
Terms containing 费用 | all forms | in specified order only
gen.一切费用由咱俩平均分担All expenses are to be equally shared between you and me
tech.订约后先收的一次性费用front-end fee
ecol.一次性费用nonrecurring charge
tech.一次性费用non-recurring expenses
tech.一次性费用non-recurring charges
securit.一次性费用one time fee
tech.一次性措施费用lump-sum measure expenses
securit.一次性措施费用lump sum measure expense
tech.一般费用overhead cost
tech.一般营业费用general expenses
tech.一般费用再分配general expense reappointment
tech.一般业务费用general operating expenses
securit.一般及行政费用general & administrative G&A expenses
tech.一般管理费用general administrative expenses
tech.一般管理费用general administration cost
tech.一般管理费用再分派overhead reapportionment
tech.一般管理和销售费用general administrative and selling expenses
securit.一般经营费用general operation expenses
tech.一般营业费用general reserve
tech.一般行政费用general government expenditures
tech.一般销售费用general selling expenses
securit.一般销售费用和管理支出selling general & administrative expenses
securit.一般销售费用和管理支出selling general & administrative SG&A expenses
avia.不定期维修费用unscheduled maintenance cost
securit.不确定的费用unconfirmed expense
consult.与计算费用有关的其它问题the other concerning for calculating the expenses
shipb.专利权的使用费patent royalty
avia.专用费用要求special money requisition
avia.专门维修费用special maintenance cost
securit.中介费用procuration fee
gen.丹杰尔费耳德通用动力学公司General Dynamics/Daingerfield
securit.互换费用swap cost
securit.交易系统使用费trading tariff
gen.交费的计算机实际使用时间pay actual computer time
securit.付给中间人的费用fees to finders
securit.代收费用collection charge
gen.以很大费用at a great expense (代价)
gen.以…费用at ...charge (代价)
nautic., tech.仲裁费用arbitration fee schedule of the arbitration
gen.价格加固定费用cost plus fixed fee
consult.任务费用控制job cost control
gen.估计…的费用estimate for
consult.费用的公共设施low cost utilities
securit.低销售费用的基金low load fund
gen.使 M 负担费用fix M with costs
securit.使用费utilization fee
securit.使用费率royalty rate
securit.依法费用compliance cost
securit.保兑费用confirming charge
gen.保管费用storage charge
gen.修理费用account for the repair
avia.修理部件费用系统管理management of repair parts expenditure system
securit.借债的费用debt servicing charge
securit.借款人应付放款人费用lender expenses payable by borrower
securit.债券发行费用摊销amortization of debenture expenses
securit.债券发行价折扣及费用debt discount and expenses
securit.债券发行折扣及费用bond discount and expense
securit.假报费用fraudulent disbursement
securit.假设费用assumed fee
securit.偿债费用debt servicing charge
securit.偿还费用redemption charge
avia.免收费用no charge
fishery免费享用公共产品者free rider
securit.免费使用use without compensation
gen.免费使用电话wayleave charges
securit.兑付费用accepting charge
refrig.全寿命费用total lifecycle cost
avia.全寿命寿命周期费用设计design to life cycle cost
avia.全寿命期费用life cycle cost
shipb.公共福利费用public welfare expenses
securit.公司经营管理费用corporate overhead
securit.公司间费用intercompany expense
avia.公式费用formula cost (按照美国空运协会统一规定的公式计算出的运输机直接使用费用)
gen.关于相关费用我会通过现金或者信用卡的形式进行支付I would like to pay for the relevant expense by cash or credit card
avia.其他直接费用direct other charge
securit.再投资费用reinvestment load
securit.净流通费用pure cost of circulation
securit.准备费用standing by cost
securit.减免征收费用remission of levy
avia.出发前收齐费用的航空旅游package tour
securit.分散费用合约计划spread-load contractual plan
securit.分配费用distribution expenses
securit.创业费用贷款front end finance
securit.创办费用formation expenses
securit.创办费用start-up expenses
securit.创办费用formation costs
securit.初期费用opening expenses
securit.初期预收费用front-end fee
securit.初步费用preliminary expenditure
securit.利息和费用计算interest rate and fee calculation
shipb.到岸价格加结关费用cost, insurance, freight cleared
securit.前期费用front fee
securit.前期费用preliminary expenditure
securit.前期费用front-end fee
gen.劳驾,请问我能不能提取存款偿付我在美国买东西的费用Excuse me, but can I draw on my account for payment of things I buy in America ?
