
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 质 地 | all forms | in specified order only
不列颠群岛地质学会Geological Societies of the British Is.
与计算机研究有关的地质学会Computer Oriented Geological Society
专业地质学家协会Association of Professional Geological Scientists
东北地质局Northeastern Geologic Board
东南亚地质大会Geological Congress of Southeast Asia
中国全国地质图书馆National Geological Library of China
中国国家建材工业地质勘查中心China National Geological Exploration Center of Building Materials Industry
中国地质勘探研究所Geological Prospecting Research Institute (China)
中国地质和勘探系统Chinese Geology and Exploration System
中国地质科学院Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences
中国地质科学院Academy of Geological Science (China)
中国海洋地质研究所Ocean Geology Institute (China)
中国海洋地质调查局Marine Geology Survey Bureau
中国黄金地质信息系统China Gold Geological Information System
中央地质勘探博物馆central research geological exploration museum
中央地质勘探研究所Central Scientific-Research Geological-Exploration Institute
中央有色金属和贵金属地质勘探研究所Central Research Geological Exploration Institute of Nonferrous and Precious Metals
丹麦和格陵兰岛地质调查所Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland
乌普萨拉大学地质研究所通报瑞典Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Uppsala
亚利桑那州地质和矿产技术局Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology
从属地质省slave geological province
以色列地质调查所Geological Survey of Israel
伊利诺斯州地质调查局Illinois State Geological Survey
伊拉克地质联合会Iraq Geological Union
伊朗地质调查所Geological Survey of Iran
伦敦地质学会Geological Society of London
伦敦地质学会季刊Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London
伦敦地质调查所Geological Survey of London
侧向地质构造系lateral series of geostructure
俄克拉何马州地质调查局Oklahoma Geological Survey
俄勒冈州地质和矿业工业局Oregon State Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
俄勒岗地质和矿产工业部Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
俄罗斯地质和自然资源利用委员会Russian Committee for Geology and the Utilisation of Natural Resources
候德地质学会冰岛Holl Geological Society
像片地质判读geological interpretation of photograph
元素分子形式地质找矿法method of molecular form of elements
全俄世界海洋矿产资源地质和勘探研究所All-Russian Research Institute of Geology and Exploration of Mineral Resources of World Ocean
全俄地质、地球物理和地球化学系统研究所All-Russian Research Institute of Geological, Geophysical and Geochemical System
全俄地质勘探研究所All-Russian Institute of Geoexploration Research
全俄地质研究所All-Russian Geological Research Institute
全俄石油地质勘探研究所All-Russian Research Geological-Exploration Petroleum Institute
全俄石油地质研究所All-Russian Research Institute of Oil Geology
全国地质教师协会National Association of Geology Teachers
全球地质位置标记目录global indicative list of geological sites
全球洋底地质与地球物理分析研究global geological and geophysical ocean floor analysis and research
农业地质背景系统agricultural geologic background system
初期工程地质研究preliminary engineering geological study
前寒武纪地质和地质年代学研究所Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology
剑桥地质数据系统Cambridge Geological Data System
加勒比-大西洋综合地质调查Caribbean-Atlantic Geotraverse
加拿大中央大学地质会议Central Canada University Geological Conference
加拿大地质调查所Geological Survey of Canada
加拿大地质调査局Canadian Geological Survey
加拿大石油地质学家学会Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists
匈牙利地质调査所Hungarian Geological Survey
北俄亥俄州地质学会Northern Ohio Geological Society
北方地区地质调查所Northern Territory Geological Survey
北澳大利亚航空、地质和地球物理调查所Aerial Geological and Geophysical Survey of Northern Australia
北爱尔兰地质调査局Geological Survey of Northern Ireland
北美以外的地质学专用图书目录和索引Bibliography and Index of Geology Exclusive of North America
北美地质十年计划Decade of North American Geology Project
北美地质学文献目录Bibliography of North American Geology
北达科他州地质调查局North Dakota Geological Survey
区域地质图regional geological map
区域地质填图计划regional geological mapping program
区域地质调查regional geological survey
华盛顿地质学会Geological Society of Washington
单一地质灾害single geo-hazard
