
Terms for subject Economy containing 资金的 | all forms | in specified order only
不生息的资金dead capital
个人金融资产的增长buildup of personal financial assets
为保持资金流动性而作的安排liquidity arrangement
为利用甲方有关新产品的资料,乙方将付给甲方一笔酬金Party B shall pay Party A a sum of money for the utilization of Party A's information about the new product
为将到期的债券再提供资金refinancing of maturing bonds
为支付债务而按年提取的预算资金permanent annual charge
为贷款提供资金的联合行动协定joint venture agreement
五年前该公司将所述的机械出售获得周转资金,现在公司想回租这些机械The corporation sold said machinery to gain circulating funds 5 years ago. Now it wanted to lease back the machinery
产量的增长落后于流动资金的增长lag of output behind money
产量的增长落后'于流动资金的增长lag of output behind money
他们难于为其目前的发展计划筹措资金They have difficulty in financing their current expansion programme
他们需要大量资金来建造新的集装箱和起重设备They need a large amount of capital to build new containers and cranes
他开始从事商业,资金是他兄弟提供的He entered upon a commercial undertaking n., and his undertaking was financed by his brother
以当地货币表示的配套资金counterpart funds in local currency
企业占用流动资金的金额amount of circulating fund used by enterprises
企业的自有资金enterprise's own resources
企业资产的流动性资金周转状况business liquidity
估计资金的流转时间及数量estimate time and amount of the flow of funds
你们的资金投入对当时我公司的生存至关重要Your capital injection was critical to our company's existence then
供周转用的资金fund for financing purposes
储备中心的资金融通reserve center financing
储存资金的管理management of deposited funds
公司内部资金的转拨inter-corporate transfer of funds
共同出资的年金计划contributory pension plan (scheme)
关于外汇资金的收支安排arrangement for income and expenditure of foreign currency
养老计划的资金供应funding of pension plans
养老金计划的资金供应funding of pension plans
农业部门的资金供应rural-sector financing
冻结的资金blocked fund
准备金的投资investment of reserves
出口波动的资金供应financing of export fluctuations
加强资金的利用growing capital use
可供自己支配的资金funds for use at one's own discretion
可支配的资金金额amount of funds available for distribution
可衡量的资金效量the measureable funds effects
可贷资金的供需情况决定利率论demand for and supply of loanable funds theory of interest rate
筹借的资金fund secured from (external sources)
向借款人提供的资助偿还金dividend on purchase
向借款人提供的资助偿还金patronage refunds
周转资金的计算calculation of working capital
商品的社会平均资金占用量social average amount of funds embodied in a commodity
固定资金的盘点stocktaking of fixed resources
固定汇率的资金供应fixed-rate financing
国内外资金的筹措mobilization of domestic and foreign capital
国家对农业信贷机构的资金供应supply of State funds to agricultural credit institutes
在我们看来,资金困难只是暂时的In our judgement n., the financial handicap is only temporary
城市政府的资金筹措financing of urban government
对外的流动性资金the external liquidity
将投资利息滚入本金的信托基金accumulation units
属于他这个合伙人的一切无形资产都是用现金支付了的All intangible assets belonging to him as a partner were paid in cash
工资和薪金的支付额wage and salary disbursement
工资和薪金的补充额supplements to wages and salaries
应收帐款的资金筹措accounts receivable financing
应收帐款的资金筹措account receivable financing
应收认交资本的金额amount due on subscribed capital
应收账款的资金筹措account receivable financing
建筑期间使用的资金利息备抵allowances for funds used during construction
微薄的资金slender purse
我们从什么地方为项目筹集必要的资金呢?Where will we get the necessary finance for the project?
