
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
一揽子地球源试验规划Earth Resources Experiment Packaging Program
一级料使用站primary data user station
一级料使用系统primary data user system
不动产抵押投公司real estate mortgage investment company
世界源与备用数据库服务局World Resources and Reserves Data Bank Service
世界源信息会议Universal Resource Information Symposium
世界源研究所联合国world resources institute
世界候应用与料计划咨询委员会Advisory Committee for the World Climate Applications and Data Programmes
世界发展金机构联合会World Federation of Development Financing Institutions
世界天气料记录World Weather Records
世界气候料计划世界气象组织world climate data programme WMO
世界水源会议World Congress on Water Resources
世界环境和源理事会World Environment and Resources Council
东亚源再循环技术East Asian Resources Recycling Technology
东亚大地构造和源研究会Study of East Asia Tectonics and Resources
东北部水源信息终端northeast water resources information terminal
东欧气象料综合处理中心莫斯科Meteorological Synthesizing Center-East Moscow
东西方源系统研究所East-West Resource Systems Institute
东非和南非矿产源开发中心Eastern and Southern African Mineral Resources Development Centre
东非自然源研究委员会肯尼亚East African Natural Resources Research Council
中华人民共和国国土源部Ministry of Land and Resources of the P. R. China
中华人民共和国矿产源法Mineral Resources Law of the People's Republic of China
中国南京水文水源研究所Nanjing Institute of Hydrology & Water Resources (China)
中国-巴西地球源卫星China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite
中国自然源综合考察委员会Commission of Integrated Survey of Natural Resources
中央矿业投公司Central Mining and Investment Corporation
中普拉特自然源区Central Platte Natural Resource District
中间轨道地球源观察站medium orbiting Earth resources observatory
中非矿产源开发中心Central Africa Mineral Resources Development Centre
为地学家利用的在线On-Line Resources for Earth Scientists
主区域水源计划Major Regional Project
主土地源区major land resource areas
企业源计划enterprise resources planning
伊利诺斯大学厄巴纳水源中心University of Illinois, Urbana/Water Resources Center
伊利诺斯州水源调查所Illinois State Water Survey
伊利诺斯州自然源信息系统Illinois Resources Information System
伊朗石油合公司Iranian Oil Participants, Ltd.
住房投housing investment
佐治亚州自然源局Georgia Department of Natural Resources
佛罗里达州水源研究中心Florida Water Resources Re. search Center
佛罗里达州水源管理条例Florida Water Resource Act
佛罗里达州自然源局Florida Department of Natural Resources
入藏accessioned documents
全俄世界海洋矿产源地质和勘探研究所All-Russian Research Institute of Geology and Exploration of Mineral Resources of World Ocean
全俄矿产源研究所All-Russian Research Institute of Mineral Resources
全俄矿产源经济和勘探研究所All-Russian Research Institute of Economy and Exploration of Mineral Resources
全国源回收中心National Center for Resource Recovery
全国源回收协会National Resource Recovery Association
全国地热信息National Geothermal Information Resources
全国地球物理和日-地料中心National Geophysical and Solar Terrestrial Data Center
全国投者理事会National Investors Council
全国水源协会National Water Resources Association
全国水源委员会National Water Resources Committee
全国铀源评价数据National Uranium Resource Evaluation Data
全球源信息系统global resources information system
全球工程文献料服务公司Global Engineering Documentation Services, Inc.
