
Terms for subject Computer networks containing | all forms
三层网络环three layers network loop
uplink state flag上行链状态标记USF
不相交径网络disjoint path network
专用集成电application specific intergrated circuit
中继器间光纤链fiber optic interrepeater link
中间由器intermediate router
中间由网络intermediate routing network
中间系统由交换协议Intermediate system routing exchange protocol
临时逻辑链标识temporary logical link identification
临时链层识别temporary link layer identity
临时链级识别temporary link level identity
主动由协议active routing protocol
主动由选择算法active routing algorithm
主机host route
主虚拟电master virtual circuit
二层网络环second layer network loop
互联网数字用户线internet digital subscriber line
互联网网关由协议Internet gateway routing protocol
交互会话由选择interactive session routing
交互会话由选择intermediate session routing
交换数据链exchange data link
交换链内协议interior switching link
传输径损耗transmission path loss
信令由网络管理器signaling route network manager
信令由设置测试signaling route set test
信令信息signaling message route
信令数据链signaling data link level
信令链测试signaling link test
信令链测试控制signaling link test control
信令链测试消息signaling link test message
信令链消息处理器signaling link message handler
信道化的 El线channelized El
D 信道链访问规程link access procedure-D
候选电交换话音与电路交换数据alternate circuit-switched voice/circuit-switched data (CSV/CSD)
先验式由选择proactive routing
交换optical circuit switching
自动切换optical path automatic switching
光分optical splitter
光子时隙由选择photonic slot routing
光纤多分解器无源fiber optic demultiplexer passive
光纤多分解器有源fiber optic demultiplexer active
光纤环复用器fiber optic loop multiplexer
由广播帧all routes broadcast frame
由探测数据包all routes explorer packet
共享风险链shared risk link group
内部网关由协议internal gateway routing protocol
分层由树hierarchical routing tree
分层光hierarchical optical routing
分层状态hierarchical state routing
分层组播hierarchical multicast routing
分层网络hierarchical networks routing
分布式由选择distributed routing
分布式层次distributed hierarchical routing
分布式弹性distributed resilient routing
分布式正交distributed orthogonal routing
分布式确定由算法distributed deterministic routing algorithm
分布式组播distributed multicast routing
分级卫星由协议hierarchical satellite routing protocol
分组由选择packet routing
分组由选择地址packet routing address
分组无线网络由选择策略routing strategies of packet radio network
动态由变换dynamic route switching
动态由和波长分配dynamic routing and wavelength assignment
动态 IP 由查找dynamic IP routing lookup
动态交换链内协议dynamic interior switching link
动态信道分配dynamic channel assignment routing
动态分级网络由选择dynamic hierarchical network routing
动态备选dynamic alternate routing
动态广播环组播由协议dynamic broadcast ring multicast routing protocol
动态最优dynamic optimum route
动态最优由诱导dynamic optimal route guidance
动态源由协议dynamic source routing protocol
动态源由策略dynamic source routing strategy
动态源由选择dynamic source routing
动态自适应dynamic adaptive routing
区域内由器internal router
区域间Inter-area path
区域间inter-area route
匿名anonymous routing
匿名由协议anonymous routing protocol
单_non-bifurcated routing
单播逆向径转发unicast reverse path forward
单线数字用户线single-line digital subscriber line
单臂single arm routing
单臂由器router on a stick
双栈由器dual-stack router
反应式reactive routing
same way
后备backup path
后备虚拟backup virtual path
固定备选由选择fixed alternate routing
地址簇边界由器address family border router
2 型逻辑链控制模式logical link control type 2
3 型逻辑链控制模式logical link control type 3
1 型逻辑链控制模式logical link control type 1
域间inter-domain route
域间由优化Inter-domain route optimization
域间由系统inter-domain route system
域间由选择协议inter-domain routing protocol
基于事务的由选择transaction-based routing
AppleTalk 基于更新的由选择协议AppleTalk update-based routing protocol
基于流量由选择flow-based routing
基于用户的完美调度多访问user-dependent perfect-scheduling multiple access
基于用户的完美调度多访问协议user-dependent perfect-scheduling multiple access protocol
基于聚集由 IP交换方式aggregate route-based IP switching
基于转发意愿的簇内多跳由算法inner cluster multiple-hop routing algorithm
备份逆向backup reverse path
外部径控制peripheral path control
外部由协议external routing protocol
外部由汇总external route summarization
外部链状态表external link state table
分解检测demultiplexing detection
复用器multiplexing device
径路由multiple path routing
径路由树multiple path routing tree
无线路由multiple wireless router
多 QoS multiple QoS routing
多业务由器multi-service router
多信道multi-channel routing
多协议由器Netware multiprotocol router NetWare
多协议由选择multiprotocol routing
多约束 QoS 多播multiple constrained QoS multicast routing
多约束由选择multiple constrained routing selection
多组播multiple multicast routing
多重子网multiple subnet routing