securit.包括所有费用、单一价格all-in-rate (包括一切费用的)
nautic., tech.北大西洋冰区巡逻、运作和费用规则rules for the management, operation and financing of the north Atlantic Ice patrol
avia.单位生产费用设计design to unit production cost
avia.单位生产费用设计design to unit production cost
refrig.单位管道安装费用unit cost of duct installation
refrig.单位能量费用unit energy cost
avia.单元体全寿命费用模型modular life-cycle cost model
securit.即时支付的费用upfront charges
shipb.卸货费用discharging fee
shipb.卸货费用unloading charge
ecol.参展费用participation fee
ecol.参展费用exhibition cost
avia.发射费用launch cost
avia.发展费用development cost (成本)
securit.发行费用listing fee
securit.发行费用issue expenses
consult.发表公告的费用public announcement expenses
shipb.受损货物检验费用expenses for surveying of damaged cargo
securit.变现费用总额total cost of realization
securit.可赎回的费用redeemable charges
gen.同意负担…费用underwrite (underwrote, underwritten)
avia.后勤保障费用logistic support costs
securit.后向费用复合式期权的所有人对标的期权持有人所支付的费用back fee
securit.后期费用back end load
consult.咨询费用consultant fees
securit.因投资收人而发生的费用expense attributable to the investment income
securit.固定费用担保fixed charge coverage
securit.固定费用担保金比率fixed charge coverage ratio
securit.固定费用支付率fixed charge coverage
securit.固定费用清单schedule of fixed charges
avia.国际消费者信用协会International Consumer Credit Association
ecol.土地使用费land occupation charge
shipb.场地使用费land occupancy fees
securit.坏账费用企业用在无法回收的账款上的费用bad debt expense
securit.基建费用capital expenses
gen.基本费用base fare
securit.基本建设费用capital expenses
gen.基础费用basic rate
gen.填写申请表之前你需要支付签证申请费用You have to pay the required visa application fee before you complete the application forms
securit.备用费用contingent fees
gen.外加费用 extra
securit.大约的/可能的费用probable cost
gen.如果你这样做,信用卡公司或发卡银行会在你的账单总额中加收一点手续费If you do this, the credit company, or the bank that sponsors the credit card, will add a small service charge to your total bill
gen.如果我要在机场留宿一夜,住宿费用机场会承担吗?Will the airline pay for my room if I have to spend the night at the airport?
avia.完成时的分布式费用估计distributed estimate at completion
securit.定期费用time fixed charges
securit.定期费用period expense
securit.实际费用out of pocket cost
securit.实际费用actual expenditure
consult.宣传费用promotion costs
gen.寄一个包裹到伯尔尼要多少费用Could you tell me how much it costs to send a parcel from here to Bern?
