
Terms containing 起线 | all forms | in specified order only
athlet.三级跳起跳线hop line
athlet.三级跳运的起跳线hop line
archer.两脚跨立在起射线astride the shooting line
avia.中心线起落架centreline gear
sport.为了使投掷符合丈量条件、运动员的脚不能踩过起掷线The thrower must not step over the scratch line, if he is to have his throw qualify for measurement
expl.主起爆线延时时间trunk line delay
gen.从起跑线开始start at scratch
gen.从起跑线开始start on scratch
gen.从起跑线开始start from scratch
tech.传爆线起爆cap and fuse firing (法)
shipb.使用电磁起重机、真空起重机和输送滚道组成机械化运输线use electromagnetic crane, vacuum one and carrying roller-way to compose a mechanization transportation line
shipb.使用电磁起重机、真空起重机和输送滚道组成机械化运输线use electromagnetic crane, vacuum crane and carrying roller way to compose a mechanization carrying line
dermat.光线引起的皮肤病light-caused dermatoses
fig.skat.冲出起跑线break from one's mark
gen.扰动线bump coil
el.凸起引线晶体管lifted lead transistor
dril.切线起点tangential inlet
textile单面起毛线圈组织single-loop stitch
space从飞机上发射导弹起始线missile reference line
athlet.接力赛跑各段起跑线exchange mark
athlet.接力赛的各段起跑线exchange mark
sport.同线起跑scratch race
cyc.sport同线起骑scratch race
tech.测流断面的固定起点线pivot-point line
bridg.constr.圆曲线起点beginning of circular curve
gen.在起跑线上on the scratch
avia.地面起降点连接直线track made good
desert.垂线最大输沙率相应起点距distance of maximum vertical sediment discharge from initial point
tech.外拱圈起拱线extrados springing line
el.多接线端开关起动器multiple-switch starter
tech.天线电器中产生的起伏电压antenna pick-up
construct.天线电路中产生的起伏电压antenna pick-up
astronaut.天线电路中产生的起伏电压antenna pickup
space雷达天线罩引起的失真radome distortion
space宇宙线起源origin of cosmic rays
gen.对不起,先生。电话占线,请您稍后再打好吗?Sorry, sir. The line is engaged. Could you try again later?
gen.对不起,先生。电话占线,请您稍后再拨I'm sorry, sir. The line is busy now. Could you please call back later?
gen.对不起,因线路问题我听不清您说话,请重新打一次好吗?I'm very sorry. I can't hear clearly. Could you call it again?
gen.对不起这个号码占线I'm sorry the number? s engaged
el.导线起始张力initial conductor tension
met.γ射线引起的电离gamma-induced ionization
tech.平曲线起点beginning of curve
light.应该用导线连接器把两根地线连起来We need to tie the two grounding wires together by using a wire nut
nautic., tech.延绳钓起线long line hauler
tech.建起曲线building-up curve
expl.引线点火起爆squeezing firing
athlet.弧形起跑线curved start line
athlet.弧形起跑线curved start
space快速起竖天线quick erect antenna
tech.抛物线起拱大梁parabolical arched girder
tech.抛物线起拱大梁parabolic arched girder
tech.拱内圈起拱线intrados springing line
tech.拱内弧起拱线soffit springing
tech.拱内弧起拱线springing of soffit
tech.拱内弧起拱线intrados springing line
tech.拱圈内弧起拱线springing of intrados
el.拱圈的上游面起拱线extrados springing line
tech.拱外弧起拱线extrados springing line
tech.拱的起拱线springing of extrados
tech.拱的起拱线arch springing line
tech.拱腹线的起拱点springing of intrados
tech.拱腹起拱线springing of soffit
tech.拱腹起拱线springing of intrados
tech.拱腹起拱线intrados springing line
avia.按起落航线飞行pattern flight
athlet.接力各段起跑线scratch line
athlet.接力各段起跑线exchange mark
tech.搜寻起始线line of departure
agric.放射隆起线radiately ridged
met.无线操作式起重机wireless type crane
avia.无线电定向回波起伏radar jitter
expl.无线电感应起爆firing by radio
hydroel.st.无线电操纵起重机radio-operated crane
el.无线电起爆器radio blaster
expl.无线电遥控起爆系统无线电遥控起爆系统多用于水下爆破等特殊条件下,主要有超声波遥控起爆和电磁波遥控起爆两种wireless initiation
expl.无线电遥控起爆系统无线电遥控起爆系统多用于水下爆破等特殊条件下,主要有超声波遥控起爆和电磁波遥控起爆两种radio initiation system
hydroel.st.无线遥控起重机cableless remote operated crane
textile明显起伏的曲线dramatic curve
tech.曲线的起点springing of curve
tech.曲线的起点beginning of curve
tech.P.C.曲线起点beginning of curve (B.C.)
