
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
all along
制会计single system accounting
原则doctrine of consistency
consistency (原则)
的政策established policy
的政策consistent policy
运输interior point intermodal
上拌下沥青路面penetration macadam with coated chips
不连incoherence (性)
不连的履带式轨道disconnected crawler track
两个平行筒状拱顶的穿penetration of two parallel barrel vaults
两筒正交相穹顶groined vault
transom bar
临界标准入击数critical standard penetration blow counts
内外空间的互相穿mutual perforation
侵入体intrusive injection
inverted penetration (法)
入式沥青路面stone seal
入式碎石路inverted penetration macadam
入式碎石路面inverted penetration macadam pavement
入式路面inverted penetration pavement
入施工法inverted penetration (一种先浇沥青后撒石料的路面施工方法)
假终false set
光纤穿器fibre optical penetrator
光纤穿器fibre optic penetrator
complex penetration
complete penetration
流式水轮机rim generator turbine
内外空间互interpenetration of internal and external space
冲洗式入仪wash-point soil penetrometer
冲洗式入仪wash-point penetrometer
cold penetration
准静力触探入度quasi-static cone penetration
分组序抽样group sequential sampling
入阻力penetration resistance
动力入试验drop penetration testing (试验土壤密实度等)
动力入试验dynamical penetration test
动力入试验drop penetration test (试验土壤密实度等)
动力圆锥人试验dynamic cone penetration test
十字板入仪vane penetrometer
入式碎石路semi-penetration macadam (面)
流式轴流泵angle type axial flow pump
semi-transverse axis
协同一联运intermodal transportation
压力pressure penetration
压力入试验pressure penetration test
原位击数校正correction of field blow count
入法reverse penetration method
后轴伸流式水轮机rear shaft-extension type tubular turbine
圆锥阻力cone-resistance value
圆锥人仪cone penetrometer
圆锥人阻力cone resistance
圆锥入仪cone penetrometer
圆锥入器cone penetrometer
圆锥入度cone penetration
圆锥入度仪conical penetrometer
圆锥入度仪conic penetrometer
圆锥入度试验deep penetration test
圆锥入度试验cone penetration test
圆锥入指数cone penetration index
圆锥入试验cone bearing test
圆锥入阻力cone resistance
土勺入仪spoon penetration test
土壤入器soil penetrometer
土壤入度仪sounding apparatus
土壤入度仪soil penetrometer
圬工墙的斜砌石入度skew penetration of masonry walls
地沥青碎石asphalt penetration macadam (路)
地沥青碎石路asphalt-grouted surfacing
地沥青碎石面层asphalt penetration macadam
地沥青碎石面层asphalt-grouted surfacing
太沙基水冲式土壤入仪Terzaghi wash-point soil penetrometer
小型入仪pocket penetrometer
岩浆magmatic injection (作用)
岩浆magmatic emplacement (作用)
岩浆入矿床magmatic injection deposit
带状入体banded injected body
沥青碎石路面asphalt dry process penetration macadam
沥青碎石路面asphalt dry penetration surfacing
平行筒拱的互interpenetration of two parallel barrel vaults
假设检验sequential hypothesis testing
光放大器sequential light amplifier
决定sequential decision
决策sequential decision
决策过程sequential decision process
判另sequential discrimination
单形法sequential simplex method
反应sequential response
对比指数sequential comparison index
寻优sequential search (法)
抽样sequential sampling
抽样检查方案sequential sampling inspection plan
搜索sequential search
数据serial data
无约束极小化法sequential unconstrained minimization technique
构码sequential encoding
样本sequential sample
检定sequential test
检验的平均样本容量average sample size in sequential tests
概率比检验sequential probability-ratio test
sequential method
程序sequential procedure
策略sequential strategy
编码sequential coding
观测sequential observation
观测者sequential observer
解码器sequential decoding
识别sequential recognition
