
Terms containing 贸易 的 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.三国间的三角贸易triangular trade
econ.不利的贸易形势adverse trade conditions
interntl.trade.不同经济和社会制度国家间的贸易trade among countries having different economic and social system
econ.不同经济和社会制度国家间的贸易the trade among countries having different economic and social systems
econ.许多国家进行工农业产品方面的贸易trade in industrial and agricultural products with (many countries)
IMF.与世界贸易组织联络的委员会Committee on Liaison with the WTO IMF, Executive Board
textile与贸易有关的投资措施trade related investment measures
econ.与贸易有关的投资措施trade-related investment measures
commer.与贸易有关的投资措施缩写为TRIMStrade-related investment measures
China, polit.与贸易有关的投资措施协定Agreements on Trade-Related Investment Measures
econ.与贸易有关的知识产权指美国在关贸总协定乌拉圭回合谈判中的知识产权目标trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights TRIPs
el.与贸易有关的知识产权协定Trade Related Agreement on Intellectual Property Rights (WTO)
econ.与贸易有关的知识产权条款Trade-related Intellectual Property Provisions
IMF.与贸易相关的投资措施trade-related investment measure
econ.《与贸易相关的知识产权协定》Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
IMF.与贸易相关的知识产权问题trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights
gen.与N进行M方面的贸易trade in M with (N)
econ.世界贸易的组织与形态composition and pattern of world trade
interntl.trade.世界性的贸易政策universal trade policy
shipb.《世界贸易组织成员的保留》WTO 文件名Reservations by WTO Members
org.name.世贸组织关于农业、渔业和林业的多边贸易谈判WTO Multilateral Trade Negotiations on Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
econ.个别商品贸易的多边承诺multilateral trade commitments on individual commodities
econ.为了贸易的援助Aid for Trade
UN, polit.亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会发展中成员国关于贸易谈判的第一项协定First Agreement on Trade Negotiations among Developing Member Countries of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
UN交换化学品国际贸易信息的指导方针Guidelines for the Exchange of Information on Chemicals in International Trade
interntl.trade.交货前一切费用包括在内的贸易条件delivered terms
fin.人民币在国际贸易中的使用international use of the currency in trade
fin.人民币计价的贸易renminbi-denominated trade
textile从事中国贸易的商行China's trader
econ.从事中国贸易的商行China trader
commer.代购代销的委托贸易commission business
fin.以人民币结算的国际贸易international trade settled in renminbi
fin.以人民币结算的贸易trade settled in renminbi
fin.以人民币计价的跨境贸易renminbi-denominated cross-border trade
econ.以市场为导向的贸易制度market-oriented trading system
interntl.trade.以本国船只运输的贸易active commerce
tech.依赖外国船的进出口贸易passive commerce
interntl.trade.依赖对外贸易的程度degree of dependence upon foreign trade
interntl.trade.促进贸易的技术援助technical assistance in trade promotion
fin.促进更加平衡的贸易promote more balanced trade
fin.促进更加开放的全球贸易与投资foster more open trade and investment globally
fin.保持财政、货币、贸易、产业等政策的可持续性maintain fiscal, monetary, trade, industry and other policy sustainability
proj.manag.倚赖对外贸易的经济externally oriented economy
econ.偏重于对外贸易的经济增长trade-based growth
fin.允许中国企业使用人民币进行跨境贸易结算的项目allow Chinese companies to settle cross-border trades using the renminbi
UN关于与贸易有关的知识产权协定Agreement on Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights of 1994 TRIPs
UN关于化学品国际贸易信息交流的伦敦准则London Guidelines for the Exchange of Information on Chemicals in International Trade
org.name.关于在国际贸易中对某些危险化学品和农药采用事先知情同意程序的鹿特丹公约Rotterdam Convention
UN, chem.关于在国际贸易中对某些危险化学品和农药采用事先知情同意程序的鹿特丹公约Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade
