
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 质量 | all forms | in specified order only
一流质量top quality
一流质量first-class quality
一般质量ordinary quality
不同顶弯模式下的铸坯质量semi-finished product quality for different bending modes
不均匀质量heterogeneous mass
中子质量neutron mass
临界质量critical mass
主要质量问题major quality problem
产品质量product quality
产品质量合格认证product quality certification for qualification
产品质量安全认证product quality certification for safety
产品质量安全认证product quality and safety certification
产品质量要求product quality requirement (In most North American steel plants, the hot metal leaves the blast furnaces containing 0.040 ~ 0.070% S, while the oxygen converters are charged with hot metal containing as little as 0.010 ~ 0.001% S, to conform to limits on steel composition set by caster operations and final product quality requirements. 在北美的大多数炼钢厂,高炉铁水的含硫量为0.040% -0.070%;而为了使钢水成分能符合连铸机生产规定的成分范围和终产品的质量要求,兑人氧气转炉的铁水含硫量仅为 0.001% ~ 0.010%。)
产品质量认证机构certification organization for product quality
产量-质量关系曲线yield-mass curve
介质流量media flow
优质产品大量生产quality-quantity production
位错质量dislocation mass
质量poor in quality
质量燃料low-quality fuel
作用质量active mass
质量even mass
内在质量internal quality (① The internal quality of the product produced from the single-belt process is very satisfactory. 单带连铸法生产的铸坯内在质量令人十分满意。② Besides the obvious loss in production and associated costs, the breakout damage sustained by the caster both short term and long term can effect the surface and/or internal quality of the cast product. 除了生产和相关费用受到明显损失外,漏钢对连铸机造成的无论长期还是短期危害都会对连铸坯表面和/或内在质量产生影响。)
内部质量internal quality
冲压质量钢。cold stamping quality steel
冷冲压质量cold-pressing quality steel
冷冲压质量cold pressing quality steel
冷却水量和冷却水质cooling water quantity and quality (Parameters which have a strong influence on panel life include cooling water quantity and quality, water flow rate and velocity, inlet water pressure and water pressure drop across the panel, pipe/panel construction material, and pipe diameter. 严重影响水冷炉壁寿命的技术参数包括冷却水量和冷却水质、水流量和水流速、人口水压和穿越水冷炉壁的水压降、水管/水冷炉壁的结构材料以及管径等。)
分子质量molecular mass
切割质量cutting quality
制图质量draughts manship
化学质量chemical mass
单位质量unit mass
单位质量specific mass
燃料单位质量发热值heating value per unit weight
单位质量热容heat capacity per unit weight
厚钢板质量波动fluctuation in steel plate quality
相对原子质量atomic weight
原子质量单位atomic mass unit
同位素质量isotopic mass
回火质量tempering quality
国际质量协会International Association of Quality
图像质量picture quality
圆坯质量round quality
基于计算机的铸坯质量评价系统computer-based cast product quality assessment system
大方坯质量控制quality control of bloom
大方坯质量控制bloom quality control
大方坯质量控制系统control system for bloom quality
大气质量控制control over atmosphere quality
质量odd mass
质量数同位素odd-mass isotope
容量性质capacity property
小方坯质量billet quality
小方坯质量控制系统control system for billet quality
小方坯表面质量billet surface quality
工业生产质量管理industrial quality control
工业等级质量commercial quality
工作辊质量保证系统work roll quality assurance system
带卷表面质量strip coil surface quality (One factor which has been found to have an influence on strip coil surface quality is the height of metal in the mold above the top of the outlet ports of the submerged entry nozzles. 已经发现:由浸人式水口流钢孔上沿计算起的结晶器钢水面高度是影响带卷表面质量的一个因素。)
干燥段烟气质量drying mass ratio
干燥段烟气质量drying mass ratio
建造质量construction quality
影响板坯质量的因素factors influencing slab quality
微量分析质谱计microanalysis mass spectrometer
微量杂质trace of impurities
微量杂质trace impurities
惰性物质含量inert content
成品质量检查quality inspection of finished products
振动质量oscillating mass
排水质量effluent quality
排水质量限值effluent quality limitation
提高质量improvement in quality
提高产品质量improve quality of product
搅拌质量quality of agitation
摩尔质量gramme equivalent
摩尔质量gramme-molecular weight
摩尔质量gramme-atomic weight
改善小方坯质量improve quality of billet
施工质量construction quality
晶体质量crystal mass
有害物质排放量harmful ejecta
有效质量effective mass
有效质量chemical mass
有效质量active mass
有效质量传输系数effective mass transport coefficient
有效质量传输系数effective mass transfer coefficient
质量contaminant capacity
杂质含量foreign matter content
杂质含量inclusion level
杂质含量inclusion content
杂质含量impurity level
杂质含量impurity content
杂质含量ballast content
杂质循环量circulating load of impurities
板坯质量控制系统control system for slab quality
板坯表面质量surface quality of slab (Reducing the argon injected into the stream can decrease mold fluctuations, and improves surface quality of the slab. 减少注流吹氩可以降低结晶器液面波动,从而改善板坯表面质量。)
质量nuclear mass
模具钢质量die steel quality
正在浇注的钢水质量quality of steel being cast
质量specific mass
气流质量平衡gas mass balance
