
Terms for subject Corporate governance containing | all forms
一次性one-time cost
一次性one-time costs
业务operational costs
业务operating expenses
业务operating costs
业务服务operational services costs
临时合同人员COASE staff
临时合同人员temporary contract staff costs
交纳会的比额assessment rate
交际hospitality grant
交际用承付额hospitality commitment
人事staff costs
仓库warehouse cost
代理agency fees
交纳时间contributory service
分摊比例scale of contributions
分摊比例contribution scale
分摊比额表assessment scale
因素contribution factor
缴付payment of contributions
缴纳情况status of contributions
住房housing costs
住房和家庭服务housing and domestic service costs
供货水平用曲线service level cost curve
保持holding cost
信息系统的收服务chargeback in information systems
免交cost waiver
公用事业utilities cost
公用事业cost of utilities
公用事业utility cost
其他直接other direct costs
减值用矩阵reduced cost matrix
出发/到达terminal expenses air terminal
创业initial expenses
创办seed money
利息interest expense
前期initial cost
前期up-front cost
医疗的报销reimbursement of medical expenses
原始经seed money
可报销旅travel entitlement
可接受的acceptable costs
员额用分配post cost distribution
垃圾garbage collection tax
基本建设capital cost
外出和往返旅行travel costs outward and return journey
外派保险expatriate premium
多报overstated expenditures
夜班night differential
娱乐recreational expenses
schooling costs
tuition fees
school fees
学校schooling costs
学校school fees
安全保护security costs
实际报销actual claim cost
工作人员每日用率daily rate staff expenditure
差旅travel costs
差旅duty travel costs
差旅travel expenses
差旅travel expenditure
差旅承付款travel commitment
差旅报销travel expense claim
应享有的公旅行entitlement travel
应付expense outstanding
应急经contingency appropriation
开办initial expenses
当地local cost
当地业务local operating costs
快装despatch money
意外用数额contingency amount
成员国会contributions from Member Nations
技术支持technical support costs
报告reporting costs
招待承付额hospitality commitment
接人access fee
接人access charge
提供旅行travel provision
搬家household removal expenses
搬家removal expenses
搬迁removal expenses
支助support costs
支持servicing expenses
支持servicing costs
支持用后续安排support cost successor arrangements
支持用回收政策support cost recovery policy
支持用帐户Support Cost Account
支持用报销制support cost reimbursement regime
支持用灵活使用权support cost flexibility entitlements
支持用灵活性安排support cost flexibility arrangements
支持用线联合国开发计划署support cost line
结构fee structure
预付款travel advance payment
旅途期间expenses while in transit
旅途期间transit expenses
服务servicing expenses
服务servicing costs
期望年度脱销expected annual stockout cost
未交拖欠会outstanding arrears
未交拖欠会arrears outstanding
未付expense outstanding
本地in-area expenditure
机构agency costs
机构承办agency costs
机构支持agency support costs
杂项承付用文件miscellaneous obligation document
标准standard cost rate
标准standard rate
标准收standard costing
每日生活津贴正常regular rates daily subsistence allowance
水电utilities cost
水电cost of utilities
水电utility cost
注册registration fees
注册付款registration fees payment
开支consumption expenditure
生活差额cost-of-living differential
生活subsistence costs
生活cost of living
生活调整C.o.L. adjustment
生活调整cost-of-living adjustment
直接执行direct operating cost account
直接支持direct support costs
直接运营缩写为DOCdirect operating costs
真正行政true administrative costs
确定用的执行计划costed implementation plan
离职后健康保险after-service health insurance
离职搬迁removal expenses on separation
纸张消paper consumption
决算报告report on expenses
经常current expenditure
统一率偿还办法standard flat-rate system of reimbursement
统一率偿还办法standard rate system of reimbursement
统一率偿还办法flat-rate system of reimbursement
维修maintenance expenditures
维修maintenance costs
职工用差额staff-cost differential
职工用的货币差异currency variance on staff cost
职工用的货币差异staff currency variance
职工计划内staff planned cost
膳食boarding cost
行前predeparture expenses
行政和业务活动administrative and operational services costs
计划内非职工non-staff planned cost
许可licensing fees
设备废弃obsolescence charge
用专门业务expenditure specialized transaction
用分担cost sharing
用分担安排cost-sharing arrangement
用支付expenditure payment multiple general ledger
用表scale of fees
用重新分配expenditure re-distribution
起点/终点terminal expenses air terminal
转让收入royalty income
过境expenses while in transit
过境transit expenses
过渡transition cost
过高估计overstated expenditures
运转operational costs
运转operating expenses
运转operating costs
退货运freight charge for returned goods
途中en-route expenses
速遣despatch money
遣返repatriation grant
间接支持indirect support costs
间接管理management overheads
雇员用指数缩写为ECIemployment cost index
非付部分non-chargeable component
非合同旅付款non-contractual travel payment
非收部分non-chargeable component
非消组成部分缩写为NCCnon-consumption component
非职工non-staff human resources costs
非职工non-staff costs
项目服务PSC rate
项目服务rate of project servicing costs
项目服务project servicing costs rate
项目服务project servicing costs
项目服务project support cost
项目管理project servicing costs
项目管理project support cost
预支旅travel advance
预算不足underbudgeted cost