China, polit.关于实施 1994 年关税与贸易总协定第6条的协定反倾销协定Agreements on Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade
China, polit.关于实施1994年关税与贸易总协定第7条的协定海关估价协定Agreements on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade
org.name.关于对外贸易法律和条例及其变化的多边通知系统Multilateral System of Notification
org.name.关于对外贸易法律和条例及其变化的多边通知系统Multilateral Notification System for Laws and Regulations concerning Foreign Trade and Changes therein
org.name.关于建立多边贸易组织的协定Agreement establishing the Multilateral Trade Organization
ecol.关于环境与贸易的决议世界贸易组织在1994年4月15日召开的部长级会议上作出的决议。其目的是协调贸易与环境领域的政策,避免贸易保护主义措施Decision on Trade and Environment
textile兴旺的贸易prosperous trade
econ.兴旺的贸易the prosperous trade
org.name.农业、渔业和林业与贸易有关的能力建设计划Umbrella II Programme
org.name.农业、渔业和林业与贸易有关的能力建设计划Trade-related Capacity Building Programme for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
interntl.trade.农产品贸易的结构和趋向structure and trend in agricultural trade
econ.农产品贸易的结构和趋向the structure and trend in agricultural trade
busin.农产品对工业品的相对贸易条件指工农产品的相对交换比价和比率,并据此得出贸易条件有利或不利terms of trade of agriculture vis-avis industry
econ.农民-贸易商之间的联系farmer-trade linkage
tech.出口贸易的日常业务business routine of export trade
busin.分散经营的贸易公司decentralized trading corporation
fin.利用汇率政策来抵消较低贸易壁垒的好处use exchange rate policies to take away the benefits of lower trade barriers
econ.制造业和贸易的销售额the manufacturing and trade sale
econ.制造业和贸易的销售额manufacturing and trade sale
busin.剧烈的贸易竞争keen trade competition
nautic., tech.区域性经济贸易集团内的价格regional price in economy and trade block
China, law半官方的经济和贸易机构semi-official economic and trade mission
econ.原材料短缺和艰难的贸易条件共同导致了公司的破产A combination of raw materials shortage and difficult trading conditions led to the company's bankruptcy
org.name.发展中国家的贸易谈判议定书Protocol relating to Trade Negotiations among Developing Countries
fin.发展更加平衡的贸易和投资关系develop a more balanced trade and investment relationship
busin.受管制的贸易managed trade
econ.贸易的投人物the tradeable input
textile贸易的投入物tradable input
interntl.trade.贸易的投入物trade acceptance
IMF.向最不发达国家提供与贸易有关的技术援助的综合框架Integrated Framework
IMF.向最不发达国家提供与贸易有关的技术援助的综合框架Integrated Framework for Trade-Related Technical Assistance to Least Developed Countries
IMF.向最不发达国家提供贸易技术援助的强化综合框架Enhanced IF
IMF.向最不发达国家提供贸易技术援助的强化综合框架Enhanced Integrated Framework for Trade-Related Technical Assistance to least-developed countries
econ.呆滞的贸易the slack trade
econ.和你方代表作过长时间的有关贸易条件的讨论An extended discussion about the trade terms was held with your reps
interntl.trade.商品贸易的多边承诺multilateral trade commitments on individual commodities
interntl.trade.商品贸易的补偿性资金供应compensatory financing
interntl.trade.国际贸易的法律和实务the law & practice of international trade
interntl.trade.国际贸易的纯理论pure theory of international trade
interntl.trade.国际收支中与贸易有关的无形项目balance of trade-allied invisibles
China, polit.国际纺织品贸易协议的延长议定书Protocol Extending the Arrangement of 20 December 1973 Regarding International Trade in Textiles
interntl.trade.国际贸易上选用的特别流通票据special negotiable instrument for optional use in international transactions
econ.国际贸易上选用的特别流通票据special negotiable instrument for optional use in international trade
interntl.trade.国际贸易上选用的记名式票据special negotiable instrument for optional use in international transactions
econ.国际贸易上选用的记名式票据special negotiable instrument for optional use in international trade
econ.国际贸易中的买卖合同contract of international sale of goods
