
Terms containing 贸易条 件 | all forms | in specified order only
textile一般贸易条件general terms of trade
fin.为双边贸易平衡发展创造条件create conditions for balanced development of bilateral trade
interntl.trade.交货前一切费用包括在内的贸易条件delivered terms
busin.代营贸易条件factorial terms of trade
nautic., tech.价格贸易条件net barter terms of trade
busin.农产品对工业品的相对贸易条件指工农产品的相对交换比价和比率,并据此得出贸易条件有利或不利terms of trade of agriculture vis-avis industry
nautic., tech.贸易条件net barter terms of trade
tech.出口贸易条件指数index of terms of trade for exports
IMF.单一因素贸易条件single-factor terms of trade
interntl.trade.单因素贸易条件single factorial terms of trade
econ.原材料短缺和艰难的贸易条件共同导致了公司的破产A combination of raw materials shortage and difficult trading conditions led to the company's bankruptcy
tech.双因贸易条件double factorial terms of trade
econ.双因素贸易条件double-factor terms of trade
interntl.trade.双因素贸易条件double-factorial tenns of trade
interntl.trade.双因素贸易条件double-factorial terms of trade
nautic., tech.双因素贸易条件double factorial terms of trade
econ.和你方代表作过长时间的有关贸易条件的讨论An extended discussion about the trade terms was held with your reps
commer.商品贸易条件commodity terms of trade
textile国际贸易条件international trade terms
econ.国际贸易条件International Commercial Terms
busin.国际贸易条件规则International Codes for Trade Terms
el.国际贸易条件解释通则International Rules for Interpretation of Trade Terms
interntl.trade.国际商会贸易条件解释通则International Chamber of Commerce Terms
tech.国际贸易条件解释通则international rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms
busin.大国贸易条件large country terms of trade
IMF.实际贸易条件real terms of trade
interntl.trade.实际成本贸易条件real cost terms of trade
econ.我们接受贵方条件表明我们与你方发展贸易关系的诚意Our acception of your conditions signifies our sincerity to develop business relationship with you
econ.收入贸易条件income terms of trade
busin.改善贸易条件improvement in trading condition
busin.放宽贸易条件easy trade terms
econ.易货贸易条件barter terms of trade
busin.有条件易货贸易escrow barter trade
interntl.trade.标准贸易条件standard trade terms
interntl.trade.贸易条件net terms of trade
interntl.trade.纯易货贸易条件net barter terms of trade
textile苛刻贸易条件harsh terms of trade
IMF.要素的贸易条件factor terms of trade
tech.贸易实际成本条件real cost terms of trade
econ.贸易总条件gross terms of trade
interntl.trade.贸易所得条件income terms of trade
tech.贸易收入条件income terms of trade
busin.贸易有利条件trading advantages
tech.贸易有利条件trading advantage
commer.贸易条件net barter terms of trade
econ.贸易条件trade term
interntl.trade.贸易条件condition of sales
textile贸易条件items of business
logist.贸易条件术语terms of trade
IMF.贸易条件terms of trade
econ.贸易条件real cost terms of trade
commer.贸易条件trade terms
busin.贸易条件commercial terms
busin.贸易条件terms of exchange
UN, econ.贸易条件冲击terms of trade shocks
interntl.trade.贸易条件指数index of terms of trade
interntl.trade.贸易条件指数terms of trade index
stat.贸易条件指数term-of-trade index pl. indices
busin.贸易条件指数index of term of trade
busin.贸易条件指数indexes of terms of trade
tech.贸易条件指数terms of trade indexes
tech.贸易条件效果terms-of-trade effect
textile贸易条件theory of terms of trade
textile贸易条款与条件trade terms and conditions
IMF.贸易的收入条件income terms of trade