试样sequential sample
试验sequential trial
试验设计sequential trial design
调査观测值sequential investigation observation
选优法sequential search
选择sequential selection
随机规划sequential stochastic programming
风险函数sequential risk function
应力入曲线stress-penetration curve
座式入装置seating drive
弹簧锥入硬度计spring cone penetrometer
L 形流式水轮机L tubular turbine
入量total penetration
手动入仪hand penetrometer
打入式入器drive point penetrometer
打到抗drive to refusal
打桩最后五击平均每击入度average net penetration per blow for the last five blows
穿强度penetration resistance
折叠圆柱面的interpenetration of folded cylindrical surfaces (穿)
指定入度specified penetration
指定入度specific penetration
斑点式入度仪plaque-type penetrameter
斑点式入计plaque-type penetrameter
斜轴流式水轮机inclined shaft tubular turbine
旋式锥形入计rotary cone penetrometer
显著性序检验sequential significance test
普氏入仪Proctor penetration needle
普氏入曲线Proctor penetration curve
普氏入试验Proctor penetration test
普氏入针Proctor resistance needle
普氏入阻力Proctor penetration resistance
普氏塑性入锤Proctor plasticity needle
普罗克托入曲线Proctor penetration curve
普罗克托入试验Proctor penetration test
普罗克托入针Proctor resistance needle
普罗克托入阻力Proctor penetration resistance
最后几击平均入量average set of final blows in pile driving
有效性力effective inertia force
机翼支承穿梁结构wing carry through structure
杰诺锥体入度仪Geonor cone penetrometer apparatus (测定土的不排水抗剪强度等用)
板桩入度sheet-pile penetration
极限入度limiting penetration
number of standard penetration test
标准人试验standard penetration test
标准试验standard penetration test
标准入值standard load value
标准入击数standard penetration blow count
标准入击数blow count of standard penetration
标准入击数N值SPT N-value
标准入器standard penetrometer
标准入度检验standard penetration inspection
标准入抗力standard penetration resistance
标准入试验击数standard penetration test blow count
标准入试验击数blow count
标准入试验分析仪standard penetration test analyzer
标准入试验分析仪数据信号SPT analyzer data signal
标准入试验校正standard penetration test correction
标准入阻力Proctor penetration resistance
标准击数SPT blow count
标准击数blow count of SPT
标准半合管入器standard split barrel tube
标准文件的implementation of normative document
桩的pile penetration
桩的入度penetration of pile
桩的入试验driving test of pile
桩的入量pile penetration
桩的入量penetration of pile
桩的平均入度mean penetration of pile
桩的总入量total penetration of pile
楼板穿断裂floor breakthrough
大陆干线transcontinental line
干线transverse artery
欧亚地震带Trans-Eurasian seismic belt
水渠cross drain
沙洲transverse bar
河底管道submarine route
河底管道submarine river crossing
河谷线路cross-country route
注水装置cross flooding fitting
通道cross connection
水冲式入仪wash-point penetrometer
水泥透法cement penetration method
沉积sedimentary injection (作用)
沥青bituminous penetration (式)
沥青入式浇灌路bituminous penetration road
沥青入式碎石路bituminous penetrating macadam (面)
沥青入式碎石路基层bituminous penetration macadam base course
沥青入式碎石路面bituminous penetration macadam
沥青入式碎石路面bitumen penetration macadam
沥青入式碎石铺路法asphaltic macadam
沥青入式碎石面层bituminous penetration macadam surface course
沥青入式路面bituminous penetration pavement
沥青砂胶入式路面mastic-grouted surfacing
light penetration
灯泡型流式水轮机bulb tubular turbine
玛𤧛脂入式路面mastic penetration pavement
测定混凝土稠度的球体入试验ball penetration test
入法测土的密度needle density
入法的结构层penetration course
入法筑路penetration construction
电子穿electron tunneling
电气穿electrical penetration
电气穿electric penetration