公共工程和水源部埃及Ministry of Public Works and Water Resources Egypt
分子光谱学文献料集documentation of molecular spectroscopy
分期投保持受益法投资分配法separable costs, remaining benefits method
分析煤能量源程序program to analyze coal energy resources PACER
利通源勘探仪器公司Litton Resources Systems
利通源勘探仪器公司Litton resources systems
北大西洋水源研究区North Atlantic Region
北方近海源调查Northern Offshore Resources Study
北方近海源调查组Northern Offshore Resources Study Group
北极矿产源研究所阿拉斯加大学Institute of Arctic Mineral Resources University of Alaska
北达科他州水源研究所North Dakota Water Resources Research Institute
北部县参照源和研究资源委员会North County Reference and Research Resources Council
北部大平原源开发计划Northern Great Plains Resource Program
区域料网站分析network analysis for regional information
区域源分析系统area resource analysis system
区域矿产源开发中心Regional Mineral Resources Development Centre
区域酸化料与模拟模型国际同源系统分析研究所regional acidification information and simulation model IIASA
华盛顿文献料中心Washington Document Center
南半球气象料交换中心Southern Hemisphere Exchange Centre
南卡罗来纳州野生动物与海洋源局South Carolina Wildlife and Marine Resources Department
南太平洋海洋源保护及开采常设委员会Permanent Commission for the Conservation and Exploitation of the Marine Resources of the South Pacific
南太平洋近海地区矿产源联合勘探协调委员会Committee for Coordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Re. sources in South Pacific Offshore Areas
南极海洋生物源保护公约Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine living Resources
南极矿产源勘探活动管理协定Convention for the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resources Activities
南澳电法测量信托投公司Electricity Trust of South Australia
南达科他州自然源部South Dakota Department of Natural Resources
卫星料发送装置satellite transmitter unit
卫星料弥散系统satellite data dissemination system
卫星料服务部Satellite Data Services Branch
卫星雪盖观测料的业务应用operational applications of satellite snow cover observations
印度源卫星Indian Resources Satellite
印度水源学会Indian Water Resources Society
印度海洋源公司Indian Ocean Resources, Ltd.
各种数据various data
账户joint venture account
合作源委员会Cooperative Resources Committee
合并产负债表consolidated statement
合理确定的reasonably assured resources
土地landed estates
土地land assets
土地land capital
土地land resource
土地源保护land resource preservation
土地源和水资源研究所Institute for Research on Land and Water Resources
土地源处land resources division
土地源学 land resource science
土地源研究中心加拿大Land Resource Research Centre Canada
土地源管理land resources management
土地源调查 land resource survey
土地利用与自然源信息系统land use and natural resource information system
土地利用和自然land use and natural resource
土地和水源研究与开发公司澳大利亚Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation Australia
土地登记料公开查询public inquiring of land register
土壤源保护conservation of soil resource
土壤源评价soil resources assessment
土壤源调查soil resources inventory
圣莫尼卡山脉自然源保护区Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy
地下水源数据库groundwater resources database
地下水源研究所Ground Water Resources Institute
地区源中心Regional Resources Center
地区源中心Area Resources Center
地区源知识中心Area Resource Learning Center
地区源管理信息系统regional resources management information system
地区源网络regional resource network
地形图料目录控制点topographic map inventory control point
地热源协会Geothermal Resources Association
地热源理事会Geothermal Resources Council
地球源信息、存储、变换、分析和检索系统Earth Resources Information, Storage, Transformation, Analysis, and Retrieval (System)
地球源判读中心Earth Resources Interpretation Center
地球源勘测作业卫星Earth Resources Survey Operational Satellite
地球源勘测卫星Earth Resources Survey Satellite
地球源卫星系统委员会Committee on Earth Resources Satellite System
地球源卫星计划研究委员会Earth Resources Satellite Program Research Committee
地球源合成孔径雷达Earth Resources Synthetic Aperture Radar
地球源图像处理系统Earth Resources Image Processing System
地球源实验卫星Earth Resources Test Satellite
地球源实验室应用软件Earth Resources Laboratory Applications Software
地球源应用计划Earth Resources Application
地球源技术卫星Earth resources technology satellite
地球源技术卫星数据解释程序与特内克斯作业记录仪ERTS data interpreter and tenex operations recorder
地球源数字应用系统Earth Resources Digital Applications System
地球源数据Earth Resources Data
地球源数据中心Earth Resources Data Center
地球源数据分析Earth Resources Data Analysis
地球源照相卫星Earth Resources Photographic Satellite
地球源研究实验室Earth Resources Laboratory
地球源研究数据中心Earth Resources Research Data Facility
地球源管理Earth resources management
地球源管理应用中心Center for Earth Resources Management Applications
地球源绘图仪Earth Resources Mapper
