
运输waterway transportation
运输海洋与铁ocean and rail
海洋与铁运输ocean and rail
电报线telegraph line
给予修筑铁的特许权grant a concession for the construction of a railway
缅甸铁公司Burma Railways Corporation
苏伊士运河航Suez Canal route
"英雄"号轮承运的货2免于困难cargoes afloat per SS Hero
货物已交铁托运The goods have been consigned by rail
货物已交铁运送the goods have been consigned by rail
货物销很畅These goods are in large demand
贸易线trade route (指航路 (shipping route))
跟单信用证短short-circuiting of documentary credit
径管理pathway management
cargo stock
货销售sale afloat
货销售sales afloat
边小吃店对车内顾客的服务curb service
运免检通关卡transport internationale routier carnet
Reuter (通讯社)
透社商品价格指数Reuter's commodity index
透社商品价格指数Reuter's index of commodity
运行线travel line
运输线transport route
这一商品仅有很窄的销There is only a narrow outlet for this article
进出运输道haul road
美国桥梁通行税toll through
亦缩为 rlyrailway
与汽车联运rail and truck
与港口railways and harbours
与湖泊联运rail and lake
与运河运输rail and canal
交货价ex rail
交货价格ex rail
交货条件on rail
已竣工The railway has been brought to completion
托运单railway note (指铁路运货收据(railway receipt))
托运单railway consignment note (指铁路运货收据(railway receipt))
提货单railroad bill of lading
,湖泊,铁路rail, lake and rail
装车量loading of freight wagons
货物通知书railway advice
货车交货free in wagon
货运量volume of goods moved by rail
载马货车horse box
运费率rail rates
运输rail transportation
运输与海运rail and ocean
运输能力rail freight capacity
运输能力rail carrying capacity
通车英里里程rail mileage open to traffic
美国邮政railway Mail Service
邮政业务railway mail service
长途运输long hauls by rail
集装箱平车containers-on-flat car
长距离铁运输long hauls by rail
共同地点overland common point
共同地点运费率OCP rate
集装箱铁平板车container-on-flat car
高速公碰撞collision on highway