
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
低频音infrasound Vibrations of the air at frequencies too low to be perceived as sound by the human ear, below about 15 hertz (低于15赫兹,人耳无法识别的空气振动频率。)
声波ultrasound Sound waves having a frequency above about 20,000 hertz (大约2万赫兹以上的高频声波。)
微结构重组ultrastructural reorganization
文本hypertext The organization of information units typically containing visible links that users can select or click with a mouse pointer or some other computer device to automatically retrieve or display other documents (资讯单元组织,包含可见的连结,用户可以用鼠标指针或其他电脑设备来选择或点击连结,进而回到原文件或打开其他文件。)
ultrafiltration Separation of colloidal or very fine solid materials by filtration through microporous or semipermeable mediums (通过微孔或半透的媒介以过滤的方式对胶体或极细固体物质的分离。)