地球源编目系统Earth Resources Inventory System
地球源观测卫星Earth Resources Observation Satellite
地球源观测系统Earth Resources Observation Systems
地球源观测系统数据中心美国地质调查局EROS Data CenterUSGS
地球源观测系统数据中心数字图像增强系统EDC digital image enhancement system
地球源观测系统数据中心的数字图像处理系统EDC digital image processing system
地球源观测系统计划Earth Resources Observation System Program
地球源观测飞行计划Earth Resources Aircraft Program
地球源计划Earth Resources Program
地球源试验程序包Earth Resources Experiment Package
地球源试验规划Earth Resources Experimental Program
地球源调查卫星Earth Resources Survey Satellite
地球源调查计划Earth resources survey program
地球源调查计划评议委员会美国国家航宇局Earth Resources Survey Program Review Committee NASA
地球源调查遥感计划委员会Committee on Remote Sensing Program for Earth Resources Surveys
地球源调查飞行计划Earth Resources Survey Flights Program
地球源资料Earth Resources Data
地球源运行系统Operational Earth Resources System
地球源遥感研究室软件系统Office for Remote Sensing of Earth Resources
地球源飞行数据Earth Resources Flight Data
地球同步卫星料存档与检索系统geosynchronous satellite archival and retrieval system
地球外勘探工作组working group on extraterrestrial resources
地球环境与源会议Earth Environment and Resources Conference
地球科学料指南美国地质调查局Earth Science Data Directory
地球科学和源局Board on Earth Sciences and Resources
地球科学和源研究所Earth Sciences and Resources Institute
地球编码源信息数据管理系统geo-encoded-resources information data management system
地理源中心Geographic Resources Center
地理源分析支持系统geographical resources analysis support system
地理源分析软件包geographical resource analysis software package
地理源分析软件包geographical resource analysis software package
地理源分析辅助系统geographical resources analysis support system
地租本化capitalization of land rent
地质料管理条例Regulations on the Administration of Geological Data
地质和矿产源研究所Research Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources
地面反射surface reflection data
堪萨斯州黏土磁带版Kansas Clay Data
塞克特环境源咨询公司加拿大Secter Environmental Resource Consulting Canada
处理后的源管理post attack resource management
外商直接投foreign direct investment
外国投审查局Foreign Investment Review Board
外国投理事会Foreign Investment Council
源分析和信息系统multiresource analysis and information system
源战略multi-resources strategy
多伦多市行政区自然源保护管理局加拿大Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Canada
多光谱源采样器multispectral resource sampler
大型轨道地球源观测站large orbiting Earth resources observatory
大西洋共同体拉美开发集团投公司Atlantic Community Development Group for Latin American Investment Company
天气料生成器weather generator
天气记录料处理中心Weather Record Processing Center
天气雷达料处理显示系统weather radar processor and display
太平洋源管理局Pacific Resources Authority
太平洋岛屿海洋源信息系统Pacific Islands Marine Resources Information System
太平洋海洋源开采和保护会议常设委员会Permanent Commission of the Convention on the Exploitation and Conservation of the Maritime Resources of the Pacific
太阳与地球物理solar-geophysical data
太阳黑子指数料中心Sunspot Index Data Centre
威斯康星州自然源管理局Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
孟加拉国土壤源开发研究所Bangladesh Soil Resources Development Institute
小型轨道地球源观测站small orbiting Earth resources observatory
开发源小组development resources panel
开发投基金development's investment fund
弗吉尼亚州源信息系统Virginia Resources Information System
弗吉尼亚州水源研究中心Virginia Water Resources Research Center
弗吉尼亚州海洋源委员会Virginia Marine Resources Commission
弗吉尼亚理工学院水源中心Virginia Polytechnic Institute-Water Resources Center
弗罗里达州源和环境分析中心Florida Resources and Environmental Analysis Center
当年增费用incremental cost of capital
怀俄明州采矿和矿产源研究所Wyoming Mining and Mineral Resource Research Institute
源成本total resource cost
总投total costs
总黄金源量general gold resources
戈达德图像与料分析中心Goddard Image and Information Analysis Center
战略源区strategic resource area
按揭融mortgage finance
按月投计划monthly investment plan
挪威自然源管理局Directorate for Nature Management (Norway)
损耗depletion assets
收入本化income capitalization
收益商业不动产income property
收益本化法income-capitalization approach
收益本化法income capitalization approach
收益的本化价值earnings capitalized value
收集与处理地球源数据技术计划信息处理系统TERRA information processing system
政府间海洋学委员会国际海洋料交换工作委员会Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Working Committee on International Oceanographic Data Exchange
政策与源委员会Policy and Resources Committee
明尼苏达州自然源局Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
有效available funds
有效净effective net worth
有限源专项研究limited resources speciality
朝鲜水源开发公司Korea Water Resources Development Corp.
