
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一个月one month money
一揽子投lump sum investment
一次性投组合bullet portfolio
一类tier 1 capital
一级primary capital
一般产货币general asset currency
一般general fund
一般性增general capital increase
企业three capital enterprises
三点投策略three-pronged investment strategy
三级流动tertiary liquidity
上市要上市的各种证券、股票、债券等为上市资源listing resource
上市公司质提高quality improvement of listed company
上市公司再融的效率refinancing efficiency of listed company
上市公司格式化投public-format investment
上市公司的投参股公司listed companies' stake-taking company
上市公司重大产重组管理办法Administration Measures for Significant Asset Restructuring of Listed Companies
上市前投pre-IPO investment
上市后私募投private investment in public equity
上市后集post issue fundraising
上市投listed investment
上市的投目标publicized investment target
上市股私募投private investment in public equity
上市融go public
上市证券投基金listed securities investment fund
上市集go public
上市集体投计划listed collective investment schemes
上演投绝技staging investment stunts
上至下的投策略top-down investing
不动产产负债表property balance sheet
不动产/房地产投real estate investment
不动产/房地产投共同基金real estate pool
不动产/房地产投形态real estate investment patterns
不动产/房地产投服务real estate investment services
不动产/房地产投组合real estate investment portfolios
不动产/房地产抵押投管道real estate mortgage investment conduit
不动产投property investment
不动产投信托兼并REIT-to-REIT merger
不动产投信托分配规定REIT distribution requirement
不动产投信托协会National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts
不动产投信托协会净经营收人NAREIT net operating income
不动产投信托协会净经营系列NAREIT net operating series
不动产投信托协会回报NAREIT returns
不动产投信托协会指数NAREIT index
不动产投信托协会收人对比NAREIT income comparison
不动产投信托协会数据NAREIT data
不动产投信托协会易变性NAREIT volatility
不动产投信托协会系列NAREIT series
不动产投信托协会股息NAREIT dividend
不动产投信托协会股息收益NAREIT dividend yields
不动产投信托协会股息系列NAREIT dividend series
不动产投信托协会财产指数NAREIT property index
不动产投信托协会资产价值National Association of Real Estate Investment Trust asset values
不动产投信托合并REIT mergers
不动产投信托品质REIT qualification
不动产投信托回报REIT returns
不动产投信托子公司REIT subsidiary
不动产投信托守则Code on real estate investment trusts
不动产投信托投资策略REIT investment strategy
不动产投信托持股规则REIT share ownership requirement
不动产投信托收人测验REIT income test
不动产投信托收购REIT acquisition
不动产投信托构成REIT formation
不动产投信托治理REIT governance
不动产投信托税收条款REIT tax provision
不动产投信托管理REIT management
不动产投信托经营实体REIT operating entity
不动产投信托结构构成REIT structure formation
不动产投信托股东REIT shareholders
不动产投信托股本投资REIT equity investment
不动产投信托股票REIT shares
不动产投信托股票策略应用REIT stocks strategic uses
不动产投信托行业REIT industry
不动产投信托证券REIT securities
不动产投信托资产测验REIT asset test
不动产投信托首次公开发行REIT initial public offering
不动产抵押投管道real estate mortgage investment conduit
不受欢迎的本流人undesired capital inflow
不受监管的本市场exempt market
不受监管的集体投计划unregulated collective investment scheme
不受约束的uncommitted assets
不变流动permanent working capital
不变的周转permanent working capital
不合情理的投风险unreasonable risks
不合理融left-hand financing
不同dissimilar asset
不同价格变化的分散化投dissimilar price movement diversification
不存在的投non-existent investment
不安的投Nellie 是英语名字,此处代表投资人nervous Nellie
不实fictitious assets
不实fictitious capital
不容忍股市上投人的任何违法行为zero tolerance of investors5 illegal behaviors in stock market
不属于使用者的assets not attributable to users
不干预管理的投hands-off investor
不当地处理投订单mishandling of investment order forms
不当投improper investment
不征税inadmissible asset
不成熟的散户投unsophisticated retail investor
不易变现illiquid holdings
不活跃inactive asset
不活跃dormant asset
不确定undefined assets
不稳定金流volatile capital flows
不能汇出的unremittable fund
不能用数量估量的unquantifiable assets
不能随意使用的capital tie-up
不良underperforming asset
不良non-performance loan
不良non-performing asset
不良产处理部workout department
不良产管理银行bad bank
不良产解救方案troubled asset relief programme
不良产证券化non performance asset securitization
不良融left-hand financing
不计人inadmissible asset
不计人的non-admitted assets
不足现金助协议cash deficiency agreement
不适于流动金放贷unsuitability for working capital lending
不适合的投unsuitable investor
不附本增值出售的股票不包括公司按股权比例分配给股东的红利新股ex capitalization
