
Terms for subject Rail transport containing | all forms
锚段关节three span overlap
锚段关节five-span overlap
桥涵clear span
shear-span ratio
beam with mutative span
度桥long-span bridge
无导梁一式架桥机simply-supported launching gantry without launching nose
最大maximum span length
上部结构bridge superstructure
桥梁孔hole span of bridge
检算check span
梁安全链transom safety chain
梁托座transom bracket base
活动模架逐施工法segmental span by span construction using form traveler
移动支架逐施工法span by span method
纵向longitudinal span length
桥涵计算computed span
中的拉出值stagger at mid-span
区间无缝线路CWR through section and station
海桥cross channel bridge
线列车over-line train
线建筑物crossing track building
线桥fly-over bridge
线设施cross-line facilities
线车补水water replenishing of combined operation train
装货物goods straddled on two or more cars
音速相似律law of transonic similitude
音速面积律transonic area law
转换transition span
软横head span structure
软横上部固定绳upper cross-span wire
软横下部固定绳lower cross-span wire
long-span bridge
電纜cable over rails