
Terms containing 起点 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.一次点火起爆firing at one
el.三接点起动器three-point starter
tech.三点起动器three-point starter
tech.三点起动箱three-point starting box
dril.上提井内管柱时滚筒、天车或游动滑车上的钢丝绳的起始受力点pick-up point
avia.下降起点top of descent
interntl.trade.个人所得税起征点personal income tax exemption
avia.中间/起始进近定位点intermediate/initial approach fix
avia.主起落架接地点main gear touchdown point
avia.主起落架着陆接地点main gear touchdown point
tech.交通起点traffic origin
econ.交通起终点调査origin-destination survey
auto.起点站到终点站运行时间terminal-to-terminal time
sport.他的终点冲刺确实是了不起His final sprint was really wonderful (注释:sprint 作名词使用时主要的意义有两个。一是冲刺; 另一是短跑。具体的意义要根据它在句子中或上下文所起的作用而定。)
sport.他的终点冲刺确实是了不起His sprint at the finish was really wonderful (注释:sprint 作名词使用时主要的意义有两个。一是冲刺; 另一是短跑。具体的意义要根据它在句子中或上下文所起的作用而定。)
busin.零售起点交易broken lot
telecom.信息起始点load point
tech.信息起始点标记load point marker
tech.信息起始点标记load point indicator
tech.倾侧角读数起点roll datum
busin.假定起点arbitrary origin
econ.假定起点或原点arbitrary origin
tech.偏移起始点号beginning point number of migration
proj.manag.全息网是一个银河系范围的通信网、 运作起来有点像电视和互联网The HoloNet is a galaxy-wide communications network that works somewhat like television and the Internet
met.起点high spot (冷轧板表面缺陷)
tech.分段起点位置starting position of segment
dril.切线起点tangential inlet
tech.利用起动燃料点火auxiliary ignition
avia.到下降起点时燃油量top of descent fuel
avia.前三点式起落架tricycle landing gear
avia.前三点起落架tricycle landing gear
met.动态轻压下区起点start point of dynamic soft reduction zone
tech.单点起吊法single-point lifting
agric.发育起点温度low point of development temperature
met.可见光起点温度范围black heat range (~525°C)
avia.后三点起落架tail wheel landing gear
gen.听起来不错啊。我几点过去?Sounds good. What time do you want me to come?
tech.喷油起点fuel injection beginning
construct.噪声引起的斑点noise spot
el.四接点起动器four-point starter
avia.四点式起落架diamond landing gear
tech.四点起动箱four-point starting box
agric.回复到起点take back
tech.测流断面的固定起点线pivot-point line
interntl.trade.国内装船起运地点inland point of shipment
tech.图的起点source of graph
sport.在 100 米、200 米和 400 米短跑中、8 名运动员从起跑器冲岀后、沿着跑道向前飞奔、躯体必须通过终点才能获胜In 100 meters, 200 meters and 400 meters sprints, eight runners burst from starting blocks and run forward inside their lanes. Torso must cross the finishing line to win
sport.在快速反应起主要作用的竞赛项目中、 即使反应时稍微快一点点都有可能对比赛成绩产生至关重要的结果Even small improvements in reaction time may produce significant results in performance where quick reactions are essential
avia.在飞机起点和终点on-flight origin and destination
gen.在饭馆吃饭点很多菜是一项传统习惯。要知道,过去人们可不像现在这样什么都能吃得起Ordering a lot of food at restaurants is just a tradition. You know, in the past, people could not afford to eat out like they can today
telecom.地区起点geographical origin
avia.地面起降点连接直线track made good
adv.场景起始点in point
desert.垂线最大输沙率相应起点distance of maximum vertical sediment discharge from initial point
securit.基准起点benchmark entry point
securit.基准起薪点benchmark entry point
chem.复制起始点replication origin
tech.外推起始点extrapolated onset point
el.多接点起动multipoint-stage starting
el.多接点起动multipoint starting
expl.多点起爆multi-point firing
math.多重随机起点multiple random starts
railw.定点起吊导梁式架桥机fixed point launching gantry with launching nose
IT实际起点actual start
auto.尺寸起点dimension origin
stat.工作起点working origin
tech.工作地点起讫调查origin-destination survey of place of employment
gen.希望您快点好起来Hope you will be recovery, soon
auto.带起动与转向锁组合式点火开关combined steering lock and starter switch
el.起点start of frame
tech.平曲线起点beginning of curve
tech.度量起点measure zero
tech.开裂起始点crack starter
China, polit.开辟一个崭新的起点initiate a brand-new starting point (for)
sport., physiol.异位起搏点ectopic pacemaker
expl.引线点火起爆squeezing firing