南亚地质大会South Asia Geological Congress
〔美国〕南海岸地质学会South Coast Geological Society
南罗得西亚地质学会Southern Rhodesia Geological Society
南罗得西亚地质调查局South Rhodesia Geological Survey
南非地质调查所South African Geological Survey
卡罗莱纳州地质学会Carolina Geological Society
印度博物馆地质调査所Geological Survey of India Museum
印度地质调查所Geological Survey of India
印度地质调査所博物馆Museum Geology Survey of India
印度地质采矿、冶金学会Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Society of India
印度尼西亚地质调查所Geological Survey of Indonesia
印度矿山地质学会Mining and Geological Institute of India
印度采矿、地质和冶金学会Mining, Geological and Metallurgical Institute of India
印第安纳州-肯塔基州地质学会Indiana-Kentucky Geological Society
危险地质作用dangerous geological processes
可燃矿产地质和开采研究所Institute of Geology and Exploitation of Combustible Resources
哈萨克斯坦地质勘探研究所Kazakh Scientific Research Geological Exploration Institute
哥伦比亚大学拉蒙特-多尔蒂地质观测所Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory of Columbia University
哥伦比亚大学雷蒙特地质勘察所Columbia University, Lamont Geological Observatory
哥伦比亚石油地质学家和地球物理学家学会Colombian Society of Petroleum Geologists and Geophysicists
喀尔巴阡巴尔干地质协会Carpathian Balkan Geological Association
国家地质与采矿研究所印度尼西亚National Institute of Geology and Mining
国家地质图数据库National Geologic Map Data Base
国家地质知识讲座委员会Committee on State of Geological Knowledge
国家地质科学研究咨询委员会National Advisory Committee on Research in the Geological Sciences
国家地质科学研究所菲律宾National Institute of Geological Sciences
国际地质力学数值方法会议International Conference on Numerical Methods in Geomechanics
国际地质学和地球物理学考察目录International Geological/Geophysical Cruise Inventory
国际地质学和地球物理学联合会International Union of Geology and Geophysics
国际地质对比计划international geological correlation programme
国际地质年代学、宇宙年代学、同位素地质学会议International Meeting for Geochronology, Cosmochronology and Isotope Geology
国际地质技术合作组织International Organization for Technical Cooperation in Geology
国际地质探査公司Geo Quest International Inc.
国际地质材料分析会议International Conference on the Analysis of Geological Materials
国际地质科学史委员会International Committee for the History of Geological Sciences
国际地质科学联合会国际地科联International Union of Geological Sciences
国际地质科学联合会海洋地质委员会International Union of Geological Sciences/Committee on Marine Geology
国际地质系统公司加拿大International Geosystems Corporation
国际地质调查联合会International Consortium of Geological Surveys
国际地质调查财团International Consortium of Geological Surveys
国际工程地质协会International Association on Engineering Geology
国际开发地质学家协会联合国Association of Geologists for International DevelopmentUN
国际海洋地质组织International Organization for Marine Geology
国际石炭纪地层学和地质学会议International Congress of Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology
国际经济地质学家联合会International Federation of Societies of Economic Geologists
国际金矿地质和勘查会议International Symposium on Gold Geology and Exploration
国际铀矿地质信息系统International Uranium Geology Information System
土地使用引起放射性物质污染调查小组pollution from land use activity reference group
土地质量【土】land quality
土地质量指标体系land quality indicators
土壤质地剖面soil texture profile
圭亚那地质会议Inter-Guiana Geological Conference
质、地球物理和地球化学学部division of geology, geophysics and geochemistry
质、地球物理和地球化学学部岩石学委员会Petrographic Committee, Division of Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry
质、地球物理和地球化学部俄罗斯科学院division of geology, geophysics and geochemistry
质、地球物理和矿物学研究所United Institute of Geology, Geophysics & Mineralogy
地下溶质评估法method of underground solute evaluation
地球轨道上初始质量Initial Mass in Earth Orbit
地球轨道上的物质mass in Earth orbit
地貌均质断面morphologically homogeneous sections
地貌均质河流断面morphologically homogeneous river section
地质与地球物理系Department of Geology and Geophysics
地质与地球物理调查所geological and geophysical surveys
地质与地理委员会Geology and Geography Committee
地质与采矿研究所希腊Institute for Geological and Mining Research Greece
地质交互系统分析geological interactive system analysis
