
Terms containing 费 城" | all forms | in specified order only
interntl.trade.免费之城市toll-free city
geogr.费城机场:美国North Philadelphia, U.S.A.
China, law城乡规划的编制和管理经费fund needed for the formulation and administration of urban and rural planning
fin.城市居民消费价格指数urban consumer price index
tech.城市建设和维护费expense for urban development and maintenance
ecol.城市建设维护费maintenance cost of urban construction
econ.城市消费品价格指数index number of the prices of the city consumer goods
busin.城市消费品价格指数index number of the prices of city consumer goods
econ.城市消费品物价指数urban consumer price index
tech.城市消费结构structure of urban consumption
sociol.城市消费者urban consumer
oil城市维护建设费expenses for urban development and maintenance
sociol.城镇消费者urban consumer
fin.1987—1996 年先后在费城联邦储备银行、波士顿联邦储备银行和纽约联邦储备银行任职Ben Shalom Bernanke
geol.美国密苏里 、蒙大拿等诸州杰费逊城Jefferson City
tech.费城consumption city
tech.费城consuming city
econ.费城consumer cities
tech.费城consumer city
commer.码头与城市费dock and town dues
econ.码头和城市费dock and town dues
shipb.美国费城Philadelphia Harbor, America
gen.费城美国城市菲拉德尔菲亚, Philadelphia 的俗称Philly
mil."费城""Philadelphia" (号轻巡洋舰、核潜艇(美))
org.name., securit.费城一巴尔的摩一华盛顿证券交易所美国Philadelphia-Baltimore-Washington Stock Exchange
securit.费城一巴尔的摩一华盛顿证券交易所Philadelphia-Baltimore-Washington Stock Exchange
org.name., securit.费城交易委员会美国Philadelphia Board of Trade
securit.费城交易所Philadelphia Board o£ Trade
sport, bask.费城76人队Philadelphia 76ers
interntl.trade.费城商品陈列所Philadelphia commercial museum
univer.费城圣经大学Philadelphia Biblical University
earth.sc.费城地理学会Geographical Society of Philadelphia
gen.费城大学Philadelphia University
gen.费城宇航航天学会Philadelphia Astronautical Society
interntl.trade.费城宣言declaration of Philadelphia
genet.费城染色体Philadelphia chromosome (ph 染色体)
life.sc.费城染色体Philadelphia chromosome
life.sc.费城染色体Ph chromosome
shipb.费城海军船厂Philadelphia Naval Shipyard
comp.name.美国费城煤气厂Philadelphia Gas Works
gen.费城电气公司Philadelphia Electric Co.
gen.费城科学大学University of the Sciences in Philadelphia
textile费城纺织及科学院Philadelphia College of Textile and science
textile费城纺织综合大学Philadelphia College of Textile & Science
geogr.费城:美国Philadelphia Pa, U.S.A.
org.name., securit.费城股票交易所美国Philadelphia Stock Exchange
securit.费城股票交易所Philadelphia Stock Exchange
earth.sc.费城航天学会Philadelphia Astronautical Soci. ety
textile费城莫尔艺术学院Moore College of Art Philadelphia
lat.费城莺雀Vireo philadelphicus (北美洲沙漠)
lat.费城莺雀Philadelphia vireo
tech.费城证券交易所Philadelphia Stock Exchange
biol.费城飞蓬skevish (Erigeron philadelphicus L.,菊科)
biol.费城飞蓬Philadelphia fleabane (Erigeron philadelphicus L.,菊科)
gen.这个城市的巴士没有售票员。司机兼有双重职责。你得到车的前面把车费投到金属盒里There's no bus conductor in this city. Drivers play both role of driver and conductor. You have to go to the front and drop your fare into a metal box