未来源公司Resources for the Future, Inc.
本底background information
机构投institutional investor
机构间海洋源理事会Inter-Agency Council on Ocean Resources
标准源记录standard resource records
标准参考standard reference data
标准水文气象料交换格式standard hydrometeorological exchange format
nuclear data
格兰德里弗自然源管理局加拿大,美国Grand River Conservation Authority Canada, US
欧洲投信托公司European Investment Trust
欧洲水源协会European Water Resources Association
欧洲水源管理委员会European Committee for Water Resources Management
欧洲自然源保护年European Conservation Year
欧洲自然及自然源保护委员会European Committee for Conservation Nature and Natural Resources
气象〔O〕 meteorological information
气象料综合处理中心meteorological synthesizing centre
气象卫星料地面接收站meteorological satellite data receiving ground station
气象无线电传播料联合委员会Joint Meteorological Radio Propagation Committee
气象档案料检索系统欧洲中期天气预报中心meteorological archival and retrieval system
气象气球探测radiosonde observation data
源中心印度Centre for Water Resources India
源中心Water Resources Center
源中心印度Centre for Water Resources
源会议Water Resources Congress
源区域water resource region
源单位water resources unit
源国有化条例伊朗,美国Nationalization of Water Resources Act Iran,US
源地理信息系统water resources geographical information system
源处美国地质调查局water resources division USGS
源处water resources branch
源委员会的规则和标准Principles and Standards of Water Resources Council
源局Water Resources Board
源工程承包商公司菲律宾Hydro Resources Contractors Corporation Philippines
源开发中心联合国Water Resources Development Center
源开发和管理中心印度Centre for Water Resources Development & Management India
源开发总局印度尼西亚Directorate General of Water Resources Development Indonesia
源开发条例water resources development act
源政策委员会Water Resources Policy Commission
源数据库综合管理系统integrated water resources database management system
源数据管理系统water resources data management system
源数据系统water resources data system
源最优分配optimal allocation of water resources
源条例water resource act
源理事会Water Resources Council
源研究美国地球物理联合会期刊water resource research
源研究中心Center for Water Resources Research
源研究中心Water Resources Research Center
源研究中心Center Research in Water Resources
源研究委员会Committee on Water Resources Research
源研究局office of water resources research
源研究所water resources unit
源研究所美国陆军工程师团Institute for Water Resources
源研究所Water Resources Research Institute
源研究所美国阿拉斯加大学Institute of Water Resources University of Alaska
源研究条例water resources research act
源科学信息中心美国地质调査局Water Resources Scientific Information CenterUSGS
源科学信息系统water resources scientific information system
源科学研究中心Water Resources Scientific Research Center
源管理决策支持系统water resources management decision support system
源管理局Water Resources Management Administration
源管理有限公司Water Resources Management Inc.
源系统water resources system
源系统研究所英国自然环境研究理事会water resources system research unitNERC
源系统综合方案integral program for water resources system
源规划与管理局water resources planning and management division
源规划条例water resources planning act
源评估法water resources assessment methodology
源调查报告water resources investigations reports
源通报美国水资源协会water resources bulletinAWRA
源部摩洛哥water resources division Morocco
源部Department of Water Resources
水与自然源局Department of Water and Natural Resources
水利工程和水源开发研究所Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Development Germany
水力源和电气化公司巴拿马Institute of Hydraulic Resources and Electrification Panama
水底源评估技术benthic resources assessment technique
水文学和水hydrology and water resources
水文科学和水源技术研究所伊朗Institute of Hydro-Sciences and Water Resources Technology Iran
津巴布韦克拉夫源有限公司Cluff for Resources Zimbabwe Ltd
洪特国际源公司Hunt International Resource Co.
