
Terms for subject Finances containing 贴现 | all forms | in specified order only
不可贴现票据non-discountable bill
买人票据贴现discount on bills bought
伦敦贴现市场即伦敦货币市场London discoun market
债券再贴现bond rediscount
公债贴现discount on government securities
公债作抵押的票据贴现discount of bill with government bond as collateral
公定贴现利率bank rate of discount
贴现applicant for re-discount
贴现政策rediscount policy
减少贴现票据的持有量reduce holdings of discounted bills
初始发行贴现original issue discount
初始发行贴现债券original issue discount bond
利息和贴现收人账户interest and discount income a/c
利息和贴现收入帐户interest and discount income a/c
取消票据贴现利率管制scrap controls on bill discount rates
合格再贴现票据eligible bill for rediscounting
售出票据贴现discount on bills sold
商业信贷公司贴现公司discount company
商业信贷公司贴现公司commercial credit company
商业票据贴现discount rate of a commercial bill
在线贴现经纪人on-line discount broker
实在贴现true discount
客帐贴现customer’s account discounted
客帐贴现佣金commission paid on discounted accounts
贴现信贷discounted credit
贴现可流通票据discounted negotiable instrument
贴现商业承兑汇票形成的或有负债contingent debts arising from discounted commercial acceptance bills of exchange
贴现应收票据notes and bills receivable discounted
贴现应收票据note and bill receivable discounted
贴现应收票据note receivable discounted
贴现应收账款discounted accounts receivable
贴现票据帐户note discounted a/c
贴现票据账户discounted bill account
贴现账款登记簿discounted accounts register
帐款贴现discounted accounts register
年金的复利和贴现计算compounding and discounting for annuity
应付短期票据贴现discount on short-term bills payable
应收贴现账款discount account receivable
应收客帐贴现customer’s account discounted
应收帐款贴现accounts receivable discounted
应收帐款贴现discounted accounts receivable
应收帐款贴现account receivable discounted
应收帐款贴现佣金支出commission paid on discounted accounts
应收票据贴现note receivable discounted
应收票据贴现收益gain from discounting notes
应收票据与应收承兑汇票的贴现discounting notes and acceptances receivable
应收账款贴现customers account discounted
指定支付地点的贴现票据domiciled discounted bill
无息贴现债券non-interest-bearing discount bond
无担保贴现票据unsecured discount bill
无追索权贴现discount with out recourse
有抵押品的贴现票据bills discounted with collateral securities
有追索权贴现discount with recourse
特惠现金津贴ex gratia cash allowance
现金流转贴现discounted cashflow
现金流量贴现discounted cash flow
现金补贴cash grant
票据贴现note discounted
票据贴现note discount
票据贴现discounted notes
票据贴现discount on notes
票据贴现保证金bill discount deposit
票据贴现净得net avails
票据贴现市场acceptance market
票据贴现bill discount rate
票据贴现经纪人bill discount broker
票据再贴现bill rediscounted
贴现债券pure discount bond
证券担保的贴现票据bill discounted with collateral securities
贴现业务discount operation
贴现公司discount corporation
贴现后内含收益率discounted internal rate of return
贴现后净效益成本比率discounted net benefit-cost ratio
贴现后市值discounted market value
贴现后报酬率discounted rate of returns
贴现后效益成本比率discounted benefit-cost ratio
贴现后边际价值生产力discounted marginal value productivity
贴现后边际生产力discounted marginal productivity
贴现bill dealer
贴现基准discount basis
贴现工具discount instrument
贴现差额discount margin
贴现市场commercial bill market
.贴现息,折扣总额discount DIS, disc
贴现技术discounting techniques
贴现报酬率discount return rate
贴现报酬率discount rate of return
贴现收人discount income
贴现收益discount yield
贴现收益discount earning
贴现效益discounted benefit/cost ratio method (present value index)
贴现discount day
贴现term of discount
贴现汇票discount draft
贴现汇票bill discounted
贴现discount basis
贴现discounted rate
贴现率政策bank rate policy
贴现现金流模型discounted cash flow models
贴现现金流量报酬率discounted cash flow rate of return
贴现现金流量收益discounted cash flow yield
贴现票据note on discount
贴现票据日记账bill discounted daily list
贴现窗口discounted window
贴现窗口政策discount window policy
贴现discounting table
贴现证券discount securities
贴现负债discount liabilities
贴现账款登记簿discount account register
贴现银行.discount bank
贴现银行的经纪人special buyer
贴现限额line of discount
贴现额度discount quote
贷款贴现loan discount
资本贴现capital discount
跟单贴现票据documented discount notes
贴现re-discount (bills rediscounted)
贴现applicant for re-discount
贴现interest on rediscount
过期的贴现票据bill discounted overdue
远期贴现forward discount
远期汇票贴现usance bill discount rate
通知贷款和贴现市场call money and discount market
通货膨胀调整后贴现inflation-adjusted discount rate
银行贴现bank discount
银行贴现bank rate
银行贴现票据bankable bill
银行贴现bank discount commission
银行放款与贴现之比较analysis of loan and discount of banks
银行放贷贴现分析analysis of loan and discount of banks
附担保的贴现票据bills discounted with collateral securities
预付贴现帐户prepaid discount account
风险调整贴现risk adjusted discount rate
风险调整贴现率法risk-adjusted discount rate