不需要的unwanted assets
不面向新投closed to new investor
与投关联的储蓄计划investment-linked savings plan
与投有关的人寿保险计划investment-linked assurance schemes
与计划有关联的funds linked to a scheme
与货币关联的投工具currency linked instrument
专业投professional investor
专业投人交易professional dealing
专业投人免税professionals exemption
专业投人基金professional investor fund
专业投人豁免professionals exemption
专用specialized assets
专用earmarked money
专用于企业的投firm-specific investment
专用项目投activity-specific investment
专门specialized assets
专门产组合dedicated portfolio
专门化的specialized asset
专门投工具specified instrument
专门用途的earmarked fund
专门的投组合策略dedicated portfolio strategy
专项special purpose fund
专项企业投firm-specific investment
专项投基金specialized investment fund
专项投策略dedication strategy (现金流匹配的策略)
企业enterprise assets
企业本投资business capital expenditure
企业金来源enterprise funds source
企业可支配funds at the disposal of enterprise
企业固定金来源enterprise fixed funds source
企业固定投business fixed investment
企业国际融corporate international finance
企业型投信托corporation type investment trust
企业开发enterprise development fund
企业投账户corporate investor account
企业法人status of enterprise legal person
企业法人status of corporate
企业短期融enterprise short-term bond
企业自有funds owned by enterprise
企业自有funds under enterprise control
企业自有funds at the disposal of enterprise
企业自筹enterprise self-raised funds
企业融corporate financing
企业融协会the Corporate Finance Association (CFA)
企业融实务corporate finance practice
企业融Corporate Finance Division
企业融corporate finance arm
企业融顾问corporate finance adviser
企业融顾问行为准则Corporate Finance Adviser Code of Conduct (中国香港证监会)
倒闭的投银行investment bank collapsed
分享利润收回投get money back by sharing the profits
分享投利益sharing the investment benefits
分割式本信托split capital trust
分割式本投资split capital investment
分割式投公司split investment company
分去部分rake off
分散化多样化模式diversification mode
分散化的投基金diversified fund
分散化的投组合diversified investment portfolio
分散投portfolio diversification
分期付款融instalment financing
分期付款销售融time sale financing
分段累积融split funding
分派distribution of assets
分类周期产折旧class life asset depreciation
分类账上的ledger asset
分配marshal the assets
分配的distributed assets
划拨allotted fund
joint pooling
交易joint-venture transaction
企业equity joint venture
企业cooperative joint venture
企业中的多数股权控制majority control in joint venture
企业损失loss from joint venture
基金管理公司joint venture fund management firm
投标joint venture tender
收购joint venture tender
活动joint-venture activity
经营企业joint venture enterprise
证券公司joint venture securities company
银行joint-stock bank
银行joint bank
合伙人格证书partnership certificate
合伙的partnership money
合并产负债表summarized balance sheet
合并产负债表consolidated statement of resources
合并产负债表composite balance sheet
合并所得capital from consolidation
合并的产负债表aggregate assets and liabilities
合并股东consolidated shareholders funds
合成synthetic asset
合成产证券化synthetic securitization
合成投synthetic investment
合格境内投qualified domestic investment institution
合格境内机构投qualified domestic investment institution
合格境外投机构qualified foreign investment institution
合格境外投者管理人QFII Custodians
合格境外机构投qualified foreign investment institution
合格房地产投信托子公司qualified REIT subsidiary
合格投qualified investor
合格机构投qualified institutional buyer
合格机构投qualified institutional investor
合法legal assets
合法投eligible investment
合法投清单legal list
合法验机构statutory capital verification institution
合理投rational investment
合理的产定价reasonable asset pricing
合股投公司mutual insurance company
合股投公司mutual fund company/corporation
同一产的摊还amortizing same asset
同日金替代same-day substitution
同日金结算same day funds settlement
同步向市场注人synchronising injections of funds into markets
同行投trade investment
名义产收益率nominal return on an asset
后备monetary holding
后门筹政府机构不依赖国会拨款,而向财政部融资back door financing
向企业投embark in enterprise
向外国投者付款payment to foreign investors
向安全产转移flight to safety
向战略投者配售股份placement to strategic investor
向证监会递交submission of information to Commission
处理不要的disposition of unwanted assets
处理固定产收益income on disposal of fixed assets
