
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
世界钢材表观消world apparent finished steel product consumption
个人消支出personal consumption expenditure
主要major costs
主要major cost
人工labor cost
估算estimated cost
使用running cost
保养maintenance cost
修炉furnace repair cost
再熔炼cost of remelting
冶炼cost of smelting
冷加工cost of cold working
net charge
初期first cost
制造manufacturing cost
加工utility costs
加工processing cost
加工fabrication cost
加工costs of operating
加热cost of heating
加班overtime allowance
动力power cost
劳力cost of labour
医疗补助medical allowance
卡林-多姆纳回转窑直接还原及脱硫Kalling-Domnarfvet process
卡林-多姆纳特回转窑直接还原及脱硫法Kalling-Domnarfvet process
厂内经常factory overhead
可变营运variable operating cost
吨钢能源energy cost/tonne of steel
吨钢能源energy cost per tonne of steel
员工培训employee training cost
固定permanent charge
固定fixed costs
固定fixed charges
培训training cost
基建capital cost
基建capital expenditure
基建construction cost
基建capital outlay
基建establishment charges
基建capital charges
基建用控制construction cost control
基本major costs
基本major cost
塔格列里电弧炉Tagliaferri furnace
处理handling cost
处理treatment charges
多姆纳固体燃料回转窑直接炼铁Domnarfvet process
多姆纳特固体燃料回转窑直接炼铁法Domnarfvet process
奥尼亚-诺瓦尔沸腾层制取海绵铁ONIA-Novalfer process
奥尼亚-诺瓦尔沸腾层制取海绵铁Novalfer fluid bed process
奥尼阿-诺瓦尔沸腾层制取海绵铁法ONIA-Novalfer process
奥尼阿-诺瓦尔沸腾层制取海绵铁法Novalfer fluid bed process
安装installation expenses
安装installation expenses
安装fabrication cost
安装设备installation charges
安装设备installation cost
安装fabricating cost
小钢厂生产minimill production cost
工资wage cost
库尼铜镍铁合金Kunifer alloy (5 或 10 或 30Ni, 0.5-1Fe, 0.5〜1Mn, 余量 Cu)
库尼尔铜镍铁合金Kunifer alloy
废钢scrap steel cost
废钢cost of scrap steel
建筑housing cost
建设cost of construction
建设establishment charges
开炉start-up cost
弗琅荷区域Fraunhofer region
总营业overall operating cost
打磨cost of grinding
投产start-up cost
投资capital outlay
折旧depreciation charge
折旧cost of depreciation
抛光cost of polishing treatment
操作running expense
操作operational cost
操作working expenditure
操作operating expenses
操作用核算operational cost accounting
斯蒂自动轧管Stiefel process
斯蒂尔式自动轧管机Stiefel mill
斯蒂尔-曼内斯曼穿孔机Stiefel-Mannesmann piercer
斯蒂尔盘式穿孔机Stiefel disc piercer
斯蒂尔盘式穿孔法Stiefel disc piercing process
斯蒂尔穿孔轧制法Stiefel roll process
斯蒂尔锥辊式穿孔机Stiefel cone piercer
新产品试制expense for trial manufacture of new product
施蒂尔式自动轧管机Stiefel mill
施蒂尔式自动轧管法Stiefel process
施蒂尔-曼内斯曼式穿孔机Stiefel Mannesmann piercer
施蒂尔盘式穿孔机Stiefel disk type piercer
施蒂尔盘式穿孔机Stiefel piercing mill
施蒂尔盘式穿孔机Stiefel disk piercer
施蒂尔盘式穿孔法Stiefel disk piercing process
施蒂尔菌式穿孔机Stiefel cone type piercer
施蒂尔菌式穿孔机Stiefel cone piercer
施蒂尔轧管法Stiefel roll process
普罗竖炉生产海绵铁Purofer process
普罗竖炉生产海绵铁法Purofer process
曼逊-哈德公式Manson-Haferd relationship
最高人均钢材表观消top apparent steel product consumption per capita
overhead expenses
开支overhead charges
杂项overhead expenses
模具die cost
欧洲钢表观消European apparent steel consumption
欧洲钢表观消apparent steel consumption in Europe
每人每日man-day rate
每日per diem rate
气体净化gas cleaning cost
cost of water
者呆账坏 账consumer bad debts
清洁cost of cleaning
清砂cost of cleaning
渗氮处理cost of nitriding treatment
炉衬lining cost
烧成firing cost
热处理cost of heat treatment
热态中间罐耐火材料refractory cost of hot tundish
焊接cost of welding
cost of coal
煤气cost of gas
燃料cost of fuel
燃油cost of fuel oil
特别specific cost
生产running expense
生产operational cost
生产production cost
生产operation cost
生产working cost