流动产与总资产比率ratio of current assets to total assets
流动mobile fund
流动资本circulating capital
测量料处理系统survey information processing system
潜在源丰富带potential repository zone
火星料分析计划Mars data analysis program
爱达荷州水源和能源研究所Idaho Water and Energy Resources Research Institute
爱达荷州水源局Idaho Department of Water Resources
爱达荷州水源研究所Idaho Water Resources Research Institute
爱达荷州采矿和矿产源研究所Idaho Mining and Minerals Resources Research Institute
瑞典海洋源委员会Swedish Marine Resources Commission
生态源区ecological resource areas
电子计算机金汇兑系统electronic funds transfer system
电子金转账系统electronic fund transfer
电子业投公司Electronics Investment Corporation
社会环境及源协会Social Environment and Resources Association
程序控制program-control document
穆斯鲍尔效应料索引Mossbauer Effect Data Index
缓冲库存bu£fer stock
网格化源编录数据系统gridded resource inventory data system
耕地后备源调查cultivated land reserves survey
联合国水源秘书联席小组intersecretariat group for water resources
联合国秘书间水源小组inter-secretariat group for water resources
联合国自然源与能源局division of natural resources and energy
联合国自然源勘查周转基金United Nations Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Exploration
联合国自然源、能源与运输中心United Nations Center for Natural Resources, Energy and Transport
联合环境料分析中心Joint Environmental Data Analysis Center
联合生产与源局Combined Production and Resources Board
联邦地球科学与自然源研究所Federal Institute of Geosciences and Natural Resources
联邦水源委员会Federal Water Resources Council
联邦水源研究中心Federal Water Resource Research Center
联邦水源部尼日利亚Federal Ministry of Water Resources Nigeria
联邦水源部尼日利亚Federal Department of Water Resources Nigeria
联邦矿产源和地质委员会Commonwealth Committee on Mineral Resources and Geology
航测图料室Aeronautical Chart and Information Services
荒地源信息系统wildland resource information system
衣阿华州水源数据系统Iowa Water Resources Data System
衣阿华州水源研究所Iowa State Water Resources Research Institute
衣阿华州自然源委员会Iowa Natural Resources Council
衣阿华州采矿和矿产源研究所Iowa State Mining and Mineral Resources Research Institute
补充料记录supplemental information report
表列tabular data
调查料处理系统survey information processing system
财政投和贷款计划fiscal investment and loan programme
账外assets out of books
产专用基金assets special fund
产储备金assets reserves
产周转率assets turnover
产总额利润率rate of returns on total assets
产报废assets retirement
产报废情况折旧法depreciation-retirement method
产担保assets cover
产收益比率assets income ratio
产收益率rate of return on assets
产管理报酬率return on assets managed
产评估evaluation of assets
产评估师property valuer
产负债率equity-debt ratio
产负债率balance sheet ratio
产负债表内的经营活动on-balance sheet operational activities
产重估税assets revaluation tax
料传递实验室Information Transfer Laboratory
料分析中心Data Analysis Workshop Center
料分析系统data analysis system
料分类data classification
料分类法data classification system
料收集装置data collecting unit
料目录information directory
料目录information bibliography
料自动编辑转接系统automatic data editing and switching system
料获取data acquisition
本与负债比率capital gearing
本产量递增比率incremental capital-output ratio
本借贷比例capital gearing
本净流量net cash how
本利得税tax on capital gain
本利息税capital interest tax
本利润capital profit
本化利润capitalized profit
本化利率capitalization rate
本回报率return on capital
本回收率rate of return of capital
本回收费用capital recovery factor
本增益capital gain
本强度capital intensity
本总收益total earning
本搭配比率gearing ratio
本的加权平均成本weighted-average cost-of capital
本费用capital outlay
本转让税capital transfer tax
本边际成本incremental cost of capital
本边际效益递减declining marginal efficiency of capital
本边际生产率marginal productivity of capital
本还原率capitalized ratio
本需求capital requirement
源与分配处Resources and Referral Service
源与环境信息系统resources and environment information system
源与环境研究中心澳大利亚Center for Resource and Environmental Studies
源与环境遥感remote sensing for natural resources and environment
源专题计划resource specialist program
源交换计划Resources Exchange Project
源保护与利用计划尼泊尔Resource Conservation and Utilization Projects Nepal
源保护与开发resource conservation and development
源保护信息协会Association Conservation Information
源保护公司美华盛顿Resource Conservation Company (Wash.)
