
Terms for subject Technology containing 质 地 | all forms | in specified order only
下覆地质层组underlying geological formation
下覆地质层组underlying geologic formation
不匀质地uneven texture
不良地质poor stratum
不良地质现象undesirable geological phenomenon
不良地质现象undesirable geologic phenomenon
不规整地质图图幅non-standard sheet of geological map
不规整地质图图幅non-standard sheet of geologic map
与地质有关的设计工作relative to geological design work
与地质有关的设计工作relative to geologic design work
专用地质数据库special geological data base
专用地质数据库special geologic data base
专门性工程地质测绘special engineering geology mapping
专门性水文地质图件specific hydrogeology maps
专门性水文地质调查special hydrogeological survey
专门性水文地质调查special hydrogeologic survey
中国地质学会China Society of Geology
中段地质平面图geological plan of mining level
中段地质平面图geologic plan of mining level
中比例尺地质测量medium scale geological survey-ing
中比例尺地质测量medium scale geologic surveying
中比例尺地质调查medium scale geological survey-ing
中比例尺地质调查medium scale geologic surveying
中等质地土壤medium texture soil
中间地质报告intermediate geological report
中间地质报告intermediate geologic report
判识地质过程数identify processes number
利用地质图和地质资料use of geological map and data
利用地质图和地质资料use of geological map and information
利用地质图和地质资料use of geologic map and information
利用地质图和地质资料use of geologic map and data
化石地质年代fossil time
化石地质年代测定法fossil geochronometry
同位素地质年代表isotopic geochronological scale
同位素地质年代表isotopic geochronologic scale
同位素地质年龄isotope geological age
同位素地质年龄isotope geologic age
同位素地质温度计isotope geothermometer
同位素水文地质isotopic hydrogeology
同质硬木拼花地板parquet solid hardwood floor
含水层水文地质参数hydrogeological parameter of aquifer
含水层水文地质参数hydrogeologic parameter of aquifer
质地soil foundation
质地earth foundation
土产地质阶段step of production geology
土体工程地质engineering geological of soil mass
土体工程地质engineering geologic of soil mass
土壤质地texture of soil
土壤质地分类soil texture classification
土壤质地soil texture map
土壤改良水文地质soil improvement hydrogeology
土壤改良水文地质图hydrogeological map of reclamation
土壤改良水文地质图hydrogeologic map of reclamation
土壤改良水文地质调查hydrogeological survey of soil improvement
土壤改良水文地质调查hydrogeologic survey of soil improvement
土壤的质地soil texture
土壤的地质分类geological classification of soil
土壤的地质分类geologic classification of soil
土层的地质学问题geological aspects of soil formation
土层的地质学问题geologic aspects of soil formation
土的质地分类textural classification of soil
土的工程地质分类engineering geological classification of soil
土的工程地质分类engineering geologic classification of soil
质地geological horizon
质地geologic horizon
质地层罗盘geological stratum compass
质地层罗盘geologic stratum compass
质地形平面图geological topographical planimetrical map
质地形平面图geologic topographic planimetric map
质地面调查geological ground survey
质地面调查geologic ground survey
地下土质查勘subsurface earth exploration
地下地质学subsurface geology
地下地质工程师subsurface engineer
地下地质构造图subsurface tectonic map
地下地质编录underground geological documentation
地下地质编录underground geologic documentation
地下工程地质学underground engineering geology
地下建筑工程地质engineering geology of underground structures
地下建筑工程地质尠察engineering geological investigation of underground construction
地下建筑工程地质尠察engineering geologic investigation of underground construction
地下开采地质指导geological control of underground mining
地下开采地质指导geologic control of underground mining
地下开采地质管理supervision of underground mining
地下水质模型groundwater quality model
地下水化学质量groundwater chemical quality
地下水地质作用geological process of ground water
地下水地质作用geologic process of ground water
地下水地质学subsurface geology
地下水地质学geology of groundwater
地下水水质evaluation of groundwater quality
地下水水质保护groundwater quality protection
地下水水质分类classification of groundwater quality
地下水水质动态曲线regime curve of groundwater quality
地下水水质恶化degradation of groundwater quality
地下水环境质量指数index of water environment quality
地下水环境质量管理quality management of groundwater environment
地下水环境质量评价groundwater environmental quality assessment
地下水环境质量评价environmental quality assessment of groundwater
地下水环境质量评价公式evaluation formula of water environment quality
地下水环境质量评价图map of environment quality evolution of groundwater
地下水质groundwater quality
地下水质标准groundwater quality standard
地下水质勘探geological exploration for groundwater
地下水质勘探geologic exploration for groundwater
地下水质变化groundwater quality variable