地质作用水底环境系统geological processes bottom environmental system
地质信息和专家知识的管理与应用management and application of geological information and expert knowledge
地质信息处理系统geological information processing system
地质信息模拟法geological information modelling method
地质信息模拟系统geological information modelling system
地质信息系统专题研究组workshop of geology information system
地质信息组geological information group
地质分析和专业服务机构Geological Analytical & Professional Services
地质剖面图geological section map
地质剖面测量geological profile survey
地质勘探管理条例Regulations on the Administration of Geological Exploration Qualifications
地质勘查用地geological prospect land
地质协会Geological Association
地质博物馆馆长组geological curators group
地质参考文档geological reference file
地质古生物研究所Institute of Geological Paleontology
地质古生物研究所报告Short Papers from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology
地质同步运行环境卫星数据分布系统GOES data distribution system
地质同步运行环境卫星数据汇集平台GOES data collection platform
地质名词geologic names
地质和地下地质研究所Institute of Geology and Subsurface Research
地质和地球化学研究所Institute of Geology and Geochemistry
地质和地球化学研究所Institute of Geology and Geochemistry
地质和地球物理测量部division of geological and geophysical surveys
地质和地球物理研究所Institute of Geology and Geophysics
地质和地球物理调查所阿拉斯加地区分部Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys
地质和物理学学土bachelor of science in geology and physics
地质和矿产勘查研究所希腊Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration Greece
地质和矿产勘查研究所希腊Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration
地质和矿产资源研究所Research Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources
地质和经济评价geologic and economic assessment
地质和自然史调查所geological and natural history survey
地质图索引index to geologic maps
地质孤立效应评价assessment of effectiveness of geologic isolation
地质学与地球物理学geology and geophysics
地质学专家组geological specialist team
地质学会Geological Society
地质学会会员Fellow of the Geological Society
地质学会西南协会Southwestern Association of Geological Societies
地质学博士doctor of geological science
地质学参考文档geological reference file
地质学和地球物理学geology & geophysics
地质学和核科学研究所新西兰Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences, Ltd.
地质学和环境科学geology and environment
地质学学士Bachelor of Science in Geology
地质学家协会Geologists Association
地质学文献存储计划Geological Reference File Project
地质学文献目录与索引bibliography and index of geology
地质学术语词典dictionary of geological terms
地质学档案geology archive
地质局Geologic Board
地质、岩石和地球化学研究所Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography and Geochemistry
地质工程图geological engineering map
地质工程学士bachelor of geological engineering
地质工程学学士Bachelor of Science in Geology Engineering
地质工程硕士master of geological engineering
地质应用程序geological application program
地质建造绝对年龄测定委员会Committee on Determination of Absolute Age of Geological Formations
地质教师协会Association of Geology Teacher
地质教育委员会Commission on Geology Teaching
地质教育定向研究geological education orientation study
地质数据中心Geological Data Center
地质数据交互管理图分析和制作geodata interactive management map analysis and production
地质数据储存自动化处理和检索专题委员会Committee on storage automatic processing and retrieval of geological data
地质数据库管理geological database management
地质文献编录委员会Commission on Geological Documentation
地质断面geological transect
地质检索与提要程序geological retrieval and synopsis program
地质检索与提要程序geologic retrieval and synopsis program
地质模拟系统geologic modeling system
地质灾害图和图像分析系统geological hazards map and image analytical system
地质灾害数据库系统data base system of geological hazards
地质灾害数据管理系统data management system of geologic hazards
地质灾害模型库系统geological hazard model base system
地质灾害经济评价系统geo-hazard economic evaluation system
地质灾害计算机智能辅助系统geological hazards computer intelligence support system
地质环境geological environment
地质环境实验室Geological Environmental Laboratory
地质略图geological scheme
地质研究所Institute of Geology