auto.引起表面点蚀接触疲劳pitting fatigue
tech.起点bent-up point
tech.弯曲起点point of curvature
gen.径迹起点track origin
anim.husb.心搏起点pace maker
tech.成组点火起爆firing group by group
proj.manag.我有时候早上三四点起床、 在网上冲浪I sometimes get up at three or four in the morning and surf the net
tech.批发起点starting point of wholesale
avia.技术性晚点起飞technical delay
gen.把 M 当做 N 的起点出发点take M as the starting point of (N)
gen.把两点连接起来join two points
securit.投资起点minimum subscription fee
tech.拱背起拱线springing of extrados
tech.拱背起拱线soffit spring
tech.拱背起拱线extrados springing
tech.拱腹线的起拱点springing of intrados
interntl.trade.指定起运地点free on rail... named departure point
tech.数据起点data origination
met.断裂起点fracture origin
econ.起点理论fresh start theory
busin.企业起点fresh start theory
tech.旅程起讫点图trip termini map
refrig.无触点起动contactless starting
nautic., tech.无触点起动器软起动器starter without contacts
el.时效期的起算点starting point of the limitation period
interntl.trade.时效期的起算点starting-point of the limitation
busin.时效期起算点starting-point of the limitation
gen.昨晚晚饭过后我就开始有点不舒服,今早疼痛加剧,然后我就疼得直不起腰来了I started feeling kind of sick last night after dinner, but this morning the pain got really bad! Then I just doubled over
tech.曲线起点spring of curve
archit.曲线起点springing of curve
tech.P.C.曲线起点point of curve
mining.曲线起点beginning of curve
expl.曲线起点curve point
tech.P.C.曲线起点beginning of curve (B.C.)
tech.曲线起点origin of curve
tech.曲线起点curve begin post
tech.曲线起点标志beginning of curve sign
tech.曲线的起点springing of curve
tech.曲线的起点beginning of curve
tech.曲线起讫点tangent point of the curve
tech.曲线起讫点starting ending points of curve-section
construct.曲线起迄点tangent points of the curve
busin.最低定货起点minimum ordering point
desert.最大颗粒起点distance from initial point where measuring the maximum particle
tech.最小起点电容minimum capacity
tech.标度起点beginning of scale
tech.标距起迄点gauge point
sport.梯形起跑点echelon starting position
tech.检验点再起动checkpoint restart
tech.检验点再起动性能checkpoint restart service facility
textile橘皮状起皱疵点orange-peel defect
textile橘皮状起皱疵点orange peel defect (机械预缩疵)
tech.水运起讫点water lead
IT汇编起点assemble origin
telecom.汇编起点assembled origin
el.沸腾起始点onset of boiling
el.泡核沸腾起始点onset of nucleate boiling
met.起点point of onset of fluidization
met.起点point of incipient fluidization
met.流态化起点point of onset of fluidization
tech.流态化起点point of incipient fluidization
tech.测线起点位置starting position of survey line
tech.测量起点measure zero
tech.路线测量的起点zero end of survey
geol.海岸起点coastal initial point
construct.滚动倾侧角读数起点roll datum
tech.火灾起火点origin of fire
expl.点式起爆point initiation
met.点火起点starting of ignition
auto.发动机控制点火和起动开关ignition-and-starter switch
auto.点火和起动机组合式开关combined ignition and starter switch
auto.点火/起动开关ignition/starter switch
auto.发动机点火起始initiation of ignition
tech.点火起始能firing initial energy
expl.点燃起爆ignite 的现在分词igniting
met.热轻压下区起点beginning point of thermal soft reduction zone
met.焊接起点weld starting
met.焊缝起点weld starting
sport., med.身体环节起止点segmental endpoint
auto.用起动液点火auxiliary-fluid ignition
tech.由发货点算起ex point of origin
gen.石油产品铁路转运起点petrol railhead
tech.矿场起爆点火线quarry cord
met.磁带起始工作点tape load-point
IMF.税款起征点tax threshold
avia.空中加油起始点aerial refuel initial ingress point
avia.空中加油起始点air refueling initial point
tech.竖曲线起点point of vertical curve
tech.粉刷面上起泡斑点hot spot of plaster
met.粘结起点original point of sticker
commer.终点站起卸装置terminal elevation
tech.终点起爆final mass
tech.膛线起点origin of rifling
tech.航程起讫点terminal of voyage
avia.航线起点departure point
interntl.trade.航线的起点point of initial enplanement
gen.节食可以,可我们都是要吃饭的。你现在想跟我一起去吃点儿东西吗?Dieting is OK, but we all have to eat. Do you want to get a bite with me now?