空间穿spatial penetration
空间交interpenetration of spaces
入度法constant rate of penetration method
入度试验constant rate of penetration test
管道pipe penetration (度)
粒间通裂纹transgranular crack
无心磨床纵向进给穿磨法through feed
肠状入体ptygmatic injection
脉冲监听序ping-listen-train method
节理通度joint persistence
节理通度joint continuity
荷兰式圆锥入仪Dutch cone penetrometer
荷兰式圆锥入试验Dutch cone penetration test
荷式锥人度试验Dutch cone penetration test
荷载入试验load-penetration test
荷载一入曲线stress-penetration curve
荷载一入曲线load-penetration curve
落球入度试验drop-ball penetration test
落锤入试验drop penetration testing
落锤入试验drop penetration test
葡氏入阻力standard penetration resistance
袖珍入仪pocket penetrometer
袖珍入器pocket penetrometer
袖诊式混凝土人仪pocket concrete penetrometer
被动passive penetration
被动passive injection
规定入度specified penetration
负荷一入曲线load-penetration curve
试验penetration test
人度指数penetration index (Pl)
人式沥青碎石基层bituminous penetration macadam base course
人试验penetra tion test
人锥penetrating cone
指数penetration index
penetration tip
试验penetration testing
入体injected mass
入体injected body
入值penetration value
入击数blow number
入击数number of blows
入击数blow count
入力penetration force
入力penetration strength
入力penetrating force
入力penetrated force
入力force of penetration
入变质penetration metamorphism (作用)
入变质injection metamorphism (作用)
入器spoon sampler (英国)
入器split barrel
入处治penetration treatment (道路)
入层penetration layer
入层penetration coat
入岩penetrative rock (层)
入岩injected rock (层)
入岩石penetration rock
入度set of penetration
入度penetrated set
入度penetrating quality
入度length of penetration
入度仪wash-point penetrometer
入度图blow diagram
入度试验penetrated test
入异离体injection schlieren
入式水泥结碎石penetration type cement-bound macadam
入式沥青碎石路面penetration bituminous macadam surface
入式沥青碎石面层penetration bituminous macadam surface
入式沥青路面bituminous penetration road
入式碎石路penetration macadam
入式表面处治penetration surface treatment
入式表面处理penetration surface treatment
入式面层penetration surface course
入强度penetration strength
入性penetrating quality
入截面penetration cross-section
入技术penetration technique
入推进push in of cutting edge
入杆钻孔penetration rod drilling
入极限penetration limit
入柱塞penetration piston (CBR试验用)
入桩penetration pile
入沥青penetration oil
入法penetration method
入法penetration construction (施工)
入法修筑路面penetration pavement
入法测土的密度needle density
入混凝土penetration concrete
入滑动面penetration slip surface
入片麻岩penetration gneiss
入片麻岩leaf gneiss
入片麻岩injection gneiss
入用沥青penetrating oil
入用沥青penetrating asphalt
入石灰岩penetration limestone
入矿体injected orebody
入砂岩injection sandstone
入碟penetration dish
入能力capacity of penetration
入荷载penetration load
入角砾岩penetration breccia
入记录penetration record
入记录penetrated record
入试针penetration testing needle
入试验法penetration technique
入试验锤击数number of standard penetration
入试验锤击数blow of penetration test
入量penetration rate
入量penetration quantity
入铆接penetration riveting
入锥penetration cone
入阻力值penetration resistance value
测硬化混凝土的入阻力探针penetration rate probe
测硬化混凝土的入阻力探针penetration probe
入阻力曲线penetration resistance curve
入阻力试验Proctor hardening test
入阻力试验法method of test for resistance to penetration
入阻抗penetration resistance
入限度penetration limit
击数blow count
地槽through geosyncline
墙丁砌through bond
墙石through stone
墙石perpend stone
头螺丝tommy screw