生产manufacturing cost
生活living expense
直接投资的用和特许权费fees and royalties from direct investment
直接生产direct operating cost
研磨磨削,磨碎grinding cost
破碎cost of pulverization
管理开支overhead charges
管理management charges
粉化cost of pulverization
粗钢人均消per capita crude steel consumption
精加工cost of cleaning
精整cost of cleaning
约克郡70/30铜镍库尼30合金Yorkshire 70/30 cupro-nickel-Kunifer 30 alloy (30Ni,0.8Mn,0.7Fe,余量 Cu)
running cost
经营operation cost
经营working expenditure
经营operating expenses
结晶器修理cost of repairing mold
维修operating expenses
维修cost of maintainance
维护cost of upkeep
维持cost of upkeep
维持cost of maintainance
罗森海因-奥伯霍尔浸蚀液Rosenhain-oberhoffer reagent (钢铁低倍组织显示剂)
罗森海因-奥伯霍尔浸蚀液Rosenhain-Oberhoffer reagent
耐火材料更换refractory replacement cost
苛化causticization cost
营运operation cost
蒂莫夫浸蚀液Timofeef's reagent
行政management charges
装卸handling cost
装卸劳力cost of handling labor
设备cost of installation
设计projected cost
试运转start-up costs
试运转start-up cost
伽定律vegard's law
克拉洛伊铁铬铝合金Fecraloy alloy (12 ~ 13Cr, 4 〜5Al,余量 Fe)
克拉洛伊铁铬铝合金Fecraloy alloy
包铝钢带轧制法Feran process
兰包铝钢带轧制法Feran, process
兰蒂感应炉Ferranti furnace
力工作forced working
劳克斯立方晶系铁氧体软磁材料Ferroxcube (material)
劳克斯立方晶系铁氧体软磁材料Ferrox Cube
劳克斯立方晶系铁淦氧软磁材料Ferroxcube (material)
劳克斯立方晶系铁淦氧软磁材料Ferrox Cube
铁铝合金Feal (25 Al, 75Fe)
尔奈特耐热耐蚀合金Fernite (Fernite No.2: 15 ~ 28Cr, 20 ~ 50Fe, 22 〜 65Ni)
尔普斯-道奇法Phelps-Dodge process
尔普斯-道奇直接还原法Phelps-Dodge process
尔铁铝合金Feal (w(Al)25%, w(Fe)75%, 具有良好的抗氧化性、阻尼性和高温强度)
尼克罗姆低膨胀系数合金Fernichrome (37Fe, 30Ni, 25Co, 8Cr)
尼柯低膨胀系数合金Fernico (54Fe,28Ni,18Co)
布赖特镍铬铁耐热合金Febrite (35Ni, 17Cr, 48Fe)
希尔-哈特-普里硬化FHP hardening (【技】费希尔、哈特和普里三人认为,退火碳钢具有高硬度系因含有弥散粒子和硬质化合物所致,故该种硬化由此得名。)
德勒尔炉Federal hearth (焙烧还原铁矿石用)
拉里感应测试仪器Ferraris instrument
用计算程序accounting routine
fermi (长度单位,等于10-13米)
Fermi level
米函数Fermi function
米分布Fermi distribution
米分布曲线Fermi distribution curve
米动量Fermi momentum
米年龄Fermi age
米极限Fermi limit
米气体Fermi gas
米温度Fermi temperature
米-狄喇克统计法Fermi-Dirac's statistics
米电位Fermi potential
米电势Fermi potential
米电子气Fermi gas
米粒子Fermi Particle
米能级fermi energy level
米面Fermi surface
米面动量momentum at the Fermi surface
罗派尔铁铬铝电阻丝合金Ferropyr (Ferropyr 1:86Fe, 7Cr, 7Al)
罗-特克冷固结球团法Ferro-Tech process
罗-特克冷固结球团法Ferro-Tech process
铜镍合金Ferry (55Cu, 45Ni)
鲁姆制铁粉Ferrum process
鲁姆制铁粉法Ferrum process
鲁尔铅黄铜Ferrule brass (54Cu, 40Zn, 5Pb, 1Al)
鲁尔铅黄铜Ferrule alloy (54Cu, 40Zn, 5Pb, 1Al)
铁镍铬耐氧化合金ferron (50Fe, 35Ni, 15Cr)
赫斯加铁矿石竖炉低温直接还原Husgafvel's process
赫斯加尔铁矿石竖炉低温直接还原法Husgafvel's process
freight cost
freight charges
freight rate
运转working expenditure
运输freight rate
运输freight cost
运输cost of transportation
运输transport charges
采暖cost of heating
重熔remelting cost
重熔cost of remelting
鉴定appraisal costs
钢包修理cost of repairing ladle
钢包耐火材料ladle refractory cost (Changes in steel ladle refractory lining materials at Granite City Steel have dramatically improved ladle lives while reducing steel penetration and ladle refractory costs. 格拉尼特城钢公司钢包耐火衬材质的改变已大幅度提高了钢包寿命,同时减少了钢水穿透事故、降低了耐火材料费用。)
铁水和废钢的相对relative cost of hot metal and scrap
间接overhead cost
间接overhead charges
阿尔尔铁铝磁致伸缩合金Alfer (11~ 13Al,余量 Fe)
阿尔留姆铝合金Alferium (2.5Cu, 0.6Mg, 0.5Mn, 0.3Si,余量 Al)
除尘cost of dust collection
韦尔齐尔有效价值常数Wertziffer's value constant
预防prevention costs
高炉投资investment in blast furnace
高炉投资blast furnace capital cost
高炉燃料fuel cost of blast furnace