地质研究所智利Institute for Geological Research Chile
地质研究所Institute of Geological Studies
地质研究所Geological Institute
地质研究部geological research division
地质科学学会Institute of Geological Science
地质空间信息系统geological spatial information system
地质空间遥感委员会Geological Committee on Remote Sensing from Space
地质系统geology system
地质经济协会Geoeconomic Association
地质统计软件库及使用者指南geostatistical software library and user's guide
地质计算机辅助设计geological computer aided design
地质调查厅赞比亚Geological Survey Department
地质调查局geological survey
地质调查局书目geological survey bibliography
地质调查所专业论文geological survey professional paper
地质调查所分析数据存储与检索系统加拿大geological survey analytical data storage and retrieval system
地质调查数字成像报告系统digital imaging of geological survey report system
地质调查用触发反应器geological survey trigger reactor
地质调査geological survey
地质调査和勘探部Department of Geological Survey and Exploration
地质调査局geological survey
地质调査所与博物馆geological survey and museum
地质调査所通报geological survey circular
地质资料管理条例Regulations on the Administration of Geological Data
地质软独立模型试验geological soft independent modelling
地质远程斜置探测声呐geological long range inclined audio sonar
地质遥感域试验geological remote sensing field experiment
埃及地质学会Geological Society of Egypt
埃及地质调查和矿业管理局Egyptian Geological Survey and Mining Administration
埃及地质调查和采矿局Egyptian Geological Survey and Mining Authority
堪萨斯州地质学会Kansas Geological Society
堪萨斯州地质调查局Kansas Geological Survey
墨西哥海湾沿岸地质学会联合会Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies
外生地质作用exogenic geological processes
多伦多地质讨论小组加拿大Toronto Geological Discussion Group
多重地质灾害multiple geo-hazards
大不列颠地质调查所及实用地质学博物馆Geological Survey of Great Britain and Museum of Practical Geology
大湖区土地使用引起放射性物质污染国际调查小组国际联合委员会、 美国和加拿大International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities
威斯康星州地质与自然史调查局Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey
安大略省地质调査所加拿大Ontario Geological Survey
密西西比州地质学会Mississippi Geological Society
尼日利亚地质调査局Geological Survey of Nigeria
州地质局协会Association of State Boards of Geology
工业地质组织Industrial Geologic Organization
工程、分析、地质及土地管理评价系统engineering, analytic, geologic and land management evaluation system
工程地质人员engineering geologist
工程地质力学综合集成理论engineering geomechanics meta-synthesis
工程地质学家协会Association of Engineering Geologists
工程地质模型engineering-geological model
己知的地质构造known geological structure
巴基斯坦地质调査局Geological Survey of Pakistan
布里亚特地质研究所Buryat Institute of Geology
带有海道测量仪器与导航设备的深海钻孔地质剖面测量系统deep ocean logging profiler with hydrographic instrumentation and navigation
应用地质学中心沙特阿拉伯Centre for Applied Geology
应用地质学博物馆museum of practical geology
应用地质学学会沙特阿伯Institute of Applied Geology
得克萨斯地质研究档案保管处Texas Archives for Geological Research
怀俄明州地质协会Wyoming Geological Association
怀俄明州地质史和地质学会Wyoming Historical and Geological Society
拉蒙特地质观测所lamont geological observatory
拉蒙特-多尔蒂地质观测所Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory
探明的地质构造known geological structure
推定地质年龄probable geological age
推定地质时代probable geological age
政府系统地质学家会议Government Geologists Conference
政府系统地质学家数据处理咨询委员会Government Geologists Data Processing Advisory Committee
政府系统地质学家数据库政策咨询委员会Government Geologists Database Policy Advisory Committee
数学地质方法mathematical geology method
斯洛伐克工程地质学家协会Slovak Association of Engineering Geologists
斯洛伐克水文地质学家协会Slovak Association of Hydrogeologists
新英格兰大学间地质联合会New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference
新西兰地质力学学会New Zealand Geomechanics Society
新西兰地质学会New Zealand Geological Society
新西兰地质学会Geological Society of New Zealand
新西兰地质调査局New Zealand Geological Survey
日本地质学团体研究会The Association for the Geological Collaboration (Japan)
日本地质学团体研究会Association for the Geological Collaboration (Japan)
日本地质调查所Japan Geological Survey Institute
日本地质调査所Geological Survey of Japan
