
Terms for subject Technology containing 资源 | all forms | in specified order only
不可再生资源unrenewable resources
不可再生资源fugitive resources
不可复用资源non-renewable resources
不可恢复的资源non-renewable resources
不可更新能源资源non-renewable energy resources
不可运输的资源non-transportable resources
不能更新的资源non-renewable resources
不能更新的自然资源non-renewable natural resources
世界资源储备状况situation of world mineral reserves
世界森林资源world forest resources
世界水资源world's water resources
世界自然资源保护大纲world conservation strategy
东亚构造和资源研究studies of east asian tectonics and resources
中上层资源pelagical resources
中上层资源pelagic resources
中华人民共和国矿产资源Mineral Resources Law of the People's Repub lic of China
丰富的资源rich in natural resources
串行共享资源serially shared resource
串行可重用资源serially reusable resources
交叉域资源cross-domain resource
交叉域资源管理程序cross-domain resource manager
传统资源conventional resources
使资源利用达到最大限度maximize the use of resources
使用资源收益率ratio of return on resources employed
假定资源hypothetical resources
假想资源speculative resources
免费资源free resource
全国资源计划委员会National Resources Planning Board
公共财产资源common property resources
公海生物资源捕捞及养护公约Convention on Fishing and Conservation of Aquatic Resources of High Seas
公用资源悲剧tragedy of the commons
共享资源shared resources
共享通信资源shared communication resource
共有资源shared resources
共有资源co-sharing state
共有的自然资源shared natural resources
共用资源多道处理shared source multichannel processing
关键资源key resources
关键资源型工业key resources type industry
关键资源的工业key resources type industry
再生资源保护conservation of recreation resources
农业气候资源agroclimatological resources
分配资源调度程序scheduled programme for allocating resource
分配资源调度程序scheduled program for allocating resource
划分资金来源用途segmentation of sources and utilization of capital
副业资源sideline production resources
动力资源power resource
动态资源dynamical resource
动态资源dynamic resource
动物资源animal resource
区域资源调查regional resource investigation
区域资源调查regional resource inventory
单位体积平均资源mean resource of unit volume
单位水力资源specific water power potential
单位水力资源specific potential power
含盐水资源brackish water resources
土地资源land sources
土地资源保护protection of land resources
土地资源保护land resources conservation
土地资源区域resource area of land
土地资源区域land resource area
土地资源经济学economics of land resources
土地资源调查land resources survey
土壤资源丰富soil abundance
资源保持land conservation
地下资源hidden resources
地下水资源分布图map of groundwater resource distribution
地下水资源总表groundwater inventory
地下水资源总表groundwater budget
地下水资源的开发groundwater resource development
地下水资源管理模型groundwater resource management model
地下水资源计算calculation of groundwater resources
地下水资源评价groundwater resources evaluation
地下水资源评价数值法numerical method of groundwater resources evaluation
地下水资源评价数值法numeric method of groundwater resources evaluation
地下水资源评价数据采集data of groundwater resources
地下水资源评价精度accuracy of groundwater resources evaluation
地下水资源评价解析法analytical method of groundwater resources evaluation
地下水资源评价解析法analytic method of groundwater resources evaluation
地下水资源groundwater source amount
地下水人工补给资源artificial recharge resources of groundwater
地下水储资源storage resources of groundwater
地下水天然资源natural resources of groundwater
地下水开采资源developed resources of groundwater
地下水激发补给资源stimulated recharge resources of groundwater
地方资源local supplies
地方资源local resource
地方自然资源local natural resources
地热资源数据库geothermal resources data base
地球资源卫星earth resource terrestrial satellite
地球资源卫星图像earth resource satellite image
地球资源技术卫星earth resource technological satellite
地球资源技术卫星earth resource technologic satellite
地球资源技术卫星像片earth resource technological satellite photograph
地球资源技术卫星像片earth resource technologic satellite photo
地球资源数据人机联系处理系统earth resource data interactive processing system
地球资源观测与信息分析系统earth resource observation and information system
地球资源观测卫星earth resource test satellite
地球资源观测卫星数据中心earth resource observation satellite data center
地球资源观测系统earth resource observation system
地球资源试验卫星earth resource test satellite
地表水水资源地面水源surface water source
地面资源卫星earth resources satellite
地面水资源surface water resources
资源make full use of limited resources
多用途资源multiple use resources
多目标水利资源利用multipurpose water utilization
多目标水利资源利用multiple-purpose water utilization
大陆架资源resources of the continent
大陆架资源continental resources
天然资源gratuitous goods
天然资源储藏所naturally occurring repository
天然资源天然财富natural resources
天然气资源natural gas resource
天然水资源natura water resources
