
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一般国动态财产价值international general property value on dynamism
上流或流担保upstream or cross-stream guaranty
买人式组合long straddle
买进call calender spread
交易trading spread
会计期所得税当期计列制flow through basis
会计期所得税当期计列方法flow through method
发展地区跨行业的企业集团develop trans-regional and inter-trade enterprise groups
外国投资国公司foreign investment transnational company
多头期交易bull straddle
多头期组合long straddle
多头宽式套利long strangle
多系统国交易multi-systems and cross-country trading
式权证strangle warrant
式组合期权strangle options
抵补期组合covered straddle
控制的span of control
欧式价认股权证call spread warrant
比率期价差ratio calendar spread
比率期组合ratio calendar combination
看跌期差价put calendar spread
空头宽式套利short strangle
美国国公司股票US multinational stocks
认沽期权put spread
质量期差额quality spread differential
产品套期保值能源期货crack hedge spread
multiple positions
价交易strike spread
价交易price spread
价吃进call spread
价衍生权证call spread derivative warrant
企业、跨行业、跨地区投资make transenterprise, transsectoral and transregional investment
合约套利intercontract spreads
国上市multinational listing
国交易cross-country trading
国交易所集团multinational exchange conglomerate
国企业world enterprises
国企业集团international conglomerate
国保理业务cross border factoring
国信息披露及会计事宜的第1号工作小组国际证监会组织Working Party 1 on Multinational Disclosure and Accounting IOSCO
国信用评级supernational credit-rating
国全球投资cross-border global investment
国公司world enterprises
国公司multinational company/corporation
国回报率multinational rates of return
国并购cross-country M&A
国清算multinational netting
国货币互换交易cross-currency swap
国货币利率互换cross-currency interest rate swap
国货币封顶cross-currency cap
国货币清算风险cross-currency settlement risk
国货币风险cross-currency exposure
国重组multinational restructuring
国金融公司Edge Act corporation
国风险保险multinational peril insurance
境上市指上市公司同时在境内外证券市场挂牌上市cross-border listing
境代理账款业务cross border factoring
境债券cross border bonds
境多重上市mutual cross-listing
境并购cross-border merger and acquisition
境直接财产投资cross-border direct property investment
境融资cross-border capital raising
境证券交易机制例如存托凭证cross-border trading mechanisms of securities such as depositary receipts
境资产转移transfer of assets across jurisdictions
境转移指示cross-border transfer instruction
境转移费cross-border transfer fees
境银行业务cross-border banking
境风险cross border risk
银行州金融公司Edge Act corporation
市价差intermarket spread
市场定价cross market valuations
市场押金制度cross margining
市场指数cross-market index
市场控制double market play
市场操纵cross-market manipulation
市场监督信息系统intermarket surveillance information system
市场A股指数cross-market A-share index
市套购buying the intermarket spread
年效应turn-of-year effect
式期权straddle option
式权证straddle warrant
式组合权证straddle warrant
日净额结算cross day netting
时区操作世界各地证券交易所之间的操作cross time zone operations
时段multi-time section
月价差套利inter-month spread
月利差inter-month spread
期买卖差价期权calendar spread options
期交易straddle trading
期交易time spread
期交易horizontal spread
期交易spread trade
期交易期权calendar spreading
期交易模式time spread models
期交易策略time spread strategy
期差额spread differential
期报价spread order
期期权spread option
期短仓short calender spread
期票据straddle paper
期税款分摊interperiod tax allocation
期策略掉期spread strategy
期配售overperiod allocation
期配售账户interperiod allocation account
期长仓差价long calender spread
盘交易crossed trade (违规使部分交易者优先优价交易)
管辖区股票发行multi-jurisdictional equity offering
管辖区资产转移transfer of assets across jurisdictions
行业经营multiple industry activity
越投资者股票发行前后继续持有某一只股的投资人crossover investor
部门同业工会不同工业内同行业的horizontal union
预设期货期利差predefined futures calendar spreads