多链操作multilink operation
多链网络multilink network
子区域链subarea link
客户端策略client strategy routing
容错由算法fault tolerant routing algorithm
容错由选择fault tolerant routing
容错平衡leveled fault tolerant routing
宽带由器broadband router
宽带数字环运营商broadband digital loop carrier
宽带无线本地环broadband wireless local loop
局间链inter exchange link
屏蔽由器screening router
平衡由选择balanced routing
平衡链访问规程link access procedure-balanced
平衡链访问规程帧格式LAP-B frame format
并行容错由算法parallel fault tolerant routing algorithm
并行扩充parallel extended route
广播多复用模拟组件broadcast multiplexed analog component
广播多接入broadcast multiple access
广播容错由算法broadcast fault tolerant routing algorithm
应用层application layer routing
开放数据链接口 /网络驱动接口规范的支持open data-link interface/ network driver interface specification support
开放数据链接口/网络驱动接口规范的支持open data-link interface/ network driver interface specification support
开放最短径优先open shortest path first
开放最短径优先内部网关协议open shortest path first interior gateway protocol
快速以太网交换机间链fast Ethernet switch link
扩散式搜索由选择flood search routing
拓扑和由服务topology and routing service
持续载波监听多访问persistent CSMA
按需组播由协议on demand multicast routing protocol
按需距离向量由选择Ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing
接入径独立性access path independence
接入链控制应用部分access link control application part
插接瓣旁lobe bypass
数字无线本地环digital wireless local loop
数字用户线接入复用器DSL access multiplexer
数据电终端设备data circuit terminating equipment
数据电终端设备等待data circuit terminating equipment DCE waiting
数据链层信息包data link layer packet
数据链层协议data link layer protocol
数据链层协议规范data link layer protocol specification
数据链层拓扑发现data link layer topology discovery
数据链层服务data link layer service
数据链控制类型data link control type
文件传输file transmission path
设备bypass device
无类classless routing
无类由协议classless routing protocol
无类域间classless inter-domain routing
无类域间由表classless inter-domain routing list
无线由器Wi-Fi router
无线由器阵列wireless router array
无线数字本地环wireless digital local loop
无线本地环单元wireless local loop unit
无线网状由器wireless mesh router
无线链radio link
无线链radio link set
显式由压缩explicit route compression
显式由表explicit route table
替换alternate route
替换由模式alternate route pattern
替换线alternative line
最优径选择optimum routing selection
最优由算法optimum routing algorithm
最短径优先路由选择shortest path first SPF routing
最轻由选择least-weight route
有类由协议classful routing protocol
服务类型由选择type of service routing
本地聊天链访问协议local-talk link access protocol
本地通信链local communication link
本地链local link
本地链状态信息local link status information
标签交换label switch path
次优由算法sub-optimum routing algorithm
永久虚拟permanent virtual path
泛洪由选择flooding routing
波长由交换wavelength routing switching
波长由光网络wavelength routing optical network
波长由器wavelength router
洋葱onion routing
活动信号链active signalling link
活动备用链active backup link
浮动静态floating static route
混合由模型hybrid routing model
混合由算法hybrid routing algorithm
混合式由选择hybrid routing
混合式由选择协议hybrid routing protocols
混合通信hybrid communication routine
source route
由交换source route switching
由向量source route vector
由算法source route algorithm
由翻译桥接source routing translational bridging
由翻译桥接source route switching bridging
由透明source routing transparent
源地址由选择source address routing
物理数据链physical data link layer
物理数据链网络层physical data link network layer
1率持续载波监听多访问1-persistent CSMA
p 率持续载波监听多访问p-persistent CSMA
传输loop transmission
连线集中器loop wiring concentrator
理想由算法ideal routing algorithm
用户控制重配置/重由选择customer controlled reconfiguration/ rerouting
交换数字网络circuit switched digital network
交换网关circuit switched gateway
交换语音circuit-switched voice
circuit group
电缆通cable path
电缆链cable link
目的地址由选择destination address routing
相邻由器neighboring router
私有仲裁环private arbitrated loop
穷举由搜索exhaustive route search
空间数据链协议space data link protocol
空间通信链space communication link
空间链设计计算space link design algorithm
空间链识别符space link identifiers
等价多径路由equal cost multipath routing
简单的交换网simple switched network
簇链接口cluster link interface
系统服务控制点重选SSCP rerouting
组播由信息库multicast routing information base
组播由协议multicast routing protocol
组播由安全multicast routing security
组播由树multicast routing tree
组播开放最短径优先multicast open shortest path first
组播服务multicast service routing
组播约束multicast constrainted routing
统一链层管理协议consolidated lin layer management
统计时分多复用statistical time-division multiplexing
维内由选择intradimensional routing
维间由选择inter-dimensional routing
综合业务线单元integrated service line unit