天然水力资源natura water resources
天然热资源natural heat resource
存储器资源memory resource
宏观经济资源macroeconomic resource
实地资源in-situ resource
实际资源real resources
局部共享资源local shared resources
带密码资源locked resource
底渔业资源demersal resources
废水用作饮用水资源potable effluent resource application
废物资源利用率utilization factor of waste reclamation
开发资源exploit the natural resources
开发资源develop resources
开发水资源development of water resources
开发自然资源development natural resources
异常丰富的水资源exceedingly rich to water supply
影响资源形势的因素effect factors of resources situation
径流资源discharge resources
资源total resources (量)
资源回收total resource recovery
截听资源intercepted resource
户外游息资源outdoor recreational resources
所得额来源资料information at source
技术资源technical resource
投资资源investment resources
捕捞资源fished stock
捕捞资源fished resources
探明资源demonstrated commodities
控制区资源resource of control region
推定资源indicated resources
推测资源inferred resources
推测资源speculative resources
易耗资源fugitive resources
普通资本来源ordinary capital resource
暂定资源conditional resource
最大总资源maximum total resource
最小总资源minimum total resource
有效资源勘察effective water resource survey
有效资源勘察available water resource survey
有污染资源pollution-carrying resource
有限资源exhaustible resources
有限的资源depletable resources
木材资源timber resources
未利用资源unused resources
未利用资源idle resources
未开发资源undeveloped resources
未开发资源untapped reserves
未开发资源dormant resource
未经发现资源undiscovered resources
本国资源domestic resources
本地资源的利用utilization of local resource
机构间水资源委员会Inter-Agency Committee on Water Resources
权衡资源trading-off resources
林业资源普査comprehensive survey of forest resources
核能资源nuclear energy resources
次经济资源subeconomic resources
民族资源national resources
资源water mines
资源不足deficiency of water
资源供需平衡water supply and demand balance
资源保护conservation of waters
资源保护protection of waters
资源保护conservation of water resources
资源保护区water resources conservation zone
资源保护的法律措施lawful measurement of protecting water resources
资源分类classification of water resources
资源利用utilization of water resources
资源利用方针water resources policy
资源利用方针utilization policy of water resources
资源利用程度图map of utilization degree of water resources
资源发展中心water resources development center
资源和水土保持water resources and water and soil conservation
资源委员会Water Resources Council
资源完全消耗系数complete consumption coefficient of water resources
资源工程water resources project
资源工程water resources engineering
资源开发water development
资源开发water resources development
资源开发area of water development
资源开发工程投资investment of water resources developing engineering
资源开发方案programme of water resources development
资源开发方案program of water resources development
资源所有权water resources ownership
资源承载力water resource carrying capacity
资源投入产出表water resources input-output table
资源政策water resources policy
资源污染water resource pollution
资源water resources act
资源法令Water Resource Act
资源法的名称name of water resources law
资源的展望perspectives on water
资源直接消耗系数direct consumption coefficient of water resources
资源研究water resources study
资源研究water resources research
资源管理water conservancy
资源管理management of water resources
资源管理体系management system of water resources
资源管理机构water management institution
资源管理部门water management institution
资源系统water resources system
资源系统分析analysis of water resources system
资源综合利用multipurpose utilization of water resources
资源综合利用multipurpose water utilization
资源综合利用comprehensive utilization of water resource
资源综合管理integrated water resource management
资源规划watershed planning
资源规划water resources planning
资源规划与管理water resources planning and management
资源规划数据data of water resources planning
资源规划法令Water Resources Planning Act
资源计算方法method of water resources calculation
资源计算模型model of water resources calculation
资源评价assessment of water resources
资源评价法water resources assessment methodology
资源调查报告water resource investigation report
资源质量water resource quality
资源water resources charges
资源通报Water Resources Bulletin (杂志)
资源遥感remote-sensing of water resources
资源问题water resources problem
水产资源fishery resources
水产资源保护fishery conservation
水产资源保护conservation of aquatic resources
水产资源保护法law of conservation of aquatic resources
水产资源开发development of aquatic living resources
水产资源繁殖保护条例regulations of breeding and conservation of aquatic resources
水利资源water power resources
水利资源hydropower resources
水利资源利用water conservation
水利资源清账inventory of water resources
水利资源综合利用multipurpose water utilization
