
Terms for subject Commerce containing 贸易的 | all forms | in specified order only
与贸易有关的投资措施缩写为TRIMStrade-related investment measures
代购代销的委托贸易commission business
基于规则的、公正和自由的国际贸易rules-based, fair and free international trade
密切合作有助于促进贸易的发展Close cooperation is conducive to the promotion of business
对国际贸易的巨大促进tremendous push to international trade
对贸易产生扭曲作用的补贴trade-distorting subsidy
对贸易发展的严重阻碍a serious detriment to the business development
对贸易和当地生产的影响impact on trade and local production
我们不可忽视贸易惯例的作用We cannot afford to neglect the function of business practices
我们之间的贸易额与我们达成的代理协议不符The volume of trade between us does not consist with the agency agreement concluded
扭曲贸易的国内支持总量overall trade-distorting domestic support
技术许可证贸易转让方有权到技术引进方的工厂查看和查账access to the licensee's plant and books of account
有兴趣发展与某国的贸易be interested in building up business with a country
此类货物的贸易额自去年以来有了很大增加The volume of trade in this line has greatly increased since last year
用于海外贸易的大型商船huge vessels for overseas commerce
要求贸易改善的请愿trade remedy complaint
贸易中的事故accidents in trade
贸易中的偶然事件incidents in business
贸易发展在于平等互利基础上的合作The development of business consists in cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit
贸易的保护protection of trade
贸易的巨大发展归功于你方的密切合作The great development of business is creditable to your close cooperation
贸易的绊脚石a stumbling block to business
贸易的障碍obstacle to trade
贸易的障碍hindrance to trade
贸易谈判将使我们有机会巩固我们之间的友好合作The business negotiation will afford us an opportunity to consolidate the friendly cooperation between us
贸易谈判的继续continuation of business negotiations
高关税是国际贸易的障碍High tariff is a barrier to international trade