日本工程地质学会Society of Engineering Geology of Japan
昆士兰地质调查所Geological Survey of Queensland
明尼苏达州地质调查局Minnesota Geological Survey
曼彻斯特地质和矿业学会Manchester Geological and Mining Society
月球野外地质审査组lunar field geology examination team
有机质盆地充填顺序organic basin-fill sequence
查瓦里茨基地质和地球化学研究所A.N. Zavaritskii Memorial Institute of Geology and Geochemistry
查瓦里茨基地质和地球化学研究所A.N.Zavaritskii Institute of Geology and Geochemistry
核子地质诺贝尔先行权法国Geonuclear Nobel Paso
格拉斯哥地质学会Geological Society of Glasgow
格林兰地质调查所巴巴多斯Geological Survey of Greenland
格陵兰地质调査局Geological Survey of Greenland
椭圆形轨道地质观测卫星elliptical orbiting geological observatory
欧洲地质学会协会Association of European Geological Societies
欧洲地质学家联盟European Federation of Geologists
欧洲地质年代学讨论会European Colloquium of Geochronology
欧洲地质调查论坛Forum of European Geological Survey
比利时地质调查所Belgian Geological Survey
比勒陀利亚地质调査所南非Geological Survey of Pretoria
水下声学地质航测acoustically navigated geological underwater survey
水文地质与工程地质研究所中国Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology
水文地质形变场hydro geological deformation field
沃思堡地质学会Fort Worth Geological Society
波多黎各地质学会Geological Society of Puerto Ric
津巴布韦地质调查所Zimbabwe Geological Survey
海外地质测量overseas geological survey
海岸地质学会Coast Geological Society
海洋地质和地球物理研究所Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics
海洋地质学委员会国际地质科学联合会commission for marine geology
海洋地质小组委员会marine geology panel
澳大利亚地质力学学会Australian Geomechanics Society
火山地质和地球化学研究所Institute of Volcanic Geology and Geochemistry
煤田地质勘探作图信息系统coal geological exploration graphical information system
爱丁堡地质学会Geological Society of Edinburgh
爱丁堡地质学会Edinburg Geological Society
爱尔兰地质学会Geological Society of Ireland
爱尔兰地质调查局Geological Survey Office (Ireland)
爱尔兰地质调査局Geological Survey of Ireland
爱尔兰的矿床地质和矿床成因Geology and Genesis of Mineral Deposits in Ireland
爱尔兰经济地质协会Irish Association for Economic Geology
犹他州地质矿产调查局Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey
独立职业地质学家协会Association of Independent Professional Geologists
环境地质管理处印度尼西亚地质调査所directorate of environmental geology GSI
环境规划地质科学委员会简称环境地质委员会Commission on Geologic Sciences for Environmental Planning
环境规划地质科学委员会Commission on Geological Sciences for Environment Planning
瑞典地质公司Swedish Geological Company
瑞典地质调查局Geological Survey of Sweden
瑞士水文和地质调查局Swiss Hydrological and Geological Survey
生态工程地质填图ecologo-engineering-geological mapping
电气〔海底〕地质测定仪electro geograph
白垩纪资源、地质事件和周期性Cretaceous Resources, Events and Rhythms
皇家山区地质学家协会Royal Mountain Association of Geologists
皇家康沃尔地质学会加拿大Royal Geological Society of Cornwall
省级地质学家委员会Committee of Provincial Geologists
石油地质和海洋地质局Bureau of Petroleum Geology and Marine Geology
石油地质研究所Institute of Petroleum Geology
矿山地质计算机辅助设计mining geological computer aided design
矿床地质学会Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits
矿床地质学家学会协调委员会Coordinating Committee of the Societies of Mineral Deposit Geologists
矿物燃料地质和开发研究所Institute of Geology and Development of Mineral Fuels
矿物资源、地质和地球物理局Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics
砂质岩体规模年代地层单位Sandy Body Scale Chronostratigraphic Units
科珀斯克里斯蒂地质学会Corpus Christi Geological Society
立陶宛地质调查所Geological Survey of Lithuania
约克郡地质学会Yorkshire Geological Society
约旦地质学家协会Jordanian Geologists Association
纳米比亚地质调查所Geological Survey of Namibia
纽约州地质调查所New York State Geological Survey
经济地质学专业组specialist group in economic geology
经济地质学家学会Society of Economic Geologists
经济地质学的发展developments in economic geology
经济地质局Bureau of Economic Geology US
经济地质提要文献目录annotated bibliography of economic geology
维多利亚州地质调查局澳大利亚Geological Survey of Victoria Australia
美国全国地质史委员会U.S. National Committee on History of Geology
美国地质学会American Geological Society
美国地质学会会员Fellow of the Geological Society of America
美国地质文献系统geologic reference system (U.S.)