interntl.trade.国际贸易中的有形项目visible item of international trade
econ.国际贸易中的有形项目a visible item of international trade
econ.国际贸易制单据的计算机化computerization of international trade documentation
interntl.trade.国际贸易制备单据的计算机化computerization of international trade documentation
econ.国际贸易规则的标准化standardization of the rules of international trade
interntl.trade.国际贸易规则的趋向一致化standardization of the rules of international trade
textile国际贸易转向的功能international trade diversion effect
nautic.在从事对外贸易的船上当船员go foreign
gen.在从事对外贸易的船上当船员sail foreign
proj.manag.在持续至今的经济低迷之前、尽管日本生活水平很高、但它仍旧有很大的贸易顺差Japan, despite its very high standard of living, had, until the current economic downturn, a strongly positive balance of trade
econ.在贸易关系中,我们有效地保护专利和商标是非常重要的In our trade relations, it is very important for us to protect patents and trade marks effectively
commer.基于规则的、公正和自由的国际贸易rules-based, fair and free international trade
interntl.trade.增加贸易的作用trade creation effect
fin.多边的自由对外贸易free multilateral foreign trade
fin.多边贸易体制的维护者defenders of the multilateral trading system
IMF.官方担保的与贸易相关的债权officially guaranteed trade-related claims
fin.实现更加平衡的贸易关系achieve a more balanced trade relationship
commer.密切合作有助于促进贸易的发展Close cooperation is conducive to the promotion of business
econ.对国家来说出口贸易是必要的The export trade is essential to the nation
commer.对国际贸易的巨大促进tremendous push to international trade
econ.对外贸易的国民经济盈利性profitability of foreign trade for the national economy
interntl.trade.对外贸易的控制政策policy of controlling foreign trade
interntl.trade.对外贸易的潜力potentialities in foreign trade
interntl.trade.对外贸易的资金供应financing of foreign trade
interntl.trade.对外贸易的资金筹措financing of foreign trade
proj.manag.对外贸易中的货款支付是非常复杂的Payment in foreign trade is often complicated
commer.对贸易产生扭曲作用的补贴trade-distorting subsidy
commer.对贸易发展的严重阻碍a serious detriment to the business development
environ.对贸易和工业的促进promotion of trade and industry Any activity that encourages or supports the buying, selling or exchanging of goods or services with other countries, which could include marketing, diplomatic pressure or the provision of export incentives such as credits and guarantees, government subsidies, training and consultation or advice (鼓励或支持购买、销售或交换商品的活动,包括营销、外交压力或提供出口优惠政策,如信用和保证、政府补贴、培训和咨询或意见等。)
commer.对贸易和当地生产的影响impact on trade and local production
econ.对贸易起中性作用的补贴trade-neutral subsidies
econ.尽管经济萧条,该公司的贸易额保持不变The corporation has maintained the same volume of trade despite of the recession
China, law属于禁止的国际服务贸易international trade in services subject to prohibition
econ.工业企业、商号的贸易代表direct sales forces
interntl.trade.1941 年修订的美国对外贸易定义Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941
busin.1941 年修订的美国对外贸易定义指美国外贸术语定义,通称美国定义Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941
interntl.trade.年关于国际陆地贸易的蒙得维的亚条约Treaty on International Commercial Territorial Law Montevideo, 19 March, 1940 1940
econ.美国1930 年的贸易关税法案Trade Tariff Act of 1930
econ.美国 1979 年的贸易协定法案Trade Agreements Act of 1979
interntl.trade.1960 年蒙得维的亚贸易条约Montevideo Trade Treaty of 1960
fin.建立开放自由的全球贸易体制establish an open and free global trading system
econ.开拓贸易的作用trade creation effect
IMF.开放的贸易体系open trading system
busin.开放而公平的贸易open and fair trade
fin.开放自由的全球贸易体制open and free global trading regime