expl.曲线起点curve point
archit.曲线起点springing of curve
mining.曲线起点beginning of curve
hydroel.st.曲线起点point of curve
hydroel.st.曲线起点point of curvature
tech.P.C.曲线起点point of curve
tech.曲线起点spring of curve
tech.曲线起点origin of curve
tech.曲线起点标curve begin post
tech.曲线起点标志beginning of curve sign
tech.曲线起讫点tangent point of the curve
tech.曲线起讫点starting ending points of curve-section
construct.曲线起迄点tangent points of the curve
expl.有线起爆采用导线引人电流起爆电雷管的方法wire initiation
hydroel.st.有线遥控起重机cable remote operated crane
tech.有齿形起拱线的拱顶vault with dentate springing lines
archit.木工起线用的划线工具cutting gang
tech.机场起落航线aerodrome traffic circuit
tech.机场起落航线airfield flight pattern
space机场起落航线airfield circuit
tech.机场起落航线airfield traffic pattern
avia.机场起落航线aerodrome traffic pattern
tech.架线起重机cableway crane
tech.测线起始桩号start stake number of line
geophys.测线起点beginning of line
tech.测线起点位置starting position of survey line
tech.浮起吃水线floatation line
tech.浮起吃水线flotation line
el.涡轮机起动特性曲线turbine starting characteristic curve
auto.渐开线起始圆spline start circle
el.滑参数起动曲线starting curve at sliding parameters
el.滑参数起动曲线sliding pressure starting-up curve
tech.由于线路失真引起传输质量的降低distortion transmission impairment
tech.电抗线圈起动式电动机reactor start motor
tech.电流线圈重力式起动机coil and gravity starter
refrig.电流线圈重力式起动继电器coil and gravity starter
avia.目视飞行起落航线contact circuit
tech.直线移动式起重机straight-line crane
port.facil.直线移动起重机straight line crane
tech.直线起飞滑跑straight takeoff run
tech.直线运动起重机straight-line crane
tech.矩形起落航线square course
tech.矩形起落航线rectangular course
tech.矿场起爆点火线quarry cord
avia.离场起落航线departure pattern
space空间可竖起天线space erectable antenna
tech.起线flash line
tech.竖曲线起点point of vertical curve
footb.筑起坚固的防线build up a tight defense
oil管线起点pipeline head
hydroel.st.红外线操纵起重机infrared rays operated crane
tech.纳税起征线taxable limit
gen.线圈和导线连接起来the coils are joined to wires
el.mach.线圈起始功耗coil initial power dissipation
el.mach.线圈起始端start lead
dermat.γ 线引起的γ-ray-induced
oil线状隆起linear uplift
tech.线电压起动line voltage start
agric.线粒体的共生起源symbiotic origin of mitochondria
agric.线粒体的内起源internal origin of mitochondria
textile〔检〕线缝起拱wave seam
textile线缝起皱seam puckering
textile〔检〕线缝起褶pleated stitching
textile线缝隆起seam run-offs
textile线缝隆起raised seam
tech.线路导线起始张力initial conductor tension
construct.线路起动机line starter
tech.线路起动电动机line-start motor
bridg.constr.缓和曲线起点connecting curve
bridg.constr.缓和曲线起点beginning of transition curve
textile缝线起毛缝纫机过线件不光滑所致thread flaying
textile缝线隆起working in of fullness
auto.车胎胎里帘线起褶wrinkled cords in tyre cavity
agric.脉间隆起线interstitial ridge (jugum interstitiale)
athlet.脚尖贴近起跑线toe the mark
athlet.脚尖贴近起跑线up to scratch
athlet.脚尖贴近起跑线toe the line
tech.膛线起点origin of rifling
shipb.自动起动线路automatic trigger
interntl.trade.航线的起点point of initial enplanement
avia.航线起点departure point
textile花边中的凸起线punto sopra punto
tech.螺旋曲线起点tangent to spiral
tech.螺旋线圈起动器solenoid starter
el.螺线管起动器solenoid starter