地下水质图groundwater quality map
地下水质恶化groundwater quality deterioration
地下水质恶化deterioration of groundwater quality
地下水质检验法groundwater quality testing method
地下水质模拟groundwater quality modeling
地下水质监测groundwater quality monitoring
地下水质监测网groundwater quality monitoring network
地下水质量评价groundwater quality assessment
地下水质预测groundwater quality prediction
地下溶质评估法underground solute evaluation method
地球中存在的无机质inorganic materials which exist in the earth
地球的尺度和力学性质dimensions and mechanical property of the earth
地球的质量mass of the earth
地球质心椭球earth centered ellipsoid
地球质量调整regularization of the earth
地蜡矿蒸馏得到的重质油和蜡的混合物blue oil
地质土地调查geological ground investigation
地质土地调查geologic ground investigation
地质不连续性geological discontinuity (面)
地质不连续性geologic discontinuity (面)
地质与地球物理综合调查geological and geophysical comprehensive survey
地质与地球物理综合调查geologic and geophysical comprehensive survey
地质专家系统geological expert system
地质专家系统geologic expert system
地质专家系统实例examples of geological expert system
地质专家系统实例examples of geologic expert system
地质业geological industry
地质业geologic industry
地质体单元geological body cell
地质体单元geologic body cell
地质体含矿性定量预测quantitative prediction of ore-content of geological body
地质体含矿性定量预测quantitative prediction of ore-content of geologic body
地质体应力场模拟geological body stress field simulation
地质体应力场模拟geologic body stress field simulation
地质体数学特征mathematical characteristics of geological body
地质体数学特征mathematic characteristics of geologic body
地质体辐射值radiation value of geological body
地质体辐射值radiation value of geologic body
地质作用geological process
地质作用geologic action
地质分布geologic distribution
地质剖面geological profile (图)
地质剖面geologic section (图)
地质剖面geological section (图)
地质剖面geologic profile (图)
地质剖面原始地质编录initial geological logging of geological section
地质剖面原始地质编录initial geologic logging of geologic section
地质剖面图log sheet
地质剖面图geologic section map
地质剖面图geological cross-section
地质剖面图geologic cross-section
地质剖面测量geologic section survey
地质剖面测量geological section survey
地质剖面测量geologic profile survey
地质剖面线geological profile
地质剖面线geologic profile
地质剖面线长度length of geological section line
地质剖面线长度length of geologic section line
地质化学家mud smeller
地质区geological province (域)
地质区geologic province (域)
地质博物馆geologic museum
地质卫星轨道摄影geological orbital photography
地质卫星轨道摄影geologic orbital photography
地质同时性geological simultaneity
地质同时性geologic simultaneity
地质向量长度分析法geological vector length analysis method
地质向量长度分析法geologic vector length analysis method
地质噪声geological noise
地质块段法geological block method
地质块段法geologic block method
地质填图原始地质编录initial geological logging in geological mapping
地质填图原始地质编录initial geologic logging in geologic mapping
地质填图观察路线observation route of geological mapping
地质填图观察路线observation route of geologic mapping
地质复度degree of geological complexity
地质复度degree of geologic complexity
地质大循环geological megacycle
地质大循环geologic megacycle
地质夹层intercalary strata
地质套管geological casing (pipe)
地质套管geologic casing (pipe)
地质学会会员Fellow of Geology Society (英国)
地质层geological strata
地质层位geological horizon
地质展视图geological development
地质展视图geologic development
地质市场经营geological market management
地质市场经营geologic market management
地质师geologist's pick
地质平切面geological plan
地质平切面geologic plan
地质年龄测定geologic age determination
地质异常geological anomaly
地质异常情况geological surprises
地质异常情况geologic surprises
地质成因geological origin
地质成因分析geological genetic analysis
地质成因分析geologic genetic analysis
地质成因杂岩complex of geological origin
地质成因杂岩complex of geologic origin
地质成果价值value of geological fruit
地质成果价值value of geologic fruit
地质成果利用率usable rate of geological report
地质成果利用率usable rate of geologic report
地质成果指标geological report target
地质成果指标geologic report target
地质指南针geological compass
地质指南针geologic compass
地质搬运geologic transportation
地质数据geological data
地质数据geologic data
地质数据库geologic data base
地质数据库管理系统geological data base management system
地质数据库管理系统geologic data base management system
地质数据库设计geological data base design
地质数据库设计geologic data base design
地质数据的类型type of geological data
地质数据的类型type of geologic data
地质数据的补齐complement of geological data
地质数据的补齐complement of geologic data
地质数据统计分析处理statistical analysis and processing of geological data