处置disposition of funds
处置不良disposing bad assets
备份file backup
备查back up data
备用back up data
备用backup funding
备用外汇reserve foreign currency
备用的筹方法alternative funding method
备选投市场alternative investment market
复制投组合duplicative portfolio
复合产剥离multiple divestitures
复合本结构除普通股及债券外,还包括认股权证、可转换公司债、可转换特别股等形成的公司资本结构complex capital structure
复杂的融交易high finance
企业foreign invested enterprise
企业foreign funded enterprise
企业foreign owned enterprise
企业corporation with foreign capital
企业所得税foreign enterprise income tax
所有权foreign ownership
投人investment of foreign capital
投资目标foreign capital investment target
散户foreign retail investor
法人股foreign legal person's shares
注人foreign capital injection
离境税exit tax on foreign investment
立法foreign capital legislation
金融机构foreign-funded financial institution
附属公司foreign capital affiliated company
项目foreign funded project
外债融发行floatation of external loan
外向投outbound investment
外商投企业foreign invested enterprise
外商投的有限责任公司limited liability companies with foreign investment
外商独企业foreign owned enterprise
外地投inward investment
外币foreign currency assets
外币融中心foreign currency funding center
外方承诺的投金额committed amount of foreign investment
外方控股的合企业foreign holding joint venture
外来capital from outside resource
外来金额external resources flows
外来投external investor
外汇本金账户foreign exchange capital account
外汇foreign exchange resource
外汇foreign currency funds
外汇金证券foreign exchange assets
外汇期货投currency futures investment
外汇清算funds for foreign exchange settlement
外汇经营fund for operation of foreign exchange
外汇结算fund for foreign exchange settlement
外部external assets
封存blocked funds
封闭型投信托基金closed-end investment trusts
封闭式投信托closed end type investment trust
封闭式投公司closed end investment company
封闭式投基金close securities investment fund
本基金microcap fund
本市场美国纳斯达克small cap market NASDAQ, USA
小企业投公司small business investment corporation
小企业投公司SBIC 归美国小企业管理局管辖,该公司可获低息贷款Small Business Investment Company
小企业投Small Business Investment Act
小企业筹small business financing
小投retail investor
小投者权益的丧失interest losses of small investors
小的投公司secondary company
小额产股small capitalization stock
小额本交易shoestring trading
小额投little investor
市场本额market capitalization
市场投组合market portfolio
市场推销marketing materials
市场的源配置功能resource allocation function of the market
市场重组融创新手段innovation of market restructuring and financing
市场预期型投market anticipation investor
市政债券投信托municipal investment trust (MIT)
市政债券投者保证公司municipal bond investors assurance Corp.
市政投信托municipal investment trust
市政改造融债券municipal improvement certificate
希腊本市场管理委员会Greece Capital Market Commission
开价投quoted investment
开办投start-up investment
开发development assets
开发development capital
开发上市业务的海外developing overseas resources for listing
开放型投信托open end investment trust
开放型投公司open end investment company
开放式基金净产价值net asset value of open-end fund
开放式投企业基金open-ended investment companies fund
开放式筹说明书open prospectus
开放式证券投基金open securities investment fund
异己的capital alien
investment invitation
引人outside funds
引人induction capital
引发投inducement to invest
引发投转移induced capital movement
引发撤induced disinvestment
引发的投induced investment
引诱他人投资金的民事责任civil liability for inducing others to invest money
意向投intended investment
成长型本组合growth portfolio
成长型投growth investing
成长型投growth investor
成长期融growth-stage financing
成长股价值投方法value investing approach to growth stocks
持有产费用carrying charge
持有型投buy and hold investor
持有的monetary holding
持有证券组合portfolio holdings
持照licensing status
持照投顾问licensed investment adviser
持续融evergreen funding
指定用途earmarked money
指定用途的earmarked fund
指定的投designated investor
指数化投indexation investment
指数化投组合indexed portfolio
指数化证券投资金index fund
本总值by market capitalization
按出比率分红draw dividends in proportion to their capital contribution
按工参股的计划payroll-based stock ownership plan
按市价记录产净值mark to market
按成本平均投dollar-cost averaging
按投多少分红sharing profits according to contributions