el.蒸汽起泡点nucleation point
tech.螺旋曲线起点tangent to spiral
sport., med.血乳酸堆积的起点onset of blood lactate accumulation
tech.行程起点start of a run
earth.sc.表层起点surface ground zero
textile袜跟提针起点starting point heel gore
auto.触点尖形凸起的形成产生tip formation on contacts
avia.起点time zero
econ.计收入水准的起点point of make-out
met.计时起点time zero
avia.计时起点zero time reference
tech.计时起点zero time
busin.计算收入起点point of make-out
econ.计算收入的起点point of making-out
econ.计算收入的起点point of make-out
securit.认购起点minimum subscription fee
gen.让我查一查余票。中国国航有一班3月28日晚上7点30分起飞的飞机。美联航也有一班,早上九点起飞Let me see what s available... Yes, Air China has a flight on March 28 th at 7:30 pm, besides, the United also has a flight at 9:00 am
tech.设计起点beginning of design
auto.调速起作用点change-over point
busin.责任起讫点point of inception and termination of liability
econ.责任起迄点point of inception and termination of liability
met.starting point
auto.starting point
earth.sc.initial point.
gen.starting point
gen.initial point
el.电容zero capacity
el.电容zero capacitance
auto.站车库terminal garage
tech.起冲点center mark
auto.起初的点火时期initial timing
chem.起动〔发射,电离,导通,放电开始〕点fire point
tech.起动位点initiation site
tech.起动器触点starter contact
tech.起动点starting point
tech.起动点firing point
auto.离合器开始向车轮传递动力的起动点biting point
tech.起动点breakaway point
auto.发动机起动点火starting ignition
avia.起动点火室starting chamber
auto.起动点火提前角start ignition angle
tech.起动点火照明用电池starting-lighting-ignition cell
tech.起动点火系统start-ignition system
tech.起动点火线圈booster coil
auto.起动、照明和点火starting, lighting and ignition
avia.起动燃料点火auxiliary fluid ignition
tech.起吊点pick up point
railw.起吊点hanging point
tech.起吊点pick-up and drop point
anim.husb.起始initiation site
life.sc.起始位点start point
sport., med.起始位点start site
tech.起始地点starting place
tech.起始大地点initial geodetic point
tech.起始天文点initial astronomical point
tech.起始斑点start spot
tech.起始点initial station
tech.起始点point of departure
avia.起始点start point
auto.起始点为防止后轮打滑,使双比例制动力调节阀发挥理想的制动性能,从某一点开始按一定比例使车轮制动缸压力略小于主缸压力,该点称作"起始点"split point
anim.husb.起始点initiation point (DNA 复制开始的部位)
IT起始点initial point
avia.起始点point of initiation
dril.起始点beginning of tape
el.起始点point of beginning
horticult.起始点initiation point
tech.起始点控制starting control
tech.起始点校正start point correction
auto.发动机起始点火initial firing
life.sc.起始点识别复合体origin recognition complex
tech.起始破裂点starting point of rupture
plann.起始结点initial node
tech.起始节点start node
tech.起始蒸发点point of evapouration
tech.起始蒸发点point of evaporation
tech.起始触点home-position contact
avia.起始进近定位点initial approach fix
tech.起始顶点initial vertex
tech.起拱接点impost joint
tech.起拱点springing of curve
tech.起拱点sprung arch
tech.起拱点spring point
tech.起拱点spring bend
el.起拱点arch springing line
tech.起拱点arch springer
tech.起拱点point of springing
tech.起拱点edge bend
sport., med.起搏点cardiac pacemaker
avia.起止点航空港terminal airport
anim.husb.起步点pace maker
el.起沸点bubble point
met.起泡点bubble point
tech.起泡点bubbling point
tech.起测基点【测】starting datum mark
avia.起测基点starting datum mark
tech.洪水的起涨点point of rise
telecom.信令的起源点originating point (signaling-)
telecom.起源点编码originating point code
telecom.单元数据消息或信令接续的起源节点originating node
tech.起火点spot of fire breaks
avia.起点point initiating
gen.起点square one
tech.起点jumping-off point
tech.起点originating point
tech.起点point of origin
tech.起点starting post
tech.起点starting place
tech.起点initial position (位置)
gen.起点start point
agric.起点low point
interntl.trade.起点terminus a quo
telecom.起点originating point (signaling-)
auto.起点initial position
agric.起点origin (origo)
gen.起点point of departure
sport.起点与终点线start and finish line
securit.起点base price
textile起点价格original price
commer.起点价格threshold price
busin.起点价格又称门槛价格threshold price
tech.起点位置starting position
outd.起点位置抽签starting position draw
commer.起点threshold value
auto.起点到终点origin to destination
tech.起点origin zone
econ.发货起点和目的地origin and destination
interntl.trade.起点国家threshold country
tech.起点子午线zero meridian
drag.起点控制中心starting control tower
adv.0 起点时间码dedicated time zone
gen.起点是 MM offers a starting point
sport, bask.起点终点post
tech.起点流域originating basin
met.起点温度temperature of start
el.起点电荷zero charge