头螺钉tommy screw
层侵入transgressive intrusion
欧快运业务trans Europe express merchandises
欧集装箱快车trans Europe container express
流容量breakthrough capacity
流式冷却塔cross-flow type cooling tower
流式水轮机through-flow turbine
流式电站stream-flow plant
流式轴流通风机tube axial-flow fan
流式通风机tangential fan
流式通风机cross-flow fan
流式风机cross-flow blower
眼型full hole
眼完成法perforated pipe completion method
眼式钻杆接头internal flush tool joint
眼式钻杆接头internal flush jointed coupling
眼扣full hole thread
眼接头streamlined tool joint
眼钻杆接头streamline tool joint
through stone (贯穿墙壁而露其两端的长石)
perpend stone (贯穿墙壁而露其两端的长石)
穿weld penetration
穿penetrating power
穿井penetrating well
穿井fully penetrating well
穿件penetration piece
穿件penetrating item
穿切割through cutting
穿切割法through cutting method
穿坑penetration pit
穿对焊complete penetration butt weld
穿应变penetration strain
穿本领penetrating power
穿机件的托座through bracket
穿波penetrating wave
穿深度penetrating depth
穿深度depth of penetration
穿漏斗penetration funnel
穿焊缝through weld
穿燕尾榫through dovetail
穿磨法through-feed method
穿纤维Sharpens fibre
穿纤维perforating fiber
穿结扎penetrating ligature
穿能力penetration ability
穿能力penetrating ability
穿螺栓tie bolt
穿螺栓in-and-out bolt
穿螺栓设计through bolt design
穿裂缝through check
穿试验piercing test
穿轴through-going shaft
穿辐射penetrative radiation
穿进给进刀through feed
穿进给through feed
穿进给无心磨削through-feed centerless grinding
穿进给法through-feed method
穿进给磨法through-feed grinding
穿针transfixion pin
穿降水量through rainfall
穿雄榫穿榫through tenon
线图alignment chart
芯碳条cored carbon
顺木纹方向的透裂through shake
hole through
holing through
通传动杆continuous line of shafting
通城市的铁路直径线through railway diameter
通式变流器window type current transformer
通式变流器through type current transformer
通式机车库through type shed
通式炉passing-type furnace
通式车站through station
通式高温计through type pyrometer
通换料through-hole refuelling
通支承桩bearing pile through structure
通榫through tenon
通法磁粉探伤central conductor magnetizing method
通流动through flow
通测量through survey
通测量holding-through survey
通点point of breakthrough
通点breakthrough point
通电线路through line
通的深断裂through deep fracture
通石bond header
通砌缝through bond
通精度accuracy of breaking through
通线through track
通螺栓in-and-out bolt
通裂纹through check
通裂缝through check
隊道的通误差piercing error
通误差through error (隧道的)
隧道的通误差error of piercing
通误差预计estimation of through-error
通轮裂through shake
通过梁through lintel
通钢筋through reinforcement
通阀through valve
通面through plane (铁)
轴伸流式水轮机tubular water turbine with extended axis
轴伸流式水轮机standard tube turbine
轴伸流式水轮机shaft extension type tubular turbine
针式入仪needle penetrometer
针式入法试验needle penetration test
钻孔入器borehole penetrometer
锤击入仪impact penetrometer
锤击入仪drop-impact penetrometer
锤击入测探drop penetration sounding
锤击入试验drop penetration testing
锤击入试验drop penetration test
锤式入硬度计ram penetrometer
入稳定性试验cone penetration stability test (测定沥青混合料用)
锥体入度cone penetration
锥体入阻力cone resistance
锥形入仪conical penetrometer
锥形入仪conic penetrometer
锥形入仪cone penetrometer
长杆入仪penetration test apparatus
静力锥形入阻力static cone penetration resistance
静态入度试验static penetration testing
静态入度试验static penetration test
静锥入试验static Cone Penetration Test
穿孔blind hole
非参数序分析non-parametric sequential analysis
入击数seating drive
预备seating drive
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