
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
一次支付全部保险pay an insurance premium in a lump sum
上网消Internet user
下岗职工基本生活subsistence allowances for laid-off workers
不支付加班give no overtime pay
专利许可使用royalty fee for patent exploitation
丧葬funeral service fees
丧葬funeral expenses
义务教育经funds for compulsory education
互保会mutual insurance membership fee
交付保险pay an insurance premium
交纳诉讼pay litigation costs
交通travel expenses
仓储warehousing fee
代替in place of another expense
代表的活动经funds for deputy activities
例外交存exceptional deposit fees
侵占保险encroach on insurance premium
侵害消者权益的行为acts infringing upon the rights and interests of a consumer
侵犯消者的人身自由infringe upon the personal freedom of a consumer
保管storage expense
保险回扣insurance premium kickback
保险保insurance premiums
充抵收取孳息的pay the expenses for collecting the fruits
寄递free delivery
开放open free of charge
服务services free of charge
査阅consult free of charge
运输gratuitous transport
和劳保医疗制度free medical services and a labor-protection medical care system at public expense
公证notarization fees
公路收highway toll rights
共同海损特殊general average expenses
减免学reduction and exemption of the tuition fee
减除deduction of expenses
出境exit expenses
分期支付保险pay an insurance premium in instalments
利息和用的收据receipt of interests and expenses paid
制止浪prevention of waste
加收charge additional fees
加注fees for added notes
fixed lump sum
医疗medical expenses
危险废物排污fees for discharge of hazardous waste
反对浪combat waste
反对铺张浪combat extravagance and waste
受损害的消aggrieved consumer
变相增加收项目increase fee collection items in a disguised form
另行付additional payment
合理expense reasonably
合理reasonable expense
向农民收collect fees from farmer
向应聘者收取collect fees from people who attend job fair
向消者推荐食品recommend food to consumers
回扣、手续rebate or service charges
国道收toll right of national highways
土地复垦charges for recultivation
土地征用补偿compensation paid for the land requisitioned
土地有偿使用compensation paid for the use of land
土地补偿compensation for the land expropriated
土地闲置charges for leaving the land unused
地方附加local extra charges
场地使用site use fee
坚决反对铺张浪resolutely combat extravagance and waste
城乡规划的编制和管理经fund needed for the formulation and administration of urban and rural planning
域名续renew the domain name
培训的经fund holding training
基本养老保险the basic pension contributions
基础电信业务资charges for basic telecommunications services
增值电信业务资charges for value-added telecommunications services
增加保险increase of the premium
增加险increase in the premium
奢侈浪extravagance and waste
奢侈浪,行政成本高extravagance and waste are inflating administrative costs
安家补助subsidy for setting up a home
安置补助subsidies for resettlement
安装mounting cost
安装fee for the installation
实付保险actually paid insurance premium
实现抵押权的expenses for enforcing the mortgage
实行包charge a fixed lump sum
审核expenses for examination
对能源消实行包费制charge a fixed lump sum on the energy consumed per month
封存保管sealing and retention fees
居民消价格总水平the consumer price index
履行charge for the performance
工伤医疗medical expenses for job-related injury
工本fee for the cost
巨额电信huge telecommunications charges
席位seat fees
广告收fees collected for advertising
应付保险due insurance premium
应收运freight payable
当期保险current installment of the insurance premium
往返旅round-trip travelling expenses
往返的旅round-trip travelling expense
待摊anticipated amortized expenses
律师收办法measures for collection of fees by lawyers
必要necessary expenses
必需的expenses necessary
截留保险withhold insurance premium
所必需的expenses necessary for
所需expenses entailed
托管commission fees
扶养effecting of maintenance
承担全部赔偿bear all of the expense of the compensation
承担部分赔偿bear part of the expenses of the compensation
技术使用expenses for the use of technologies
抚养cost of child support
抢救fees for the rescue
抢救rescue fees
护理nursing fees
拒付物业refuse to pay property management fees
拖航towage price
按比例返还保险refund pro rata the insurance premium
挪用保险embezzle insurance premium
挪用职工教育经misappropriate funds for workers' education
损害消者权益harm the right and interests of consumer
排污pollutant discharge fee
排污fee for discharge of pollutant
提取职工教育经allocate funds for the workers' education
提存expense for depositing
摊派allocate fees
摊销amortize expenses
擅自收charge fees without permission