box.角斗起始线scratch line
athlet.触起跳线前地面touch the ground beyond the takeoff line
tech.谱带起始线band origin
archit.线initial line
oil起下钻数据曲线图tripping data plot
construct.起伏蜿蜒路线wavy trace
auto.起伏地形上的试验路线cross-country track
eng.geol.水位;流量起伏曲线loop rating curve
tech.起伏线路undulating track
railw.起伏线路区undulating terrain
tech.起伏路线wavy trace
tech.起伏运动曲线phugoid curve
archit.起动辅助压缩线auxiliary compressor
tech.起动中止螺线管starting cut-out solenoid
tech.起动信号线enable line
tech.起动器电磁线圈开关starter solenoid switch
el.起动接线starting connection
tech.起动曲线starting curve
tech.起动机地线电刷starter ground brush
tech.起动机开关接线端子starting switch terminal
auto.起动机接线柱starter terminal
tech.起动机接线盒盖starter terminal cover
tech.起动机接线端子starter terminal post
auto.起动机搭铁电缆线接地条,编制线带starter ground cablestrap
tech.起动机电磁线圈starter solenoid coil
auto.起动机电磁线圈starting-motor solenoid
tech.起动机电磁线圈starter solenoid
auto.起动机电线starter lead
auto.起动机电线starter cable
tech.起动机磁场线圈starter field coil
tech.起动机磁场线圈中间接头starter field coil equalizer
tech.起动机磁场线圈接头starter field coil connection
tech.起动机磁场线圈电刷starter brush field coil
tech.起动点火线圈booster coil
auto.起动电磁线圈start solenoid
auto.起动机起动电磁线圈starting solenoid
tech.起动电线starting cable
auto.磁电机起动线圈boost coil
auto.起动线圈booster coil
el.起动线圈starting coil
el.起动线圈actuating coil
avia.起动线圈starting coil (点火用)
tech.起动线路trigger circuit
tech.起动马达导线starter motor wire
tech.起升高度曲线lifting height curve
textile起口锦纶线nylon cords
tech.起圈线springing line
textile起圈线迹缝balloon stitch seam
textile起圈花式纱线loop type yarn
textile起圈花线curl yarn
textile起圈花线kink yarn
textile起圈花线loop twist
textile起圈花线looped thread
textile起圈花线ring yarn
textile起圈花线loop thread
textile起圈花线looping end
tech.起圈花线并捻机loop yarn twister
textile起圈花线织物loop yarn fabric
textile起头线圈不良defective open stitch
expl.起始坡顶线original cred
tech.起始坡顶线original crest
tech.起始子午线initial meridian
tech.起始子午线prime meridian
tech.起始子午线zero meridian
tech.起始子午线Greenwich meridian
tech.起始子午线first meridian
avia.起始投弹线initial bomb release line
tech.起始方位线construction line
busin.起始方向线initial direct line
tech.起始方向线initial directed line
tech.起始磁化曲线initial magnetization curve
space起始线datum line
geophys.起始线initial line
agric.起始线start line
tech.起始经线primary meridian
avia.起始飞行路线initial flight path
archer.起射线shooting line
el.mach.起建电压曲线built-up voltage curve
el.mach.起弧线圈striking coil
tech.起弧线圈striking winding
sport.起投线scratch line
bowl.起投线starting mark
bowl.起投线starting mark
tech.起拱线spring line
bridg.constr.起拱线arch springing line
hydroel.st.起拱线springing line
hydroel.st.起拱线arch springing line
athlet.起掷线scratch line
athlet.起掷线restraining line
avia.起机线flight line
textile起梗线迹staying stitch
textile起梗线迹stem stitch
textile起棱线迹rep stitch
tech.起止线start-finish line
scub.起步线starting line
auto.比赛起步线与结束线start and finish line
textile起毛线shaggy thread
textile起毛线fluffy yarn
textile起毛线圈raised loop
fig.skat.起滑曲线initial curve
curl.起滑标记线hack line
sport.起点与终点线start and finish line