地质数据统计分析处理statistic analysis and processing of geologic data
地质普查geologic reconnaissance
地质景观geological landscape
地质景观geological feature
地质景观geologic landscape
地质景观geologic feature
地质期geological age
地质期geologic age
地质材料geological material
地质材料geologic material
地质标准矿物分类geological norm
地质标准矿物分类geologic norm
地质标志矿物分类geological norm
地质标志矿物分类geologic norm
地质样品geological sample
地质样品geologic sample
地质模型geological model
地质横剖面图cross geological section
地质横剖面图geologic cross-section
地质横剖面图geological cross-section
地质横剖面图cross geologic section
地质气候geologic climate
地质测绘geological surveying
地质测绘geological surveying and mapping
地质测绘geologic surveying and mapping
地质测绘geologic survey
地质测绘方法geological mapping method
地质测绘方法geologic mapping method
地质测绘面积geological mapping area
地质测绘面积geologic mapping area
地质测量stratometric survey
地质测量geological surveying
地质测量仪geological measuring instrument
地质测量仪geologic measuring instrument
地质温度表geological thermometer
地质温度计geological thermometer
地质温度计geologic thermometer
地质演变geological succession
地质演变geologic succession
地质照片geological photograph
地质照片geologic photograph
地质物探工作的配合geological -geophysical coordination
地质物探工作的配合geologic -geophysical coordination
地质物理探测法physical geological exploration
地质用锤prospecting hammer
地质电测geoelectrical survey
地质电测geoelectric survey
地质界线geologic boundary
地质略图geologic scheme
地质省geological province
地质省geologic province
地质研究geologic research
地质研究报告geological research report
地质研究报告geologic research report
地质研究程度degree of geological study
地质研究程度degree of geologic study
地质研究程度不够inadequate degree of geological investigation
地质研究程度不够inadequate degree of geologic investigation
地质研究程度图map showing the degree of geological study
地质研究程度图map showing the degree of geologic study
地质破裂geological fracture
地质破裂geologic fracture
地质稳定区geological stable area
地质稳定区geologic stable area
地质符号geological symbols
地质符号geologic symbols
地质素描geologic sketch
地质素描图geological sketch map
地质编录geological record
地质编录geological documentation
地质编录geologic record
地质编录geologic documentation
地质罗盘geologist's compass
地质航空测量geological aerosurveying
地质航空测量geologic aerosurveying
地质草图primary geologic map
地质草图primary geological map
地质草图geological sketch map
地质草图geologic sketch map
地质褶皱geological fold
地质褶皱geologic fold
地质调查geological surveying
地质调查图geological survey map
地质调查图geologic survey map
地质调查所埃罗斯资料中心EROS data center of geological survey USA.
地质调查所埃罗斯资料中心EROS data center of geologic survey USA.
地质调查报告report of geological surveying
地质调查报告report of geologic surveying
地质调查比例尺scale of geological surveying
地质调查比例尺scale of geologic surveying
地质调查程序procedure of geological surveying
地质调查程序procedure of geologic surveying
地质调查精度accuracy of geological surveying
地质调查精度accuracy of geologic surveying
地质调査geological investigation
地质调査geologic investigation
地质调査所Geological Survey
地质调査所Geologic Survey
地质调査船geological survey ship
地质调査船geologic survey ship
地质调绘geological annotation
地质调绘geologic annotation
地质资料geological material
地质资料geologic material
地质资料学geological informatics
地质资料学geologic informatics
地质资料更新renewal of geological information
地质资料更新renewal of geologic information
地质走向geological trend
地质走向geologic trend
地质踏勘geological surveying
地质踏勘geologic survey
地质适合性geological suitability
地质适合性geologic suitability
地质适宜性geological suitability
地质适宜性geologic suitability
地质锤crack hammer
地质锤geologic hammer
地质锤bucking hammer
地质露头照片数photo number of geological outcrop
地质露头照片数photo number of geologic outcrop
地震地质图seismo-geological map
地震性质seismic property
外力地质作用方式mode of exogenic process
外力地质作用类型type of exogenic process
外动力地质作用exogenic geological process
外动力地质作用exogenic geologic process
外来地幔岩质exotic mantle materials
大地电磁法地质断面图interpreted geological cross section of magnetotelluric method
大地电磁法地质断面图interpreted geologic cross section of magnetotelluric method
大坝地质dam geology
大型建筑基础工程地质条件评价engineering geological condition evaluation for large-scale building foundation
大型建筑基础工程地质条件评价engineering geologic condition evaluation for large-scale building foundation
大比例尺区域地质调查large-scale regional geological surveying
大比例尺区域地质调查large-scale regional geologic surveying
大比例尺地质测量large-scale geological survey
大比例尺地质测量large-scale geologic survey