支付保险义务obligation of paying an insurance premium
fee collection
偿还贷款repay the loans through collection of tolls
公路toll roads
办法measures for the collect fees
期限time period of toll collection
power of charge
charging power
toll rights
权合同contract for highway toll rights
标准toll rates
项目fee collection items
收取collect fees
收取诉讼charge court costs
救助salvor's expenses
教育educational expenses
教育附加extra charge of education funds
最低生活保障guaranteed minimum for living expenses
月租monthly rental
月租monthly rental fee
服务service charges
miscellaneous fees
杜绝浪put an end to extravagance
查询consulting fee
案件受理court cost
amount overdue
charges owed
歧视性收项目discriminatory charging items
残疾生活辅助具costs of disability assistance equipment for the living
没收广告confiscate the advertising expenses
能源waste of energy
资源waste resources
信息information for consumers
信息consumer information
信息information for consumption
安全safety in consumption
者人身、财产安全safety of the person and property of consumer
者合法权益legal rights and interests of consumers
者权益rights and interests of consumers
者权益争议dispute over the right and interest of consumer
者权益保护法the Law Protecting Consumer Rights and Interests
者的监督supervision by consumers
清理、修订现行抑制消的不合理规定和政策eliminate or revise unsuitable regulations and policies that discourage consumption
物业property management fee
特许权使用所得income from royalties
特许权使用收入income from royalties
独立经的机关independently funded official organ
生活发放标准living expense standard
生活和教育费living and educational expenses
生活必需necessary living expenses
用户和消users and consumers
电信communications charges
电信资telecom tariff
电信资telecommunications charges
研究开发经research and development expenditure
研究开发经funds for scientific research and technological development
破产expenses for bankruptcy proceeding
社会保险social insurance premium
社会保障premiums for social insurance
社会消品零售总额retail sales of consumer goods
移装fee for the reinstallation
程序fee for initiating the process
立即支付保险pay the premium immediately
红十字会经funds of the Red Cross Society
约定的costs as agreed upon
纳入财政管理的行政事业性收administrative charges subject to fiscal administration
使用情况use of the funds
保障机制mechanism of guaranteed resources
保障机制a mechanism for ensuring adequate funding (for)
分配allocation of funds
来源source of funds
筹措raising of funds
筹集raise funds
资助financial aid
经常性用开支necessary ordinary expenses
统一收unified collection
截止日last day for renewing
确认期renew confirmation period
通知renewal notice
联系人bill contact
缴纳会pay membership dues
缴纳审核pay the expenses for examination
缴纳排污pay a pollutant discharge fees
耕地的补偿compensation for expropriated cultivated land
能源消energy consume
能源消结构pattern of energy consumption
自留保险premiums retained
节约型的消方式economical pattern of consumption
节约、环保、文明的生产方式和消模式conservation-oriented, environmentally friendly and civilized patterns of production and consumption
草原植被恢复fees for restoring grassland vegetation
营业收项目chargeable business items
行政事业性administrative or operating charge
行政事业性收administrative fees
行政经administrative expenses
补交保险make up the unpaid insurance premium
补偿amount of compensation
prescribed fees
规范公务消standardize expenses related to carrying out official duties
证件工本cost of the card
诉讼expenses of the proceeding
误导消misleading to the consumers
财政预备fiscal reserve funds
用凭证expense voucher
用分摊apportioning of the expenses
标准charge rate
资源补偿resource compensation
赔偿compensation expenses
赡养support payment
超标准排污fees for the excessive discharge of pollutants
转包subcontract charges
转让transfer charges
转让收权合同contract for the assignment of highway toll right
辞退dismissal pay
分摊价值contributory value of freight
数额amount equivalent to the freight payable
追索扶养claim payments for support
追索赡养claim alimony
退还保险refund the insurance premium
选举经the cost of elections
速遣payment of dispatch
邮政资postal rate
重复收collect double fee
铺张浪extravagance and waste
长期待摊anticipated long-term amortized expenses
附加supplementary sum
附加减除additional deduction of expenses
降低保险reduce the insurance premium
青苗的补偿compensations for young crops on land
非国家财政性经non-governmental financial funds
非法收取illegally impose charge for
非法的保险illegal premium
预付入门anticipate initial payment
首期保险first installment of the insurance premium
驻军expenditure for the garrison