
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
国企业multinational firm A large business company operating in several countries (经营活动跨越几个国家的大型商业公司。)
学科研究interdisciplinary research The utilisation, combination and coordination of two or more appropriate disciplines, technologies and humanities in an integrated approach toward environmental problems (对两个或多个合适的学科的利用、组合和协调。这些学科包括技术学科和人文学科等,用以解决环境问题的综合方法)
界污染transboundary pollution Polluted air and water, or any other contaminated waste, that is generated in one country and transmitted to others (由一个国家产生而传送到其它国家的被污染的空气、水或其它污染物。)
边界的水生生态系统transboundary aquatic ecosystems
边界的生物圈保护区简写为TBRtransboundary biosphere reserve