
Terms for subject Textile industry containing 资本投资 | all forms | in specified order only
冒险投资资本risk capital
基本投资capital outlay
实投资本paid-in investment
实际投入资本paid-in capital stock
审慎投资成本prudent investment costs
投入的货币资本money invested
投入资本vested proprietorship
投入资本investment capital
投入资本不得他用safety of principal
投机资本speculative capital
投资收益率,投入资本所得率rate of return on invested capital
投资返本年限payout period
本国投资domestic investment
本州投资domestic investment
本省投资domestic investment
精明投资成本prudent investment costs
证券投资资本portfolio capital
资本投资计划capital investment program
资本抵押投资capital mortgage investment