水利资源综合利用规划integrated water resource planning
水利资源综合开发comprehensive development of water resources
水利资源蕴藏量potential water-power resources
水利及森林资源保护viver and forestry conservation
水力资源hydroelectrical resources
水力发电资源hydropower resources
水力资源water power reserves
水力资源hydroelectric resources
水力资源分布water-power map (图)
水力资源开发development of hydroelectrical resources
水力资源开发development of hydroelectric resources
水力资源蕴藏量potential water-power resources
水力资源蕴藏量potential hydroelectrical resources
水力资源蕴藏量potential hydroelectric resources
水土资源平衡balance of water and land resources
水文水资源计算hydrology and water resources calculation
水源地建设总投资total investment of water source construction
水生生境资源aquatic habitat resources
水电资源hydropower resources
水电资源water electric resources
水电资源hydroelectrical resources
水电资源hydroelectric resources
水砂资源water-sand resources
水能资源potential water-power resources
水能资源water power resources
水能资源hydroelectrical resources
水能资源hydroelectric resources
污染地下水资源contaminated groundwater resources
污水资源wastewater resources
污泥资源回收sludge resource recovery
污泥资源回收resource recovery of sludge
资源sand resources
流动资金来源及运用表statement of sources and uses of working capital
流转资源flow resource
测定资源measured resources
海上石油资源offshore petroleum resources
海岸资源管理coastal resources management
海底资源开发development of submarine resources
海底矿产资源undersea mineral resources
海底矿产资源submarine mineral resources
海底矿物资源seabed mineral resources
海成资源marine resources
海洋资源wealth of the oceans
海洋资源保护协会Ocean Resources Conservation Association
海洋资源marine resources chart
海洋资源开发ocean resource development
海洋资源经济学marine resource economics
海洋资源经济状态economics of marine resources
海洋资源调查resources marine investigation
海洋水产资源marine living resources
海洋水生物资源marine aquatic biological resources
海洋渔业资源marine fishing resources
海洋生物资源分配图atlas of the living resources of the seas
海洋生物化学资源marine biochemical resource
海洋矿产资源submarine mineral resources
海洋矿产资源marine mineral resources
海洋矿物资源采矿技术研究mining technology for marine mineral resources
海洋食物资源ocean food resources
海洋食物资源开发harvesting the ocean
海洋食物资源开发exploitation of marine food product
海涂资源coastal resources
湖泊资源lake resources
潜在资源dormant resource
潜在资源价值potential value of mineral resources
潜在资源potential resource amount
潜在渔业资源potential fishery resources
潮汐水能资源tidal power resources
潮汐水能资源tidal energy resources
火山资源volcanic resource
灭火资源fire-fighting resources
煤炭资源coal resources
煤炭资源勘探exploration of coal resources
煤炭资源勘探coal resources exploration
煤炭资源勘探阶段step of coal resources exploration
煤炭资源数据库coal resources data base
煤炭资源管理management of coal resources
物力资源physical resources
物力资源material resources
物种资源species resource
特别部门资料源special sectoral source
特定资源ad hoc resources
生物资源biotic resources
生物资源biologic resources
生物资源保护protection of biotic resources
生物资源保护protection of biologic resources
生物资源保护法biological resource protection law
生物资源保护法biologic resource protection law
资源指示程序uniform resource indicator
破坏矿产资源crime of destroying mineral resources
硬件资源hardware resource
硬件资源分配allocation of hardware resource
硬件资源控制hardware resource control
确定资源defined resources
确实可靠资源reasonably assured resources
空气资源air recourses
空气资源管理air resource management
管理土壤资源managing soil resources
缺乏资源be deficient in resources
美国资源局委员会United States Inter-Agency Committee on Water resources
美国国家水资源委员会National Water Resources Committee of United States
美国地质调査局水资源Water Resources Branch of United States Geological Survey
美国地质调査局水资源Water Resources Branch of United States Geologic Survey
美国总统水资源保护委员United States President's Water Resource Protection Commission
美国总统水资源政策咨询委员会United States President's Water Resource Policy Consulting Commission
美国总统水资源政策委员会United States President's Water Resource Policy Commission
美国水资源协会American Water Resource Association
美国水资源理事会American Water Resources Council
美国环境和资源委员会United States Environment Protection Council
联合国自然资源勘探循环基金United Nations Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Exploration
草地资源grassland resources
草场资源grass resources
补充水资源additional water sources
计算资源潜量的参数parameter of computational resource potential
资料来源data source
资料来源data origination
资本来源capital supply
资源dynamical resource management
资源energy source
资源dynamic resource management
资源一环境政策resources environmental policy
资源丰富abound resources
资源丰度系数低lower coefficient of resource abundance
