
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
以达到预期目的be inadequate for the purpose intended
的生产能力inadequate capacity
为工业发展提供够支持provide enough support for industrial growth
认购资本contribute respective shares of capital
余额微不The balance left is only a negligible quantity
余额微不The balance left is only a neglectable quantity
你方信用证所开金额不Your letter of credit is insufficient in amount
供应不产品undersupplied products
供应严重不a serious deficiency in supply
供应充be liberal in supply
供应sufficient supply
的原材料raw materials in abundance
证据competent evidence
资本abundance of capital
准备金不reserve deficiency
包装不insufficiently packed
包装不insufficiency of packing
商品供应不shortage of commodity supply
如按实际产量、销量或利润计算的提成费低于最低数额,技术引进人必须补差额When the amount of royalties calculated on the actual production, sales or profits falls short of the amount of the minimum, the technology recipient shall cover the difference
银行账户存款不not sufficient
银行账户存款不no funds
银行存款不not sufficient
银行存款不no funds
存款不支票no sufficient funds check
存款数不insufficient funds
银行存款资金不no sufficient funds
工作内满on-the-job satisfaction (与工作外满足 (off-the-job satisfaction) 相对)
现代企业管理工作外满off-the-job satisfaction (与工作内满足 (on-the-job satisfaction) 相对)
我们不能完全满你方询盘We cannot meet your enquiry to the full extent
我方可以满你方需求的任何合理的数量We can satisfy your requirements for any reasonable quantity
我方将在下次装运中补缺少数量We'll make the deficiency in quantity in the next shipment
我方将尽力满你方需要We'll try our best to satisfy your needs
所报数量不我方目前所需The quantity offered is insufficient for our present requirements
对原材料的需求meet a demand for raw materials
赔偿损失费meet a claim for damages
需要be adequate to meet the requirements
现货不够满市场需求Spot stocks are insufficient to meet market demand
生产能力利用不under-utilization of capacity
由于未接到贵方答复,我方以为贵方已购所需货物Since we have received no reply from you, we conclude that you have already covered your requirements
目前供应不能满国际市场的需要Present supplies are not sufficient to meet the requirements in the international market
目前成交业务量尚不以委托贵方为独家代理The volume of business does not warrant entrusting you with the exclusive agency at present
缩写为SSRself-sufficiency rate
经济self-contained economy
装备不的工厂underequipped factory
订货不back order
货源充be in abundant supply
质量问题举轻重Quality is a matter of consequence
贸易对中日关系举轻重Trade has an important bearing on the relations of China and Japan
资金或数量不not enough
够数量liberal quantity
够的保护adequate protection
够的数量sufficient quantity
额投资sufficient capitalization
这些货物供应不These goods are in short supply
这些货物并非供应充,相反却快要售完了These goods are not in plentiful supply, on the contrary, they are running short
这类货物只保水渍险是不的,请加保偷盗提货不着险WPA coverage is too narrow for these goods, the coverage should be extended to include TPND
重量不be deficient in weight
量的不deficiency in amount
预付不insufficiently prepaid