
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing 资信 | all forms | in specified order only
人力资源信息系统科Human Resources Information Systems Section
使用信托基金的资金回流use of Trust Fund reflows
信贷 和投资保险人国际联盟Berne Union
信贷 和投资保险人国际联盟International Union of Credit and Investment Insurers
反洗钱/打击恐怖主义融资专题信托基金Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism Topical Trust Fund
封闭型投资信investment trust
封闭型投资信closed-end investment company
封闭型投资信closed-end investment fund
封闭型投资信closed-end investment trust
开放型投资信mutual fund
开放型投资信open-end investment company
开放型投资信open-end investment fund
开放型投资信open-end investment trust
开放型投资信unit trust
开放型投资信open-end mutual fund
投资者信心investor confidence
联合融资信托账户cofinancing trust account
资深信息官员Senior Information Officer
资源和信息管理科Resource and Information Management Section