我们已找到令人满意的办法解决目前的资金问题We have found a satisfactory solution to the present problem of fund
我公司之所以成长、发展是因为有了银行的资金支持Our company grew and prospered because we had the financial support from the banks
所有销售产品所获得的资金均须在一个月之内付清All funds derived from the sale of the products shall be paid within a month
承兑性的资金融通acceptance type financing
投资资金的流量flow of investment funds
投资资金的筹措financing investments
投资前研究的酬劳金commission of preinvestment studies
投资商、经纪人股票管理的过户帐储金transfer account lodgement for investors, stock management for market-makers
地方持有的资金funds in the hands of (the localities)
按商业条件提供的资金financing on commercial terms
撤回资金的限制条件withdraw restrictions
无资格享受纳税优惠的年金计划a non-qualified pension plan
无追索权的资金融通the non-recourse finance
无追索权的资金融通non recourse finance
普遍的资金缺乏a general scarcity of money
有足够吸引力但流动性较小的金融资产sufficiently attractive but less liquid financial assets
未承诺义务的资金the unobligated fund
未支付的贷款资金undisbursed loan fund
来源于业务的资金funds from operations
核定的流动资金周转天数authorized current fund turnover days
汇票方式的资金融通bill finance
流动资金的注入the injection of liquidity
流动资金的计算calculation of working capital
流通或生产中使用的资金fund employed during circulation or production
海外业务的资金筹措financing of overseas business
海外投资和海外企业的资金筹措financing of overseas investment and overseas enterprise
用于收买官员的资金the slush fund
用于收买官员的资金slush fund
用作积累的资金fund for accumulation
用在短期资金市场的投资的资金money market fund
用预算外资金办理的financed from extrabudgetary sources (供应资金的)
经营提供的资金fund provided by (operations)
短期资金的国际流动international transfer of short term funds
短期资金的国际流动international transfer of short-term fund
短期流动资金过多造成的压力the accumulating liquidity pressure
社会总生产资金的平均利润率average profit rate of the total stock of productive social capital
筹措资金的方法methods of financing
筹措资金的方法method of financing
筹措资金的活动fund raising activities
筹措偿还债务的资金refinance service payment on debt
筹有资金的应收款项financed receivables
经营农业的资金cultivation funds
股份固定的投资基金closed-end investment funds
自己的资金own funds
认购的资金subscribed capital
该公司有足够的资金来付清欠银行的全部款项The company has sufficient funds to pay for all the money due to the bank
调度资金的工具a funding instrument
调度资金的工具funding instrument
购置的非现金资产的资产acquired for non-cash assets
贸易资金的筹措the financing related to trade
资助结构调整的国家公共基金national public funds for financing structural adjustment
资金一硬币一流转的机制the gold-specie n.-flow mechanism
资金一硬币一流转的机制the gold-specie -flow mechanism
资金使用范围的规定regulations regarding the use of funds
资金成本的增值incremental cost of capital
资金活动的部类the window for finance activity
资金流量的时间安排the timing of the cash flows
资金的分散使用decentralized use of funds
资金的分类classification of assets
资金的分配distribution fund
资金的分配distribution of capital
资金的可得性fund availability
资金的均衡性运动equilibrium movement of funds
资金的年成本annual cost of capital
资金的浪费wasting of fund
资金的移动movement of funds
资金的累积accumulation of funds
资金的组成composition of assets
资金的边际成本marginal cost of capital
资金的运用utilization of funds
资金的运用operation of capital
资金的重复运用double leverage
资金的需要demand for finance
资金短缺的发展中国家financially strapped developing nations
资金运动的路程route of fund movement
资金运用效率的测定measurement of effectiveness of the use of fund
资金运用效率的测定measurement of effectiveness of the use of funds
资金运用的估valuation of fund application
资金雄厚的股东strong stockholder
足够的资金ample resources
转入的资金carryover assets
近似现金的资产near cash asset
近似现金的资产near-cash assets
这家计算机公司冒着用尽预算资金的风险开发此新产品The computer company is taking the risk of exhausting its budget in developing this new product
追加流动资金的投资investment in additional current assets
递延的可供使用资金deferred availability
金融性资本的净流出net financial outflow (外流净额)
银行查核支票付款时,检查出票人账户上是否有足够的资金兑付支票When the bank certifies a check, it examines the writer's account to see that sufficient funds are available to cover the check
银行给这家公司贷了一大笔资金,让他们开始新的项目The bank lent the company a large sum of money to start its new project
银行间资金的转拨interbank transfer of funds
长期金融资产的结构平衡long-run portfolio equilibrium
预定支付工资的基金funds destined for the payment of wages
额外的资金additional resources (资源)