gen.对不起,先生。非常抱歉菜上晚了。 我这儿有些喝的供您享用,是免费的,以表达我们的歉意Excuse me, sir! I'm very sorry for the delay. Here we have some drinks for you to enjoy. It is free of charge to show our apology
avia.寿命周期费用life cycle cost
avia.寿命周期费用估算life cycle cost estimate
avia.寿命周期费用计划life cycle cost program
securit.尚未偿付的费用unreimbursed charge
consult.工厂的具体投资费用specific investment cost of plant
avia.工装费用授权authority for tool expenditure
avia.工装费用综合控制指令blanket tooling expenditure control order
shipb.已付费用paid expense
shipb.已分配费用applied expense
securit.已分配的间接费用absorbed overhead
shipb.已负担制造费用absorbed manufacturing expenses
gen.常规费用inclusive rate
securit.平均费用level load
securit.平均费用基金交纳平均管理费的共同基金level load fund
securit.年度基金运作费用annual fund operation expenses
ecol.年折算费用又称年费用annual equivalent cost
refrig.年节省的费用annual savings
securit.应付费用outstanding expenses
securit.应缴费用fee payable
securit.延期费用deferred expense
securit.延期费用back fee
securit.延期和预付费用deferred and prepaid expenses
securit.延期未使用的费用deferred unapplied expenses
securit.建立基金的费用fund set-up fee
ecol.建筑费用expenditure on construction
securit.开业费用formation costs
tech.开业准备费用setting-up expenses
securit.开业前费用precommencement expenditure
tech.开办费用start-up cost
securit.开办费用initial expenses
tech.开发费用expense of developing
tech.开发费用cost of development
tech.开发和发展费用exploration and development cost
tech.开发和发展费用exploitation and development cost
tech.开发影响费用development impact fee
tech.开垦费用cost of clearing
consult.开始试车费用running-in period
shipb.开拓业务费用acquisition cost
tech.开挖费用excavation cost
tech.开销费用overhead cost
gen.快洗服务要额外付5%的费用There is an extra charge of 5 % for express service
avia.性能与费用分析analysis of performance and expenditures
shipb.费用lump-sum fee
avia.总拥有费用total ownership cost
nautic., tech.总灾难转移费用gross cost of averting a fatality
ecol.恢复费用replacement cost approach
securit.成立费用initial expenses
securit.成立费用formation expenses
gen.我们公司将偿还您旅途中所有的相关费用Our company will reimburse any expenses incurred during your trip
gen.我和玛丽决定均摊旅行费用Mary and I decided to halve expenses on our trip
gen.我对你们的产品很满意。既然你是玻利维亚进出口公司的职员,能否帮忙找代理直接给我们运输到青岛港?将会产生的费用也请你告诉我I'm satisfied with your products. As you're from Bolivia Import and Export Corporation, could you help us find a forwarder to transport the goods to Qingdao Port directly and advise us the related fee?
gen.我怕现金不够付这些费用了,我用信用卡吧I'm afraid the cash is not enough to cover the amount. I' d use the credit card
gen.我没带现金,所以必须得用信用卡结账了。这是90美元,剩下的做小费I don't have any cash with me. So I'll have to put it on credit. Here's 90 dollars. Please keep the change
gen.我要先称一下。行李有些超重,您必须付超重费用I'll have to weigh it first. It's a little overweight. You'll have to pay extra
avia.所有权总费用total cost of ownership
securit.所涉费用问题financial implication
securit.扣掉费用的票据non-par item
securit.承担费用assumed fee
securit.承担利息费用bear interest
securit.承销费用underwriting cost
avia.技术分析与费用估计technical analysis and cost estimate
securit.投资工具费用vehicle charges
securit.投资机构维持费用maintenance of investment organization
securit.折旧费用cost of depreciation
securit.抵偿费用meet charges
securit.担负费用absorb the charges
ecol.拆迁费用removal expense
securit.持仓费用型市场carrying-charge market
securit.持有资产费用carrying charge
avia.按图号的生产费用production cost by drawing number
