
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing 资产 | all forms | in specified order only
产权资本equity capital
产能有限的资源capacity constrained resource
估计资产负债表pro forma balance sheet
储备资产比率reserve assets ratio
净流动资产networking assets
净营运资产networking assets
加拿大能源、矿产与资源Canadian Energy, Mines, and Resources
动产投资liquid investment
阿拉斯加大学北极矿产资源研究所Institute of Arctic Mineral Resources
单位生产能力投资investment per unit capacity
同类资产homogeneous assets
固定资产净值net fixed assets
固定资产原值fixed assets original value
固定资产总产资比率ratio of fixed assets to total assets
固定资产投资率fixed assets investment rate
固定资产报废retirement of fixed assets
固定资产支岀fixed assets expenditure
存量资产stock assets
应计资产accrued asset
抵押资产mortgaged assets
收益性资产earning assets
新增固定资产newly increased fixed assets
无形资产invisible assets
有形资产净额net physical assets
汇总资产负债表composite balance sheet
环太平洋能源与矿产资源会议Circum-Pacific Energy and Mineral Resources Conference
环太平洋能源与矿产资源理事会Circum Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources
环太平洋能源矿产资源会议Circum Pacific Energy and Mineral Resources Conference
生产储备及营运资金production reserves and revolving funds
生产性投资productive investment
生产资料市场market for capital goods
沙特阿拉伯石油与矿产资源理事会Directorate of Petroleum and Mineral Resource
石油与矿产资源部Ministry of Oil and Mineral Resources
矿产资源总局Directorate General of Mineral Resources
美国矿产资源研究中心Mineral Resources Research Center
加拿大能源、矿产和资源部Department of Energy, Mines and Resources
加拿大能源矿产资源部Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources
营运资产working assets
账外资产nonledger assets
账外资产assets out of book
账户式资产负债表account form of balance sheet
资产净值net assets
资产净值net asset
资产净值利润率return on net worth
资产准备asset reserve
资产原值initial asset value
资产总额gross assets
资产收益比率asset-income ratio
资产负债比率worth-debt ratio
资产负债比率asset-liability ratio
资产负债表外资产项目off-balance sheet asset
资产购置assets acquisition
资本一产出比率capital-output ratio
资本密集型产业capital concentrated industry
资本密集型产业capital intensive industry
资本性资产capital assets
递增资本产量比incremental capital-output ratio
递延资产deferred asset
速动资产比例quick assets ratio
闲置资产idle assets
非生产用固定资产投资nonmanufacturing fixed-capital investment