econ.当一国的出口量大于进口量时,我们就说这个国家出现了贸易顺差When nations export more than they import, they are said to have a favourable balance of trade
econ.意大利东部沿海地区的贸易Levant trade
econ.我们上月写这封信是想探索与你们发展贸易的可能性We wrote this letter last month to explore the possibilities of develop big trade with you
commer.我们不可忽视贸易惯例的作用We cannot afford to neglect the function of business practices
econ.我们之间的贸易总金额应与我们的代理协定一致The total amount of trade between us shall be consistent with our agency arrangement
commer.我们之间的贸易额与我们达成的代理协议不符The volume of trade between us does not consist with the agency agreement concluded
econ.我们具有广泛、多方面的行业经验,所以能够与你国进行大量贸易We have a wide and varied experience in the trade so we can do a lot of trade with your country
econ.我们接受贵方条件表明我们与你方发展贸易关系的诚意Our acception of your conditions signifies our sincerity to develop business relationship with you
gen.我们是阿里 <-> 巴巴的金牌供应商,是顶级制造商和出口商,与阿根廷、智利、巴西、德国和法国都有贸易往来We are the gold supplier of Alibaba, a leading manufacturer and exporter with experience in Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Germany and France
econ.我们渴望寻求一位代理商来处理我们对贵国的出口贸易事宜We are earnestly looking for an agent to handle our export trade with your country
econ.我公司的贸易图表明今年的出口销量比内销的要大Our company's trading pattern indicates that export sales are higher than home sales this year
gen.我是国际贸易公司的比尔•理查德。我想为我的团队预订房间My name is Bill Richard calling from the International Trading Company. I' d like to reserve rooms for my group
fin.扩大人民币在跨境贸易和投资中的使用expand the use of the RMB in cross-border trade and investment
commer.扭曲贸易的国内支持总量overall trade-distorting domestic support
fin.扭曲贸易的政府行为trade-distorting government actions
commer.技术许可证贸易转让方有权到技术引进方的工厂查看和查账access to the licensee's plant and books of account
fin.指定的人民币贸易结算清算银行designated clearing bank for renminbi trade settlement
textile按业务形式分的类,按贸易方式分的类classified by forms of business
interntl.trade.按地区、国家或区域划分的世界贸易world trade by region, country or area
interntl.trade.按贸易加权的汇率指数trade-weighted index of exchange rates
interntl.trade.按贸易额加权的汇率指数trade-weighted index of exchange rates
interntl.trade.排除国际贸易的障碍removal of barrier to international trade
law控制危及野生动植物物种的国际贸易公约Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
fin.推动建立公平、合理、非歧视的国际贸易体系promote the establishment of fair, reasonable, non-discriminatory international trading system
fin.推动建立均衡、普惠、共赢的多边贸易体制promote the establishment of a balanced and win-win for the multilateral trading system
interntl.trade.放宽贸易的多边安排multilateral arrangement with trade liberalization
econ.放宽贸易的多边安排multilateral arrangement with liberalization
econ.政府赞助的贸易展览a government sponsored trade exhibition
econ.断绝与一个国家的贸易关系sever trade relation with a country
econ.美国有公证的贸易商品展览交易会项目Certified Trade Fair Program
econ.美国有公证的贸易推广项目Certified Trade Mission Program
busin.国际收支中有关无形贸易项目的差额balance of trade-allied invisibles
econ.有关的贸易the attendant trade
commer.有兴趣发展与某国的贸易be interested in building up business with a country
IMF.有管理的贸易managed trade
fin.有贸易保护主义倾向的债权国protectionist-inclined creditor country
fin.有资格开展跨境贸易结算的内地企业mainland enterprises eligible for cross-border trade settlement
UN, polit.服务和发展问题讨论会:外国直接投资和贸易的作用Seminar on Services and Development: The Role of Foreign Direct Investment and Trade
proj.manag.欧洲美元用于欧洲国家之间的各种贸易Eurodollar is used for trade within Europe
commer.此类货物的贸易额自去年以来有了很大增加The volume of trade in this line has greatly increased since last year