avia.按小时计的间接运转费用hourly indirect operating cost
securit.按比率分配费用公式formula apportionment
securit.损耗费用depletion expenses
consult.排出物处理费用cost of emissions disposal
securit.探索风险费用scanning risk charge
securit.推销费用selling charge
securit.提前偿付费用prepayment fee
securit.摊还费用amortization charge
securit.操作费用handling expenses
securit.支付费用meet charges
securit.支付费用discharge of the costs
consult.支付外面机构费用fees payable to external institutions
securit.收人和费用报表income and expense statement
securit.收回债券的费用摊销amortization of expense related to bond retirement
securit.收购后费用post acquisition expenditures
securit.收购要约中的前期费用front-end loading in tender offers
securit.放款人费用lender fee
securit.政府支付的开办费用government start-up grant
securit.整理费用reconditioning charge
securit.新股票发行费用new shares issuing expenses
nautic., tech.施救费用sue and labour expenses
securit.费用基金no load
securit.费用滚动股利投资no load dividend reinvestment
securit.费用组合non-fee paying portfolios
securit.费用股利再投资no load dividend reinvestment
securit.费用股票no load stock
gen.无论您飞往何处,都有免费饮料可以享用,包括咖啡、果汁、软饮料、茶和水Whenever your travels take you, there are some complimentary beverages available, including coffee, fruit juices, soft drinks, tea and water
securit.无须费用without expense
gen.昨晚吃饭她想和我平摊费用She wanted to go Dutch with me at the restaurant last night
refrig.暖通空调的调试费用cost of HVAC&R commissioning
securit.更改执照的申请费用application fee for changes to a licence
gen.最低费用的恬计minimum-cost estimating
consult.最低费用计算least cost calculation
avia.最低全寿命周期费用lowest life cycle costing
avia.最低寿命周期费用lowest life cycle costing
securit.最低总费用least total cost
avia.最低月度维修费用minimum monthly maintenance charge
tech.最初费用initial cost
tech.最初费用first cost
ecol.最大限度地预防浪费和再生利用各种材料coupling maximum waste prevention with material recycling
tech.最小费用minimum fee
tech.最小费用minimal fee
tech.最小费用分析least cost analysis
tech.最小费用模型least cost model
tech.最小费用least cost point
tech.最小费用least cost solution
tech.最少费用分析cost-minimization analysis
tech.最少费用方案least cost option
securit.有支付固定费用的收人income available for fixed charges
securit.期权费用option tariff
securit.未使用费inactive fee
securit.未吸收费用unabsorbed burden
securit.未报销的费用unreimbursed charge
securit.未摊销的债券费用unamortized debt expense
securit.本期经营费用current operation expenditures
gen.本身建厂费用除工程设计费用以外的基建费用,包括全部建筑安装及设备费用physical plant cost
avia.机场与航线导航设备使用费charges for airports and route navigation facilities
avia.机场及航线导航设备使用费charges for airports and route navigation facilities
avia.标准件托运费用unit handling cost
avia.欧洲飞机费用计算公式European aircraft cost formula
securit.正当垫付的费用proper disbursement
avia.每小时直接使用费用hourly direct operating cost
securit.法定费用statutory costs
securit.法定的费用required fee
consult.法律费用legal fees
securit.法律费用legal fee
ecol.测定用于环境的增加费用方案Programme for Measuring Incremental Cost for the Environment
securit.消费者信用债券金融机构直接在市场上发行的一种投资票据consumer debenture
securit.消费者信用机构credit bureau
securit.清盘费用closing costs
shipb.清除遇难船费用wreck removing charges
consult.激励费用incentive fee
gen.煤及铁路运输的费用coal and waggon
securit.牌照费用licensing fees
shipb.特别费用special charge
securit.特殊费用special expense
securit.特约费用代理人在进行受托代理时收取的部分费用retaining fee
ecol.生产费用分类classification of production expenses
refrig.生命周期费用分析life-cycle cost analysis
