
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
境结算提供便利facilitate cross-border settlements
买人式组合buy straddle
以人民币结算境贸易settle cross-border trades in renminbi
以人民币计价的境贸易renminbi-denominated cross-border trade
以投资为目的的境人民币资金流动move the renminbi in or out of the mainland for investment purposes
价外异价式组合out-of-the-money strangle
允许中国企业以本币进行境交易结算allow Chinese companies to settle cross-border trade deals in their own currency
允许中国企业使用人民币进行境贸易结算的项目allow Chinese companies to settle cross-border trades using the renminbi
多头long straddle
大型国银行money center bank
大型国银行large international bank
式期权strangle option
密切监控境资本流动closely monitor and control cross-border capital flows
富时国企业指数FTSE Multinational Index
平价式期权at-the-money straddle
所得税期分摊interperiod income tax allocation
扩大人民币境使用expand cross-border use of the RMB
扩大人民币在境贸易和投资中的使用expand the use of the RMB in cross-border trade and investment
支持为金融服务和境证券投资领域营造开放的投资环境support open environments for investment in financial services and cross-border portfolio investment
有资格开展境贸易结算的内地企业mainland enterprises eligible for cross-border trade settlement
横向国并购horizontal cross-border M&A
混合国并购conglomerate cross-border M&A
牛市垂直bull vertical spread
用人民币进行境贸易结算use the renminbi as the settlement currency for cross-border trade
用本币进行境贸易结算settle cross-border trade in own currency
看涨期权价组合call spread
看跌期权期组合put spread
空头short straddle
纵向国并购vertical cross-border M&A
价衍生认股权证call-spread derivative warrant
价认股权证call-spread warrant
司法区招股活动multi-jurisdictional equity offering
国优势transnational status
国会计师事务所multinational public accounting firm
国公司global corporation
国公司会计transnational accounting
国公司的债券融资bond financing by multinational corporations
国公司财务报告transnational financial reporting
国多重上市mutual cross-listing
国对冲系统mutual offset system
国投资transnational investment
国租赁gross board lease
国租赁或跨境租赁cross border lease
国货币结算风险cross currency settlement risk
国转账价格制定法multinational transfer pricing method
国银行业务cross-border banking
国风险投资transnational venture capital
cross border
境上市cross-border listing
境上市cross listing
境交易cross-border deals
境人民币贸易cross-border renminbi trade
境人民币贸易结算cross-border renminbi trade settlement
境协调预算制度system of cross-border budgetary co-ordination
境并购cross-border mergers acquisitions
境电子商务cross-border electronic commerce
境证券投资cross-border portfolio investment
境贸易人民币结算renminbi cross-border trade settlement
境贸易人民币结算总额all the cross-border trade settled in renminbi
境贸易人民币结算机制renminbi trade settlement scheme
境贸易人民币结算试点trials of settling cross-border trade accounts in RMB
境资本交易cross-border capital transactions
境资本大规模无序流动massive unregulated cross-border flow of capital
境资本流动cross-border flow of capital
境资本流动cross-border capital flows
境资本管制cross-border capital control
境转移country-to-country transfers
太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定》Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (原为2005年新加坡、新西兰、智利、文莱4国在亚太经合组织 (APEC) 框架内签订的多边自由贸易协定。自2002年开始酝酿新的多边关系的自由贸易协定。2008年以后,美国、澳大利亚、秘鲁、越南、马来西亚和日本先后宣布加人谈判)
市场上市cross listing
市场套利cross market arbitrage
市场抵押品cross collateral
市场按金制度cross margining
年度stowage over year
年度行动计划.Multi-Year Action Plan (首尔20国集团峰会通过)
年贷款loan to be carried over to the next year
式委托straddle order
式期权套利straddle (购买或出售执行价格、基础工具和到期日都相同的认沽权和认购权。执行价格通常被设定为平价。作为支付两笔权利金的回报,如果基础工具向任何一个方向变化的幅度足够大,那么购买者将会获利)
期保证金spread margin
期分摊前后两个会计期间分摊interperiod allocation
期分摊帐户transition account
期套利calendar spread arbitrage
期套利calendar spreading
期套利calendar spread
期摊配over-period allocation
期摊配帐户over-period allocation account
期资本资产定价模型intertemporal capital asset pricing model
过中高收人的门槛past the threshold for high-middle income
进一步放松对境人民币流动的控制relax more of controls on cross-border renminbi flows
进行领域的谈判engage in across-the-board negotiations