美国地质调查局-国际海洋勘探十年计划U.S. Geological Survey-International Decade of Ocean Exploration
美国地质调查局地形测量处topographic division (USG S)
美国地质调查局地震工程研究分部seismic engineering branchUSGS
美国地质调查局标准岩石样品United States Geological Survey standard rock
美国地质调查局特征线法模型United States Geological Survey's Method of Characteristics Model
美国地质调查局降雨径流模型United States Geological Survey Rainfall-Runoff Model
美国职业地质学家学会American Institute of Professional Geologists
联邦矿产资源和地质委员会Commonwealth Committee on Mineral Resources and Geology
艾伯塔石油地质学家学会加拿大Alberta Society of Petroleum Geologists
芬兰地质调查所Geological Survey of Finland
苏丹地质研究机构Geological Research Authority of the Sudan
苏格兰地质科学学会Institute of Geological Science Scotland
英国地质文献British Geological Literature
英国地质调查所British Geological Survey
英法英吉利海峡海底地质填图English-French Geological Mapping of the Seabed Beneath the English Channel
英联邦地质联络局Commonwealth Geological Liaison Office
荷兰皇家地质和矿业学会Royal Geological and Mining Society of the Netherlands
荷兰皇家地质和矿业学会Royal Geological and Mining Society of Netherland
荷兰皇家地质和矿业学会Koninklijk Nederlands Geologisch Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap
莫斯科地质勘探学院Moscow Geological-Exploration Institute
莫斯科地质研究所Moscow Geological Research Institute
落基山地质学家协会Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
蒙古地质和地球物理勘探公司Mongolia Geology and Geophysical Exploration Company
衣阿华州地质调查局Iowa Geological Survey
西伯利亚地质地球物理和矿产资源研究所Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resource
西北地质联合体Northwestern State Geological Enterprise
西南冶金地质勘查局中国South West Metallurgical and Geological Exploration Bureau
西得克萨斯州地质学会West Texas Geological Society
西欧地质调查所Western European Geological Survey
计算机推导的地质图computer-inferred geologic map
计算机辅助地质制图computer-aided geologic mapping
越南地质协会Geological Association of Vietnam
路易斯安那州地质调查局Louisiana Geological Survey
达拉斯地质信息库Geological Information Library of Dallas
远东地质研究所Far Eastern Geological Institute
遥感在地质学上的应用geological applications of remote sensing
遥感的地质应用geological applications of remote sensing
采矿、冶金和地质勘探信息information on mining, metallurgy and geological exploration
采矿和地质研究所Mining and Geological Institute
里约热内卢国立大学盆地分析和地质对比实验室巴西Laboratory of Basin Analysis and Geological Correlation of the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro
野外地质工作站geologic field station
金属矿床地质、岩石、矿物和地球化学研究所Institute of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry
铀矿地质多媒体管理信息系统uranium geology multimedia management information system
阿巴拉契亚地质学会Appalachian Geological Society
阿拉伯地质学家协会Association of Arab Geologists
阿波罗现场地质研究小组Apollo Field Geology Investigation Team
陆地卫星图像数据质量分析工作Landsat Image Data Quality Analysis Effort
隧道地质超前预测的地震方法tunnel seismic prediction
雅库特地质科学研究所Yakut Institute of Geological Sciences
青岛城市地质环境信息系统Qingdao Urban Geology Information System
非洲地质学会Geological Society of Africa
非洲地质调查局协会Association of African Geological Surveys
面向地质学的数据库系统geology oriented database system
面向计算机的地质学会Computer Oriented Geological Society
韩国地质调查所Korean Geological Survey
高级地质学家工作队working party of senior geologists