busin.活跃的贸易active commerce
econ.潜在的贸易干扰手段potential trade distorting device
interntl.trade.潜在的贸易干扰手续potential trade distorting device
busin.潜在的贸易非正常手段干扰手段potential trade distorting device
interntl.trade.燃料在商品贸易总值中所占的比重share of fuel in the total value of merchandise trade
shipb.独立自主的对外贸易independent sovereign foreign trade
commer.用于海外贸易的大型商船huge vessels for overseas commerce
fin.用于贸易结算的人民币供给supply of renminbi for trade settlement
econ.用价值来核算对外贸易的经济效果use value to measure the economic effects of foreign trade
org.name.知识产权与贸易有关方面的协定Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
textile稳固的行业《贸易》solid business
market.稳定的贸易市场actual market (firm trading market)
interntl.trade.稳定的贸易市场firm trading market
org.name.《统一有关国际航空运输某些规则的公约》简称《华沙公约》附录6国际商会公布实行的贸易术语IncotermsWarsaw Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Transportation by Air 1929
fin.维护开放的贸易体系preserve the open trading system
econ.美国 1974 年的贸易法案Trade Act of 1974
logist.联合国有关国际贸易单据的设计方案United Nations Layout Key
interntl.trade.联合国贸易法律委员会的审查事项范围说明terms of reference of UNCITRAL
fin.自由开放、公平公正的全球贸易环境free, open, equitable and just global trading environment
interntl.trade.自由的多边贸易free multilateral foreign trade
busin.自由的多边贸易指外贸free multilateral foreign trade
econ.获准的石油贸易商approved oil trader
fin.营造自由开放、公平、公正的全球贸易环境foster a free, open, equitable and just global trading environment
IMF.行业之间的贸易interindustry trade
IMF.行业内部的贸易Intraindustry trade
textile补偿贸易的产品返销product buy back
UN补充关于化学品国际贸易资料交流的伦敦准则的事先知情同意模式和其他模式特设专家工作组Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on Prior Informed Consent and Other Modalities to Supplement the London Guidelines for the Exchange of Information on Chemicals in International Trade
textile被联邦贸易委员会认定的纤维generic name
commer.要求贸易改善的请愿trade remedy complaint
IMF.要素的贸易条件factor terms of trade
econ.解除从中国进口商品的禁令极大地促进两国间的贸易The removal of the ban on import from China greatly encouraged the trade between two countries
interntl.trade.货物的保护贸易制度protection of goods
interntl.trade.贸发会议和总协定合办的国际贸易中心UNCTAD/GATT International Trade Center
busin.贸易上的习惯法限制common-law restraint on trade
commer.贸易中的事故accidents in trade
commer.贸易中的偶然事件incidents in business
econ.贸易交往的股份公司member companies of a trade association
proj.manag.贸易公司的资格trading company's qualification
commer.贸易发展在于平等互利基础上的合作The development of business consists in cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit
fin.贸易周期的货币理论monetary theory of trade cycle
econ.贸易和发展理事会和商品委员会的咨询委员会Advisory Committee to the Trade and Development Board and to Committee on Commodities
UN, polit.贸易和投资方面的区域经济合作行动纲领Action Programme for Regional Economic Cooperation in Trade and Investment
econ.贸易商的库存dealer inventory
interntl.trade.贸易国营的国家state-trading country
econ.贸易外汇内部的结算价price of foreign exchange earned through trade for internal settlement
environ.贸易对环境的影响trade impact on environment Trade impacts on the environment can be direct, such as trade of endangered species, of natural resources, of natural products such as tropical timber, etc., or indirect, such as deforestation, loss of habitats, pollution from mining, from energy production, oil spills, global warming, etc., increases in transport infrastructures (贸易对环境的影响可以是直接的,如濒危特种、自然资源、自然产品(如热带木材)的贸易。也可以是间接的,如森林砍伐、栖息地丧失和因采矿、能源生产、石油泄漏、全球气候变暖等而引起的污染,以及交通运输基础设施的增加。)