fishery用户付费原则user pays principle
avia.用户支付的费用user charges
avia.用户费user charges
gen.申请人允许重新预约的次数有限,请妥善安排面谈时间以避免额外缴纳签证申请费用Applicants are limited to the number of times they can reschedule their appointments. Please plan accordingly so that you are not required to pay another visa application fee
securit.电子资金结算费用electronic money settlement fee
avia.目标成本加目标费用target cost plus target fee
securit.直接费用traceable cost
avia.直接使用费用direct operating cost (成本)
avia.直接使用费用direct operating cost
avia.直接吨英里费用direct ton-mile cost
gen.直接建厂费用包括工程设计费用和建筑施工费用direct plant cost
securit.直接投资的费用和特许权使用费fees and royalties from direct investments
avia.直接维修费用担保direct maintenance cost guarantees
avia.研制费用development cost (成本)
gen.研究人员注意到,超重人的生存时间和瘦人的一样长,但是却患有多种慢性疾病,这些疾病要花费高昂的治疗费用The researchers noted that overweight people tend to live as long as the thin, but with far more chronic diseases that are costly to treat
avia.空中导航费用air navigation charges
avia.空勤组费用fligh-crew cost
securit.管理费用SG& A
securit.账户管理费用maintenance fee
gen.紧缩费用take in a
securit.经常性费用recurring charges
securit.经常性费用贷款working capital loan
securit.经纪费用brokerage expense
securit.经纪费用brokerage charge
securit.经纪人费用broker's fees
securit.经纪人费用broker's expenses
securit.结束费用closing costs
securit.结算费用期货合同结算时全部关联费用cost of tender
securit.结算费用回扣clearing rebate
refrig.统一的年运行费用uniform annual cost
avia.维修与翻修的人事费用maintenance and overhaul personnel cost
securit.维持费用carrying amount
ecol.综合费用total logging cost
gen.缴纳费用meet one's bills
securit.股本发行折扣和费用capital stock discount and expense
securit.股票发行费用expense on stock issue
refrig.能源费用预算方法energy cost budget method
refrig.能耗费用energy cost
refrig.能量费用预算energy cost budget
shipb.至岸价加结关费用cost, insurance, freight cleared
gen.舌接量尸费用包括工程设计和建筑施工费用direct plant cost
avia.航空器全寿命费用aircraft life cycle cost
avia.航空维修费用aviation maintenance costs
shipb.航运公司营业费用operating expenses of shipping company
gen.船方不负担装卸费用国际贸易的一种合同Free in and out
shipb.船舶费用ship's expenses
shipb.船舶费用和经济核算ship's expenses and economic accounting
nautic., tech.船舶使用费disbursements
shipb.船舶修理计划、项目和费用ship-repair plan, items and expenses
shipb.船舶可变费用variable expenses of ship
shipb.船舶固定费用fixed expense of ship
shipb.船舶应付的费用charges upon vessel
shipb.船舶航行费用ship's sailing expenses
shipb.船舶运营吨天费用ship's expenses per operation ton-day
shipb.船舶运营艘天费用ship's expenses per operation day
shipb.节减的费用reduced expenses
gen.节省费用draw rein
gen.节省费用on a budget
gen.节省费用以求收支相抵cut and contrive
securit.虚假递延费用fallacious deferred charges
securit.融资费用cost of financing
avia.装备设计师费用分析系统equipment designer's cost analysis system
securit.规定的费用required fee
securit.规定的费用prescribed fee
securit.计人成本的销售及管理费用selling and administrative expense charged to cost
avia.计算费用computational cost
fishery许可证费用licence fee
fishery许可证费用licence fees
refrig.设计能耗费用design energy cost
securit.证券交易费用美国证券交易委员会监管部门规定的费用,证券出售时由卖方负担SEC fee
securit.证券交易管理委员会费用securities and exchange commission fee
securit.证监会费用securities and exchange commission fee
consult.试生产费用commissioning expenditures
consult.诱发费用incentive fee
gen.请自备泳衣及泳帽,免费享用温泉Please bring your swim suit and swim cap, and enjoy the free hot spring
gen.请问每桌的费用标准是多少?How much would you like to spend for each table?
