
Terms for subject Economy containing 资本值 | all forms | in specified order only
不变资本价值constant capital value
人力资本的价值value of human capital
储蓄总值和资本形成账户gross saving and capital formation account
净值资产减负债后,资本净值net worth
固定资本余值depreciated books value
固定资本余值book value
固定资本构成净值net fixed capital formation
垫付资本价值advanced capital value
实际固定资本价值capital value
抉择资本支出标准的现值法present value method as criterion for capital expenditure decision
收益的资本化值capitalized earnings
收益资本化价值earnings capitalized value
收益资本化价值earning capitalized value
核定资本值capitalized value
现值资本present-day value capital
现在资本价值present capital value
盈余对资本净值比率ratio of surpluses to net worth
联合经营费用资本化值capitalized syndication fees
认缴资本已贷出,但尚未到期款项的保值maintenance of value of capital subscription outstanding on loan, not yet due (金)
资本与产值的比率capital-output ratio
资本产值比率资本系数capital-output ratio capital coefficient
资本价值earnings of capital
资本价值cost of capital
资本价值的边际收益marginal yield on capital value
资本价值的边际效益marginal yield on capital value
资本值capital cost
资本值增加the accretion to the capital
资本值增加accretion to the capital
资本净值与负债比率the net worth to debts ratio
资本化价值capitalized worth
资本化价值capitalised value
资本化价值标准capitalized-value standard
资本化现值capitalized present value
资本增值self-expansion of capital
资本增值the self-expansion of capital
资本增值appreciation of capital
资本增值所得capital gain
资本增值税capital-gains tax
资本增值税capital gains tax
资本现值a present capital value
资本现金价值cash value of the capital
资本的价值构成the value-composition of capital
资本的价值构成value-composition of capital
资本的剩余价值capitalized surplus value
资本租赁价值value of a capital lease
资本输出净值net capital export
资本还原价值capitalised value
资本还原价值capitalized value
资本还原值capitalized value
资金成本的增值incremental cost of capital
还原资本价值capitalization value