源保护区resources conservation area
源保护和利用条例resource conservation and recovery act
源保护和回收条例resource conservation and recovery act
源保护学硕士master of science in resource conservation
源保护局Office of Defence Resources
源保护条例resources conservation act
源保障系统resource security system
源信息中心Resource Information Center
源信息实验室Resource Information Laboratory
源信息指令系统instructional resources information system
源信息显示格网说明resource information display grid version
源共享分时系统resource sharing timesharing system
源共享终端系统resource sharing terminal system
源共享计划resource sharing program
源分析和管理resources analysis and management
源分配与计划管理resources allocation/program management
源分配和计划拟定resource allocation and project planning
源分配处理机resource allocation processor
源分配处理程序resource allocation processor
源分配模式resource allocation model
源利用小组Resources Services Group
源协调中心Resource Coordination Center
源和陆地信息计划resources and land information program
源和陆地研究resource and land investigation
源基本库存量resource basic inventory
源填图应用系统mapping application resources system
源定位信息处理器resource allocation processor
源开发公司新西兰Resources Development, Ltd. New Zealand
源换算曲线resource transformation curve
源政策resources policy
源政策中心Resource Policy Center
源数据文档resource data file
源枯竭代价exhaust price
源研究中心Centre for Resource Studies
源确定网络resource decision network
源管理信息系统resource management information system
源管理公司Resource Management Corp., Inc.
源管理和分配技术系统system for management and allocation of resources technique
源管理系统system for resources management
源管理联合会resource management associates
源管理计划分析program analysis for resource management
源综合开发研究所日本shigen sogo kaihatsu kenkyujo
源网络委员会Resource Network Committee
源计划和调配方法resources planning and scheduling method
源计划管理和分配技术schedule management and allocating resources technique
源记录resource record
源评价与分析模型理论contention for resources evaluation and analysis model
源评价与自然资源保护工程处resource assessment and conservation engineering division NWAFC
源评估和土地利用规划局坦桑尼亚Bureau of Resource Assessment and Land Use Planning
源识别码resource identification code
源配置及多目标计划编制resource allocation and multiproject scheduling
金充裕的well-off monetarily
金自动分配automatic fund allocation
金集约度capital intensity
赤字融deficit financing
逐时降水hourly precipitation data
遥测telemetered data
遥测料处理系统remote information processing system
阿奇胡尔利自然源保护区美国新墨西哥州arch hurley conservancy district NM
阿拉伯投公司Arab Investment Company
阿拉伯石油投公司Arab Petroleum Investments Corporation
阿拉斯加原生矿产源评价计划Prototype Alaskan Mineral Resource Assessment Program
阿拉斯加大学北极环境信息和料中心University of Alaskas Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center
阿拉斯加州土地与源系统Alaska Land and Resource System
阿拉斯加矿产源评价计划Alaskan Mineral Resource Assessment Program
阿肯色州源管理信息系统Arkansas Resource Management Information System
附加投收益率rate of return on incremental investment
陆地源区land resource area
陆面源单位land resource unit
陆面区域源编码land area resource code
降低成本投支出cost-reduction expenditure
非洲投中心African Investment Center
非流动noncurrent asset
魁北克省自然源部加拿大Quebec Department of Natural Resources
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