gen.M 负担M费用pay for
gen.负担全部费用meet the bill
gen.负担全部费用foot the bill
securit.财政费用financial expense
securit.贷款年费用annual percentage rate
securit.贷款折扣费用loan discount fee
nautic., tech.费用cost benefit analysis
consult.费用与进度管理工程师cost and scheduling engineer
avia.费用成本估算模型cost estimation model
avia.费用函数cost function
desert.费用分担share of expenses
avia.费用加奖金cost plus incentive fee (根据承包商的表现而附加奖金的支付)
securit.费用及收费fees and charges
securit.费用及收费披露一览表fees and charges disclosure sheet
securit.费用发票expense invoice
gen.费用大的costly (costlier, costliest)
avia.费用工程师协会Association of Cost Engineers
gen.费用总计应为 180 美兀The fee in total should be $180
avia.费用批准authority for expenditure
sport.费用报销reimbursement of expenses
securit.费用抵补expense recovery
securit.费用押金deposits of costs
lat., busin.费用担保cautio pro expensis
securit.费用担保security for expense
sport.费用支付reimbursement of expenses
securit.费用支付fee payment
securit.费用支出权power to incur expense
ecol.费用收益比cost-benefit ratio
avia.费用模型cost model
avia.费用绩效测量cost performance measurement
avia.费用编号cost charge number
securit.费用表格fee schedule
consult.费用超支cost overruns
avia.费用超支率cost increase
securit.费用转移expense shifting
securit.费用限制stint on expense
securit.资产费用charges on assets
securit.资本费用审批capital expenditure authorization
securit.赎回费用共同基金contingent deferred sales charge (back-end loan fund)
securit.赔偿费用fee based compensation
securit.超额费用overrun cost
securit.超额间接费用over applied overhead
securit.趋降的利息费用曲线downward sloped interest expense line
securit.转换费用conversion charge
securit.转移费用closing charges
avia.运作总费用total operating cost
shipb.运营费用operational expenditure
refrig.运行费用operating charges
avia.运行费用指标operating cost targets
securit.运输费用transfer cost
shipb.运输费用traffic expense
avia.运输费用transportation rate
gen.这几天与您同住的朋友的费用怎么算呢?How about the charge for the days you shared the room with your friend?
gen.这样,你可以在一个月以后再支付货款,不需任何额外的费用。或者,你可以选择在几个月内进行支付In this way, you can pay for purchases a month later, without any extra charge. Or you may choose to make your payments over several months
gen.这次换货不需要任何费用There will of course be no charge for this replacement
gen.这里是50美元。不用找钱了。当是我给你的小费Here are $50. Keep the change. That's my tip for you.
shipb.进口费用importation charges
shipb.通信费用communication fee
brit., busin.道路使用费road charges
gen.那么在外地使用又是怎么收费的呢?How about the charges for the service available in other cities?
avia.重复费用成本recurring cost
securit.资产重新安置费用rearrangement cost
securit.重组费用restructuring charges
avia.重量轻、费用low cost
avia.重量轻、费用light weight
gen.金额超过信用额度均需经过授权。消费额在发卡行授信额度内就不必经过授权For any amount exceeding the line of credit you'll have to get authorization. You don't need to get authorization if your expenses are in line with the credit given by the issuing bank
securit.银行负担的利息费用burden of interest on bank
securit.销售费用selling charge
avia.长途飞行平均费用曲线long run average cost curve
securit.间接费用分配burden apportionment/distribution
avia.间接维修费用maintenance burden
avia.间接运费用indirect operating cost
securit.附加的费用additional fees
shipb.集装箱码头费用container terminal expenses
securit.雇佣费用brokerage expense
avia.零件消耗费用parts consumption cost
securit.零用费用pocket money
securit.需经证监会批准收取的费用fees approved by Commission
securit.非优先偿还债务费用subordination fee
securit.非弹性费用inflexible expenses
securit.非经常性费用incidental expense
securit.非经营费用即期支付sundry payments
avia.非重复发生费用nonrecurring costs
consult.項目执行费用project implementation cost
shipb.项目费用project expenses
avia.项目总费用total program cost
securit.预付费用upfront payment/fee
nautic., tech.预估费用estimated repair cost
securit.预计费用pro forma cost
securit.预计的经营费用estimated operating expenses
securit.额外费用additional fees
securit.额外费用additional charges
refrig.风道安装费用duct installation cost
avia.风险系统费用分析risk information system cost analysis
avia.飞机使用费用报告aircraft operating cost report
gen.飞机晚点是我们的责任,如果您继续搭乘我们的航班,您的住宿费用将由我们来承担Since the flight delay was our fault and you are continuing on with our airline, we will cover the cost of a hotel room
avia.飞机每飞行一英里的美元费用dollars per aircraft-mile
avia.飞行人员费用flight crew cost
avia.飞行人员费用fligh-crew cost
avia.飞行任务费用mission cost
securit.首次上市发行费用initial listing fee
securit.首次固定费用first fixed charge
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