
Terms containing 贸易 界 | all forms | in specified order only
IMF.与世界贸易组织联络的委员会Committee on Liaison with the WTO IMF, Executive Board
busin.世界信息与贸易系统World Information and Trade System
interntl.trade.世界农产品贸易world agricultural trade
tech.世界出口贸易公平比率equitable share of world export trade
tech.世界出口贸易总额world's total trade volume
IT世界半导体贸易统计world semiconductor trade statistics
el.世界半导体贸易统计组织World Semiconductor Trade Statistics Group
interntl.trade.世界性的贸易政策universal trade policy
busin.世界性贸易政策universal trade policy
interntl.trade.世界自由贸易free world trade
nautic., tech.世界自由贸易区大会World conference on free trade area
agric.世界谷物贸易统计world grain trade statistics
interntl.trade.世界贸易world trade
interntl.trade.世界贸易world commerce
tech.美国建造的超高层建筑世界贸易中心World Trade Center
earth.sc.世界贸易中心world trade centre
tech.世界贸易中心World Trade Center
el.世界贸易中心协会World Trade Centers Association
telecom.世界贸易中心协会World Trade Center Association
interntl.trade.世界贸易中心协会world trade centres association
fin.世界贸易中心协会World Trade Centers Association (国际贸易促进组织,成立于1970年,总部设在纽约)
tech.世界贸易中心塔楼World Trade Center Towers
archit.世界贸易中心大厦Mansion of World Trade Center (美国)
comp.name.世界贸易中心组织World Trade Centers Association
busin.世界贸易中心联合会World Trade Center Association
tech.世界贸易中心联合会World Trade Centers Association
earth.sc.世界贸易信息服务局World Trade Information Service
earth.sc.世界贸易公司World Trade Corporation
econ.世界贸易协会world trade clubs
commer.世界贸易协会联合会World Federation of Trade Unions
fin.世界贸易协议world trade deal
commer.世界贸易博览会International Trade Fair
econ.世界贸易商数据报告World Traders Data Report
commer.世界贸易商行名录world trade directory
econ.美国的世界贸易商资料报告World Traders Data Reports
fin.世界贸易增长world trade growth
fin.世界贸易失衡world's trade imbalances
earth.sc.世界贸易委员会World Trade Committee
tech.世界贸易总量quantum of world trade
interntl.trade.世界贸易总额quantum of world trade
textile世界贸易总额value of international trade
econ.世界贸易总额quantity of world trade
commer.美国世界贸易情报处World Trade Information Service
econ.世界贸易指南World Trade Directory
tech.世界贸易模式pattern of world trade
el.世界贸易电传打字机终端world trade teletypewriter terminal
econ.世界贸易的组织与形态composition and pattern of world trade
tech.世界贸易矩阵world trade matrix
interntl.trade.世界贸易研究所world trade institute
fin.世界贸易组织World Trade Organization (独立于联合国的永久性国际组织,成立于1994年4月,1995年1月1日正式开始运作,负责管理世界经济和贸易秩序,总部设在瑞士日内瓦)
commer.联合国世界贸易组织Organisation Mondiale du Commerce
China, polit.世界贸易组织the World Trade Organization (WTO)
UN, polit.世界贸易组织World Trade Organization
textile世界贸易组织World Trade Organization (WTO)
exhib., org.name.世界贸易组织The World Trade Organization
space世界贸易组织World Traditional Organization
auto.世界贸易组织World Trade Organization/WTO
agric.世界贸易组织 特征WTO characteristics
fin.世界贸易组织多哈发展议程WTO's Doha Development Agenda
shipb.《世界贸易组织成员的保留》WTO 文件名Reservations by WTO Members
econ.世界贸易网a network of world trade
busin.世界贸易网network of world trade
commer.英国世界贸易联盟协会World Trade Alliance Association
earth.sc.世界贸易联盟协会World Trade Alliance Association
interntl.trade.世界贸易量volume of world trade
met.世界钢铁贸易world iron and steel trade
org.name.世界鱼品贸易与安全会议World Congress on Fish Trade and Safety
shipb.《中华人民共和国加人世界贸易组织法律文件》Legal Instruments on China's Accession to the WTO
China, polit.中国加入世界贸易组织China's entry into the WTO
fin.享受世界贸易组织成员权利enjoy the rights of members of the World Trade Organization
fin.加人世界贸易组织join the World Trade Organization
econ.国际贸易界international trade community
interntl.trade.国际运输和贸易界international transport and trade community
busin.多边无差别世界贸易multilateral and non-discrimination world trade
econ.多边无差别待遇世界贸易multilateral and nondiscrimination world trade
interntl.trade.当地贸易界local trade interests
interntl.trade.按地区、国家或区域划分的世界贸易world trade by region, country or area
busin.经济贸易界economic and trade circles
earth.sc.西方世界贸易理事会World Trade Council of the West
interntl.trade.贸易界trade circle
textile贸易界trade circles
busin.贸易界world of trade
org.name.跨界动物疫病防控的市场和贸易问题研讨会Symposium on Market and Trade Dimensions of Transboundary Animal Disease Prevention and Control
textile边界贸易协定Border Trade Agreement
China, polit.马拉喀什建立世界贸易组织协定Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization
IMF.驻世界贸易组织代表Representative to the WTO