
Terms for subject General containing 费约 | all forms | in specified order only
圣约翰费舍尔大学St. John Fisher College
大约 1 公里 1. 2 美兀,超过10公里后加倍收费It's about $1. 2 each kilometer, but the rate double when exceeding 10 kilometers
申请人允许重新预约的次数有限,请妥善安排面谈时间以避免额外缴纳签证申请费用Applicants are limited to the number of times they can reschedule their appointments. Please plan accordingly so that you are not required to pay another visa application fee
给司机的小费应大约是车费的15%,不包括过桥费和行李费Tip the cab driver about 15 % of your base fare excluding the bridge tolls or luggage fees
费什拜因约定叫Fishbein convention
费令特三方块约定叫Flint three diamonds
费令特三梅花约定叫Flint three clubs
费令特二方块约定叫Flint two diamonds
费兰纳雷二方块约定叫Flannery two diamonds
费兰纳雷二红心约定叫Flannery two hearts
费兰纳雷约定叫Flannery convention