天体地质学astronomical geology
天体地质学astronomic geology
天然地沥青质焦沥青native asphaltic pyrobitumen
天然地质力natural geological force
天然地质力natural geologic force
天然地质环境geological norm
夭文地质学astronomical geology
夭文地质学astronomic geology
小比例尺地质测量small-scale geological survey
小比例尺地质测量small-scale geologic survey
小规模区域地质调查small-scale regional geological surveying
小规模区域地质调查small-scale regional geologic surveying
质地cloth map
成因地质模型法genetic geological model method
成因地质模型法genetic geologic model method
成矿地质条件不利geological condition of ore deposition is bed
成矿地质条件不利geologic condition of ore deposition is bed
成矿地质条件不清unknown the geological condition of ore deposition is bed
成矿地质条件不清unknown the geologic condition of ore deposition is bed
成矿地质条件有利with good geological conditions of ore deposition
成矿地质条件有利with good geologic conditions of ore deposition
成矿地质条件较好geological condition of ore deposition is well
成矿地质条件较好geologic condition of ore deposition is well
易积水的地质构造structural trap
最终地质报告final geological report
最终地质报告final geologic report
月球地质历史geological history of moon
月球地质历史geologic history of moon
月球地质学geology of moon
木星卫星地质学geology of Jupiter's satellites
本地物质autochthonous material
标准世界地质年代表standard global geochronologic scale
标准全球地质年代表standard global geochronologic scale
模型构造地质学model tectonics
横切地质剖面图transverse cutting geological profile
次生地质环境secondary geological environment
次生地质环境secondary geologic environment
次要地质细节minor geological details
次要地质细节minor geologic details
欧洲石油地质家协会European Association of Petroleum Geologists
氧同位素地质温度计oxygen isotopic geothermometer
氧同位素地质温度计oxygen isotope geothermometer
洪区工程地质勘察engineering geological investigation of irrigation region
洪区工程地质勘察engineering geologic investigation of irrigation region
洪流地质作用geological process of flood current
洪流地质作用geologic process of flood current
渠道地质测绘geology mapping of canal
渠道工程地质勘察engineering geological investigation of canal
渠道工程地质勘察engineering geologic investigation of canal
港湾海岸地质学gulf coast geology
爆破地质指导control of blasting geology
生产地质指导control of production geology
生态环境水文地质学ecological environmental hydrogeology
生态环境水文地质学ecologic environmental hydrogeology
生物地质年代表biological time scale
码头工程地质勘察engineering geological investigation of dock
码头工程地质勘察engineering geologic investigation of dock
质地arenaceous region
质地arenaceous region
质地沥青sheet asphalt (混凝土)
砂矿地质图geological map of placer deposit
砂矿地质图geologic map of placer deposit
砂质海滨地带psammo-littoral zone
第四系地质图geological map of quaternary system
第四系地质图geologic map of quaternary system
第四系地质调査survey of quaternary system
第四系岩性地质图lithological -geological map of quaternary system
第四系岩性地质图lithologic -geologic map of quaternary system
第四纪地质剖面图quaternary geological profile
第四纪地质剖面图quaternary geologic profile
第四纪地质年代表quaternary geochronological scale
第四纪地质年代表quaternary geochronologic scale
第四纪地质测绘Quaternary geology mapping
第四纪地质观测点observation point of Quaternary
素描地质剖面图sketched geological profile
素描地质剖面图sketched geologic profile
编录地质图件maps in geological documentation
编录地质图件maps in geologic documentation
航摄地质图photogeological map
航片地质判读geological interpretation of aerial photograph
航片地质判读geologic interpretation of aerial photograph
航片地质解译geological interpretation of aerial photograph
航片地质解译geologic interpretation of aerial photograph
航电磁异常地质综合图figure of airborne electromagnetic anomaly and geology
航空地质aerial geology (学)
航空地质制图aerogeologic mapping
航空地质测量aerogeological survey
航空地质测量aerogeologic survey
航空地质目测geological aerovisual observation
航空地质目测geologic aerovisual observation
货场工程地质勘察engineering geological investigation of goods yard
货场工程地质勘察engineering geologic investigation of goods yard
质地不均unevenness in texture
质地优良high quality
质地分类texture grading
质地分级texture separate
质地分级texture classes
质地剖面texture profile
质地texture effect
质地指标texture index
质地涂层body coat
质地的严重土壤heavy-textured soil
质地等级texture grade
适用地下水水质groundwater quality suitable
适用地下水水质带zones of groundwater quality suitable
通用基础地质数据库general basic geological data base
通用基础地质数据库general basic geologic data base
锚地底质holding ground
震害地质调查geological survey of seismic calamity
震害地质调查geologic survey of seismic calamity
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