按投的资金额来分享收人sharing profits in proportion to the amount of investment
按投人本的资本额in capacity of contribution of capital
按时间调整的情况计算投time adjusted investment
按现值计算的投time adjusted investment
按衡平法处置的equitable assets
按要求可变的流动variable required liquid capital
搁置lock-up capital
搁置dormant capital
易变现的liquid assets
最优本结构optimal capital structure
最低本金要求net capital requirement
最低本额规定minimum capital requirement
最低投minimum contribution
最低投额规定minimum investment requirement
最低投人minimum contribution
最佳源配置的市场作用market's function of optimal resource allocation
最佳投高收益、低风险的投资prime investment
最佳投决定make optimal investment decision
最初primary capital
最有价值的公司中marquee assets
最理智的投savviest investors
最终投end investor
格的人qualifying person
格的券商eligible securities dealers
格经营海外业务的证券公司oversea business qualified securities company
有价marketable asset
有价admitted assets
有价admissible assets
有价证券投quoted securities investment
有优先权认股出have priority in subscription for new shares
有依据的投决定informed investment decision
有保护的行业投covered industry investing
有关恐怖主义活动金的行政命令Terrorism Finance United States Executive Order
有关购人/出让交易权的讯服务Notification Service of Purchase/Sale of Trading Rights
有利可图的投场所profitable fields of investment
有利投good investment
有名无实的fictitious assets
有呆账可能暂不计人的non-accrual asset
有增权的股票stock cum right
有形hard asset
有形产净值tangible net worth
每股有形产净值net tangible assets (per share)
有形产净值的纯利润率net profits on tangible net worth
有形产投资material investment
有形产账石价值tangible book value
有形产重估revaluation of tangible assets
有形visible means
有形visible capital
有形real capital
有意投intended investment
有意投人士prospective investor
有投兴趣的表示indication of interest
有投票权的voting capital
有收益earning asset
有收益的income earning assets
有效本市场efficient capital market
有效的投组合efficient portfolio
有效纳税投tax efficient investing
有效货币virtual money-capital
有期限不动产投信托finite life real estate investment trust
有条件的临时投收人qualified temporary investment income
有税收优势的投tax-advantaged investment
有足够的源在金融动荡中生存adequate resources to survive in the turmoil
有重点的本结构分析pro forma capital structure analysis
有问题的债务投distressed debt investing
有限合伙金成本cost of limited partner capital
有限期的limited life assets
有限责任投工具limited liability instrument
有限追索权项目融limited recourse project finance
有风险投支持的公司VC backed company
标准产组合风险分析保证金SPAR 是 Standardized Portfolio Analysis of Risk 的缩写SPAR margin
标准投利润法method of standard profit rate of investment
标准的产组合normal portfolios
标普推荐产配置S&P recommended asset allocation
民间流动private flow
清产核fund source established through reviewing physical assets
清产核producing an inventory of assets and verify funds
清产核assets and capital verification
清理check up assets
清理剩余mop up
清算settled assets
清算余额funds for clearing balance
清算所clearing house funds
理性投rational investment
理性投blue chip investment
理性的投概念rational investment concept
理想产组合ideal portfolio
稀缺scarce resource
税收减免优惠投tax shelter investment
缓冲存货融buffer stock financing
缓解投者的忧虑allay investor's concern
老练的投sophisticated investor
谁投谁受益论theory that those who have invested should be benefited
调动disposition of funds
调回从国外repatriate capital
调控regulate capital
调整本结构的建议recapitalization proposal
调整后产净值adjusted net assets
调整后有形净adjusted net tangible assets
调整后的可接纳产净值adjusted net admissible assets
调整后的流动adjusted current assets
调整后的贷款和投loans and investments adjusted
调整国有企业产负债比readjust the asset-liability ratio of state-owned enterprise
调整改组国有企业促进产重组readjust and reorganize state-owned enterprises to promote re-arrangement of assets
退休收人投组合retirement income portfolio
退还全部投人full return of contributions
适销marketable asset
逃往安全flight to safety
逃离高风险投flight from risky investment
逃避充斥世界各地,无特定用途的流动资金refugee capital
选择本化比率的方法methods of selection of capitalization rate
选择性特殊投资品种,如古玩字画alternative asset
选择投bottom-up approach to investing
逐步增drip feed
销售收人比流动金净值sales to net working capital
销路好的marketable asset
锁定tying up capital
鼓励工incentive pay
鼓励投boost investment
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