tech.起点子午线zero meridian
space起点延迟的时间基线扫描delayed time base sweep
cyc.sport起点线starting line
tech.起点线zero line
auto.起点线与终点线start and finish line
tech.起爆导火线detonation train
expl.起爆导线shot firing lead
tech.起爆引线detonation fuse
eng.geol.起爆引线blasting fuse
tech.起爆引线blaster fuse
expl.起爆桥线通过电流起爆的导线。它取代了电雷管中的发火药exploding bridge wire
forestr.起爆线line firing
expl.起爆线backbreak line
textile起皱线缝crease stitching
tech.起线starting line
tech.起线initial line
tech.起线sash plane
tech.起线moulding machine
biol.起绒垫刃线虫tylenchus dipsaci (Tylenchus dipsaci Bastian,垫刃线虫科)
textile起绒纱线pile yarn
entomol.起绒草茎线虫onion eelworm
entomol.起绒草茎线虫bulb and stem nematode
textile起翘横线SF look
textile起翘横线front pitch line
textile起翘横线front pitch line
row.起航线starting line
drag.起航线start line
avia.起落航线circuit pattern
avia.起落航线traffic pattern
avia.起落航线飞行circling circular flight
avia.起落航线飞行速度pattern airspeed
avia.起落航线高度traffic-pattern altitude
avia.起落航线高度traffic pattern altitude
avia.起落航线高度circuit height
tech.起讫线arrival and departure sidings
oil起读线reference line
polo.起赛线starting line
auto.竞赛起跑起始,出发线start line
sport.起跑线take-off line
sport.起跑线start line
athlet.起跑线scratch line
equest.sp.起跑线starting line
athlet.起跳线balk line
scub.起跳线scratch line
athlet.起跳线take-off line
athlet.起跳线take-off mark
sport.起跳线starting line
tech.起重机接触导线crane trolley wire
tech.起重机油缸填线圈hoist cylinder packing
port.facil.起重机电线electric conduit for crane
tech.起重机轨道中心线centre line of crane rail
tech.起重特性曲线lifting performance curve
tech.起飞滑跑距离列线图take-off ground run distance chart
skydive.起飞线takeoff line
skydive.起飞线take-off line
avia.起飞线flight line
tech.起飞线塔台车runway portable tower
avia.起飞线维修试验设备flight line maintenance test set
tech.起飞航线take-off pattern
avia.起飞飞行路线takeoff flight path
avia.起飞飞行路线take-off flightpath (航迹线)
tech.路线测量起点桩zero end of survey
tech.路线起点point of commencement of the route
tech.路线起点【铁】point of commencement of the railway
athlet.跳起撞线jump finish
sport.跳起撞线注释:胸撞线要用 breast the tape,这里 breast 用作动词,意即以胸部冲撞终点线jump finish
gen.踏上起跑线come up to scratch
gen.踏上起跑线be up to scratch
met.转变起始曲线curve of incipient transition
expl.轴线起爆沿轴线放置轴心起爆材料的引爆系统,例如沿药包长度放置的导爆索axial priming
UN, tech.递增运输系数是指支付根据湿租赁制度或保养租约提供的备件和消耗品的运输递增费用的系数,即从部队派遣国内的装载港和任务区进入港之间的托运路线上800公里500英里之后起算,每行驶800公里500英里,租赁费率递增0.25%incremental transportation factor means a factor to cover the incremental costs of transportation of spare parts and consumables under the wet lease system or lease for maintenance in increments of 0.25 per cent of the leasing rate for each complete 800 kilometres 500 miles distance, beyond the first 800 kilometres 500 miles, along consignment route between the port of embarkation in the home country and the port of entry in the mission area
tech.起线crown line
archit.隆起式装饰线条raised moulding
fig.skat.预备起跑线pre-start line
tech.风力吹起的水平线wind-raised level
tech.首检波点线起始桩号start stake number of the first receiver line