
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
三角洲前digitate margin of delta
上游坝upstream toe (of dam)
hang five
内侧坝inside embankment toe
toe slab
弹簧rail clips
弹簧扣件single-toe rail fastener
单行uniserial crochet
弹簧扣件double-toe rail fastener
bulb pile
角钢bulb angle
角钢bulb angle-bar
角钢angle bulb
bulb iron
downstream toe
倒滤层toe filter
倒滤层filter toe
反滤层filter toe
应力toe stress
护石toe protection stone
排水toe drain (层)
消力池toe basin
消能池toe basin
滤水平台drainage berm
防护toe protection
零应力zero heel stress
静水池toe basin
齿墙foot wall
toe of slope
toe circle
破坏toe failure
基础压力toe pressure of foundation
堆石坝rock-fill toe wall
downstream toe
冲刷toe scour
失效toe fail
wall toe
toe of wall
外堤坝outside embankment toe
外堤岸outside embankment toe
三角洲multi bate delta
岸壁前toe of wall
toe beam
弓形claw foot
arch springing
impost hinge
指状三角洲digitate margin of delta
挡土墙toe slab
挡土墙墙toe of retaining
水平线toe line
桩底圆pile bulb
活动撬棍flex-toe claw bar
weld toe
toe zone
焊缝toe of weld
熔岩rock toe
爪状claw toe
离心汰机centrifugal jig
toe of bead (轮胎的)
线环toe bead wire
肘板toe of bracket
肘板bracket toe
terminal digit of chelicera
角材angle side bracket
压力toe pressure
hang ten
应力toe stress
toe slab (挡土墙的)
挡土墙的toe board
部焊裂toe crack
轮胎缘tyre bead toe
轮齿toe-end of tooth
辙叉toe of frog
辙叉frog toe
辙叉延长轨toe extension
辙叉开口距toe spread
辙叉理论长度theoretical toe length
辙叉理论长度theoretic toe length
辙叉端前插直线tangent adjacent to toe of frog
辙叉端开口frog the spread
辙叉端连接螺栓toe joint bolt
辙叉端连接螺栓heel joint bolt
辙叉长度toe length of frog
辙叉间距铁toe block
重叠overlapping toes
锤形hammer toe
锤状hammer toe