
Terms for subject United Nations containing 贷款 | all forms | in specified order only
东道国贷款host country loan
以本组织资产抵押的贷款borrowing against the assets
减少贫穷促进增长贷款机制Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility
TCDC 加强对低收入团体体制贷款服务讲习班TCDC Workshop on Strengthening Institutional Credit Services to Low-income Groups
商业贷款commercial borrowing
外部商业贷款outside commercial borrowing
建筑筹资贷款loan for construction financing
有息贷款interest-bearing loan
联合国用东道国贷款作为担保offer of a loan from the host country as a guarantee
贷款偿还期间repayment period
赠款和减让贷款grants and concessional loans
长期贷款permanent loan