desert.贸易对环境的影响trade impact on environment
IMF.贸易差额的吸收分析法absorption approach
IMF.贸易差额的吸收分析法absorption approach to the balance of trade
interntl.trade.贸易手续和单据的简化facilitation of trade procedures and documentation
busin.贸易手续和单据的简化facilitation of trade procedures and documents
proj.manag.贸易手续的简化facilitation of trade procedures
busin.贸易数量的限制quantitative trade restriction
tech.贸易术语解释的国际通则international rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms
manag.贸易的mercantile (commercial marine)
fin.贸易的事实货币de facto currencies of trade
commer.贸易的保护protection of trade
IMF.贸易的商品结构commodity composition of trade
econ.贸易的四大辅助部门aid to trade (指运输、银行、保险、 会计或广告)
commer.贸易的巨大发展归功于你方的密切合作The great development of business is creditable to your close cooperation
tech.贸易的技术性壁垒technical barrier to trade
IMF.贸易的收入条件income terms of trade
busin.贸易的监督surveillance of trade
commer.贸易的绊脚石a stumbling block to business
commer.贸易的障碍obstacle to trade
commer.贸易的障碍hindrance to trade
interntl.trade.贸易的顺利进行harmony of trade
econ.贸易的顺利进行the harmony of trade
interntl.trade.贸易结构的调整re-structuralization of trade
proj.manag.贸易融资中断意味着发展中国家的供应商难以将商品输送到市场Disruption to trade finance means that developing world suppliers are having trouble getting goods to market
commer.贸易谈判将使我们有机会巩固我们之间的友好合作The business negotiation will afford us an opportunity to consolidate the friendly cooperation between us
commer.贸易谈判的继续continuation of business negotiations
fin.贸易资金的筹措financing related to trade
econ.贸易资金的筹措the financing related to trade
tech.贸易限制中的联合combination in restraint of trade
org.name.跨界动物疫病防控的市场和贸易问题研讨会Symposium on Market and Trade Dimensions of Transboundary Animal Disease Prevention and Control
busin.转移贸易的作用trade diversion effect
interntl.trade.较小的贸易minor trade
econ.迅速发货在出口贸易中是极为重要的Prompt delivery is of great importance in export trade
proj.manag.这意味着、人民币海外市场规模的扩大在很大程度上将受制于贸易结算额、至少在一段时期之内如此That means that the growth of the offshore market will be largely constrained, for a while at least, by the amount of trade settlement
econ.这项新技术已经对有色金属贸易造成了强大的冲击The new technology has made a great impact on the nonferrous metal trading
interntl.trade.进出口贸易的例行手续routine of import and export trade
econ.进出口贸易间的不平衡imbalance between import and export trade
textile进岀口相抵消的贸易协定compensation agreement
econ.那家公司的贸易额至少上升了 30%,这是保守的估计The trade volume of that company has risen by at least 30%, which is a conservative estimate
econ.部门内的进出口贸易intra-industry trade
fin.采取新的贸易保护主义措施take new trade protectionist measures
fin.重申不采取新的贸易保护主义措施的承诺reaffirm the commitment of not taking new trade protectionist measures
shipb.重要的贸易和投资伙伴important trade and investment partners
econ.间接的迂回的贸易round about trade
China, polit.附件 1C:与贸易有关的知识产权协定Annex 1C: Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
econ.限制贸易的合同contract in restraint of trade
econ.限制贸易的合约a restrained covenant
econ.限定区域内的贸易trade within the area
interntl.trade.限定区域的贸易trade within the area
interntl.trade.贸易的外汇部门non-commercial foreign exchange division
forestr.贸易的森林效益non-traded forest benefits
econ.非由出口贸易引起的片面性经济增长the anti-trade biased growth
busin.非贸易引起的经济增长antitrade biased growth
IMF.频繁的小规模边境贸易shuttle trade
econ.马蒂・茅鲁斯是锡兰贸易公司的高级职员Marty Maur us is a senior executive of Cylon Trading Corporation
commer.高关税是国际贸易的障碍High tariff is a barrier to international trade