编码感知多径路由协议coding aware multi path routing protocol
协议引擎network protocol engine
标题广告network banner advertising
渗透测试network penetration test
规划network planning
网络network route
网络由控制network route control
网络数据链控制network data link control
网络连接链network connection link
网络链传输控制network link transfer control
网络链容量network link capacities
网络链控制器network link controller
网络链测试network link test
网络隔离电network isolation circuit
群首网关交换由协议clusterhead gateway switch routing
自动径生成automatic path generation
自动径管理automatic path management
自动光切换保护automatic optical-path switching protection
自动转接替换由选择automatic alternate routing
自动配置链聚合automatic configuration link aggregation
自动链保持automatic link maintenance
自动链建立协议automatic link establishment protocol
自适应分布式聚簇由协议adaptive distributed clustering routing
自适应动态由算法adaptive dynamic routing algorithm
自适应多径由协议adaptive multipath routing protocol
自适应容错adaptive fault tolerant routing
色分多复用color division multiplexing
节点内由选择intranode routing
节点间由选择internode routing
虚拟径连接标志符virtual path connection identifier
虚拟由器virtual router
虚拟由器冗余协议组管理协议VRRP group management protocol
虚拟由调步响应virtual route pacing response
虚拟专用由网virtual private routed network
虚拟无线由器virtual Wi-Fi router
虚拟电拥塞控制virtual circuit congestion control
虚拟电描述符virtual circuit descriptor
虚拟电编号virtual circuit number
虚拟电调步virtual circuit pacing
虚拟电连接virtual circuit connection
虚拟虚探virtual cut through
表驱动table-driven routing
认证服务器抽象数据链abstract data link layer
贝尔曼-福特距离向量由选择算法Bellman-Ford distance-vector routing algorithm
资源由选择resource routing
距离向量由选择distance vector routing
距离向量组播由协议distance vector multicast routing protocol
跟踪trace router
径不对称性path asymmetric
径产生方法path generation method
径最大传输单元发现path maximum transmission unit PMTU discovery
径标记path flag
径独立协议path independent protocol
径选择delta routing
由交换route switching
由交换子系统route switching subsystem
由全忙all routes busy
由和波长分配算法routing and wavelength assignment algorithm
由器发现router discovery
由器请求router solicitation
由器通告router advertisement
PNNI 由控制通道PNNI routing control channel
由更新包route update packet
由权重route weight
由检验器routing qualifier
由转发策略route switching policy
δ由选择Delta routing
由选择域符routing domain identifier
由选择服务route selection service
由问题routing problem
由间交换inter-route switching
由限制routing restriction
载波监听多访问/冲突避免carrier sense multiple access/collision avoid
输出通outbound path
边界由器标记border router marking
边缘业务由器edge service router
边缘媒体由器edge media router
边缘接入由器edge access router
运营商边界网关由器operator border gateway router
选择泛洪selective flooding routing
选播由器anycast router
透明数据链transparent data link
增益path gain
path frame
无关插入损耗path independent insertion loss
端点path end point
衰减器path attenuation device
通信communication route
通信由表communication routing table
通信多复用信道communication multiplexer channel
通用非对称数字用户线usual asymmetric digital subscriber line
逻辑数logical data link
逻辑通信链logical communication link
逻辑链标识logical link identification
部分 T3电业务fractional T3 service
部分 T3 电业务fractional T3 service
部分 T1电业务fractional T1service
部分 T1 电业务fractional T1 service
部分响应线partial response line code
二级link level 2
层发现协议link layer discovery protocol
报头link header
数据信道link data channel (WC)
NetWare 链服务协议NetWare link service protocol
本地单播地址link local unicast address
状态link state
状态数据库link state database
状态路由协议link state routing protocol
负载link load
负载均衡link load balance
负载均衡器link load balancer
质量感知link-quality aware
质量指示link quality indicator
资源link resource
资源管理器link resource manager
连接子系统管理器link connection subsystem mana^r
限定式逻辑链控制分组装拆设备qualified logical link control packet assembler disassembler
随机多存取通信random multiple access communication
随机游走由选择random walk routing
集中式由选择centralized routing
集群由指示符collective routing indicator
集群由选择collective routing
静态由和波长分配static routing and wavelength assignment
静态默认static default route
非对称数字用户环asymmetric digital subscriber loop
非对称数字用户环asynchronous digital subscriber loop
非广播多访问non-broadcast multiple access
非广播多访问地址解析协议NBMA address resolution protocol
非持续载波监听多访问non-persistent CSMA
非源由选择non-source routed
面向字节的串行链链接byte oriented serial link
饱和saturated path
首跳由器first hop router
高级对等联网中间由选择APPN intermediate routing
高级数据链控制分组装/拆设备high-level data link control packet assembler/ disassembler
高速缓存阵列由选择协议cache array routing protocol
黑洞black hole router
默认由配置default route configuration