
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 质 地 的 | all forms
与计算机研究有关的地质学会Computer Oriented Geological Society
北美以外的地质学专用图书目录和索引Bibliography and Index of Geology Exclusive of North America
地球轨道上的物质mass in Earth orbit
地质信息和专家知识的管理与应用management and application of geological information and expert knowledge
己知的地质构造known geological structure
带有海道测量仪器与导航设备的深海钻孔地质剖面测量系统deep ocean logging profiler with hydrographic instrumentation and navigation
探明的地质构造known geological structure
爱尔兰的矿床地质和矿床成因Geology and Genesis of Mineral Deposits in Ireland
经济地质学的发展developments in economic geology
计算机推导的地质图computer-inferred geologic map
遥感在地质学上的应用geological applications of remote sensing
遥感的地质应用geological applications of remote sensing
隧道地质超前预测的地震方法tunnel seismic prediction
面向地质学的数据库系统geology oriented database system
面向计算机的地质学会Computer Oriented Geological Society