资源丰度系数高height coefficient of resource abundance
资源使用费用resource accounting
资源保护与恢复法案Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
资源保护区resource reserves
资源保护和回收法案resource protection and recovery act
资源信息resource information
资源储备前景anticipation of mineral reserve
资源共享执行程序resource sharing executive
资源再生利用率低low-rate of reusability
资源再生利用率高high rate of reusability
资源冲突resource contention
资源函数resource function
资源分布resource allocation
资源分析resource analysis
资源分配resource distribution
资源分配resource partitioning
资源分配及多计划调度resources allocation and multiple project scheduling
资源利用竞争型competition resource use type
资源勘探resource reconnaissance
资源化技术technology for effective utilization of waste
资源占有税taxes on the possession of resources
资源危机resources crisis
资源合理利用ratio use of resources
资源回收resource recovery (利用)
资源回收利用resource recovery utilization
资源回收利用resource reclamation
资源回收厂resource recovery plant
资源回收系统resource recovery system
资源分布resource map
资源均匀scramble competition
资源增长量increment to the stock
资源密集型工业resource-intensive industry
资源平衡税resource equalization tax
资源resource pool
资源应用控制程序resource application controller
资源开发exploitation of resources
资源开发微生物学microbiology of resource development
资源开发正常枯竭resource depletion by mining
资源开发规划resources exploitation planning
资源形势分析范围analytical region of resources situation
资源形势分析范围analytic region of resources situation
资源形势因素分析resolution into factors of the resources situation
资源急缺most short
资源总量total amount of resources
资源resources war
资源技术卫星earth resources technology satellite
资源排队resource queue
资源控制块resources control block
资源最佳分配optimum allocation of resources
资源最适分派optimum allocation of resources
资源枯竭depletion of stock
资源流动flow of resources
资源浪费wasting mineral resources
资源浪费resource waste
资源清单resource inventory
资源状况修改resource status modification
资源环境水文地质学resource environmental hydrogeology
资源生物量stock biomass
资源的保存价值preserving value for resources
资源的地理分布geographical distribution of resources
资源的地理分布geographic distribution of resources
资源的开发和利用exploiting and using of natural resources
资源的竞争使用competitive use of resources
资源的辅助性使用complementary use of resources
资源科学resource science
资源管理情报系统resource management information system
资源管理程序resource management programme
资源管理程序resource management program
资源结合应用conjunctive use of resources
资源综合利用multipurpose use of resources
资源耗竭补偿税resource depletion allowance
资源耗竭补偿税率rate of depletion allowance
资源规划resource-based planning
资源评价resource appraisal
资源调查resource investigation
资源质量提高resource quality enhancement
资源贸易resources trade
资源趋势的分析analysis of resource trends
资源转让transfer of resources
资源stock size
资源stock number
资源quantity of mineral resources
资源量分级grade of resource
资源量预测和计算方法assessment and computational method of resource
资源量预测方法assessment method of resource
资源闲置情况idle status of resources
资源防护工程conservancy engineering
资源集中管理resource centralized management
资源预测prediction of mineral resources
资金来源financial resource
资金来源sources of fund
资金来源capital sources
资金来源与运用source and use of funds
资金来源与运用source and dispositions of funds
资金来源与运用表statement of funds source and utilization
资金来源与运用表statement of sources and application of funds
资金来源与运用表source of funds and usage statement
软件资源software source
辅助资源auxiliary resources
通信资源communication resources
遥感环境矿产资源调查environmental mineral resources exploration based on remote sensing
阴影资源shadow resource
陆地资源land resources
陆地资源保护land resources conservation
陆地生物资源terrestrial biologic resources
降低资源消耗率slow down the rate of resource degradation
限制资源resource scheduling method
限制性资源constrained resources
震源资料档案hypocentral data file
震源资料档案hypocenter data file
静态资源指标static reserve index
非人力的生产资源non-human productive resources
非传统水资源unconventional water resources
非常规海洋资源non-conventional ocean resources
非洲区域性土壤资源开发计划Regional Soil Resources Development Projects for Africa
非生物资源non-living resource
非金属矿产资源non-metalliferous ore sources
非金属矿产资源non-metallic mineral resources
面临有限资源facing the limited resources
面临有限资源faced with limited resources
项目自然资源评价appraisal of project from the view of natural resources
预测资源predictive amount of resources
预测矿产资源forecasting mineral resources
预算资源budget source
预算外资源extra-budgetary source
预计开采资源predicted exploitation resources
驻留资源resident resource
鱼类资源stock of fish
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