archit.起点初步,预备head end
telecom.起点originating point code
el.起点移动装置origin-shift device
tech.起点突变zero point mutation
interntl.trade.起点inception point
interntl.trade.起点point of initial enplanement
auto.起点origin station
tech.起点stub-end station
tech.起点线zero line
auto.起点线与终点线start and finish line
earth.sc.起点 /终点origin/destination
interntl.trade.起点终点费terminal expenses
interntl.trade.起点终点费用terminal expenses
avia.起点能量zero point energy
sport.起点裁判judge at the start
sport.起点裁判员starting judge
met.起点读数null reading
compr.起点读数reference mark
dril.刻度盘的起点读数reference mark
tech.起点调整initial alignment
busin.起点minimum fee
tech.起点distance form initial point
desert.起点distance from initial point
interntl.trade.起点运费起码提单minimum freight or minimum charge per B/L
econ.起点运费minimum charge (per B/L)
busin.起点运费freeze rate
busin.起点zero bracket amount
tech.起燃点firing point
el.起爆剂雷管点火primer ignition
tech.起爆点initiation point
tech.起爆点priming point
expl.起爆点initiating point
tech.起爆点fire point
tech.起算点reference point
textile起织点weaving-in point
interntl.trade.起终点检验origin and destination survey
tech.起终点调查origin-destination survey
tech.起终点调查origin-destination study
commer.起航地点departure point
tech.起航点point of departure
avia.起航点departure point
busin.起讫点origin and destination
tech.起讫点交通表origin-destination table
busin.起讫点数相差幅度point spread
tech.起讫点模型origin-destination model
tech.起讫点模型origin and destination model
tech.交通起讫点表origin and destination chart
tech.交通起讫点表OD origin and destination table OD
tech.交通起讫点调查OD origin and destination survey
tech.交通起讫点调查origin and destination survey
tech.交通起讫点调查OD study OD
tech.起讫点调查origin-destination study
tech.起讫点调查origin-destination survey
tech.交通起讫点调查origin destination study
tech.起讫点调查O-D survey
interntl.trade.起诉要点point of claim
econ.起诉要点points of claim
outd.起跳点jumping-off point
auto.起迄点调查origin-destination survey
tech.起运地点starting place for shipping
commer.起运地点starting place of shipping
busin.起运地点place of dispatch
tech.起运地点place of shipping
tech.起运地点交货价格free on board shipping point
interntl.trade.起运点place of origin
interntl.trade.起运点交货FOB shipping point
econ.起运点交货价shipping point free on board shipping point
interntl.trade.起运点交货价free on board shipping point
busin.起运点交货价FOB shipping point
textile起运点交货价,起运点交货free on board shipping point
tech.起重器支承点jack lift point
tech.起重臂端点boom point
tech.起重臂顶尖及锚固点boom point with fixed point
tech.起重臂顶点boom point
avia.起飞决断点takeoff decision point
avia.②起飞点gate (商业飞行起飞的地方)
econ.起飞点take-off point
tech.路线起点point of commencement of the route
tech.路线起点point of commencement of the railway
tech.路线测量起点zero end of survey
auto.车轮抱死锁止起点wheel lock beginning
tech.车轮脱轨起始点point of derailment
met.转变起点onset of transformation
agric.转录起点transcription startpoint
nurs.转录起始位点transcriptional start site
avia.轰炸航路起点initial point of bombing run
tech.迁移起点migration origin
tech.运河起点建筑物canal head
tech.运河起点构筑物canal head
commer.运输的起讫地点commencement and destination of the transit
gen.这种布置方案中,没有表明是哪一点引起了报警with this arrangement, there is no indication of which point has caused the alarm
gen.这表明这台新机器比起那台旧的来有许多优点this shows the new machine to have many advantages over the old one
tech.进路起点beginning of the route
avia.远地点起动发动机apogee kick motor
avia.带预定轰炸航路起始点的连续计算弹着点/起始点continuously computed impact point/initial point
tech.逐个点火起爆firing one by one
tech.通航河段起点beginning of navigation
tech.通航河段起点beginning of shipping
tech.通航河段起点beginning of floating
tech.通航起讫点beginning and end of water way
tech.道岔起点start of switch
tech.重新起动点rerun point
met.闸门起始点gate start point
math.随机起点random start
tech.起点偏压zero initial
IT起点开发green-field development
tech.非电起爆点火系统non-electrical blast ignition system
tech.非电起爆点火系统non-electric blast ignition system
auto.车身起点jack up point
auto.起点位置jacking point
tech.顶点隆起apex hog
interntl.trade.预测引起通货膨胀的论点thesis expectation of inflation
gen.飞机几点起飞?What is the departure time?
tech.飞机场主楼到起飞点有盖顶的过道finger layout
tech.飞机场起飞点finger head
tech.首检波点线起始桩号start stake number of the first receiver line
textile起点high footing
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