沸腾质量fluidization quality
流体质量速度fluid mass velocity
流动质量flow mass
流态化质量fluidization quality
测试质量等级test quality level
浸蚀质量etch quality
深冲质量drawing quality
深冲质量deep-drawing quality
深冲质量级薄钢板sheet of deep-drawing quality (The company plans to produce strip and sheet of deep-drawing quality for the automotive industry as well as other consumers. 该公司计划为汽车工业和其他用户生产带钢和深冲质量级薄钢板。)
深拉质量deep-drawing quality
炉墙溅渣质量流量mass flux of slag splashed on wall
烧结质量sintering quality
烧结矿质量sinter quality
烧结矿质量控制系统control system for sinter quality
烧结矿质量波动fluctuation in sinter quality
热轧钢材质量标准quality standard for hot rolled finished steel
热轧钢材质量系数quality value (抗拉强度 × 延伸率)
热量-质量平衡heat and mass balance
焊接质量weld quality
焙烧球团质量指数fired pellet quality index
焙烧球团质量指数baked pellet quality index
焦炭质量控制系统control system for coke quality
熔体质量melt quality
特殊质量合金钢alloyed special steel
特殊质量steel with special quality requirements
特殊质量非合金钢unalloyed special steel
环境空气质量标准ambient air quality standard
球团质量指数pellet quality index
球团质量指数pellet "Q" index
球团矿质量控制control over pellet quality
工业生产质量管理industrial quality control
生球质量green ball quality (【技】生球质量决定焙烧工序能否顺利进行和成品球团矿的质量。生球应具有适宜而均匀的粒度、足够的抗压及落下强度、良好的抗热冲击性。)
生球质量检验green ball quality inspection
生铁质量pig iron quality
电子质量electronic mass
电子质量electron mass
电磁质量electromagnetic mass
痕量杂质trace impurities
皮下质量subsurface quality
离子微探针质量分析ion microprobe mass analysis
空气质量控制control over atmosphere quality
等温质量转移isothermal mass transfer
等温质量转移现象isothermal mass transfer phenomenon
结构质量structural quality
统计质量控制管理制度statistical quality control system
能量传递介质energy transmission medium
薄板质量控制系统control system for sheet quality
薄膜质量传递系数film mass transfer coefficient
表面质量surface quality (At the end of the 1960s', the surface quality of many continuously cast semis was inferior to that of conventional products. 20 世纪60年代末,许多连铸坯的表面质量尚不如传统方法生产的铸坯。)
表面质量poor surface quality
裂纹敏感钢表面质量surface quality of crack sensitive steel grade
计算机辅助质量控制管理computer-aided quality control
计算机辅助质量管理控制computer-aided quality control
计算机辅助质量管理computer-aided quality control
计算机辅助质量管理系统computer-aided quality control system
质能当量mass-energy equivalence
质谱仪测量mass-spectrometer measurement
质量quality (品质的优劣)
质量mass (物质的量)
质量中心centre of gravity
质量中心轴线centroid axis
质量亏损mass defect
质量传输mass transport
质量传递mass transfer (The large surface area of the steel droplets, in contact with the slag, at high temperature and vigorous stirring, allows quick reactions and rapid mass transfer of elements from metal and gas phases to the slag. 钢水微滴具有大的表面积,当它在高温和剧烈搅拌的情况下与炉渣接触时,反应速度加快,从钢水和气相向炉渣的元素传质速度亦加快。)
质量传递mass transfer
质量传递机理mass-transfer mechanism
质量体系审核注册制度audit registration system in quality system
质量体系认证quality system certification
质量体系认证中心quality system certification center
质量体系认证中心certification center for quality system
质量作用mass effect
质量作用mass action
质量作用定律mass action law
质量作用常数mass action constant
质量作用效应mass action effect
质量保证书quality assurance certification
质量信得过产品product of trustworthy quality
质量分数weight percentage
质量分数weight percent (As seen in part (b) of Figure 9, the carbon content at the critical point is about 0. 688 weight percent and the mean value of the decarburization rate is about 0.102 weight percent/minute, with standard deviations of 0. 11 and 0.01, respectively. 如图 9(b) 所示,临界点含碳量约为0. 688% (质量分数),脱碳速度平均值约为0. 102% (质量分数)/分,标准偏差分别为 0.11% 和 0.01%。)
质量分数mass percent
质量分数mass fraction
质量分离mass separation
质量压力mass pressure
质量吸收系数mass absorption coefficient
Q质量因数计Q meter
质量守恒conservation of mass
质量守恒方程equation for conservation of mass
质量mass peak
质量技术条件quality specification
Q质量指数Q index
质量指数qualitative index
质量指数quality figure
质量指数figure of merit
质量指标quality index
质量指标quality figure
质量控制mass control
质量效应mass effect
质量效益年Year of Quality and Efficiency
质量散射系数mass scattering coefficient
质量标准quality level
质量标准quality criterion
质量检査quality inspection
质量检验quality testing
质量ratio by mass
质量mass ratio
质量水准quality level
质量水平quality level
质量波动quality fluctuation
质量mass flow
质量控制器mass-flow controller
质量流速mass flow rate
质量流量计mass flowmeter
质量特性quality characteristic
质量百分比mass percent
质量的改进improvement in quality
质量监督quality supervision
质量磁化率:mass susceptibility
质量等级quality grade
质量管理 控制quality control (Stringent quality control is required in the manufacturing operations, including pressing, clipping, deep drawing, the deep freeze which follows heat-treatment, and finally packing. 在生产操作中,包括压制、裁剪、深冲、热处理后的深冷以及最后的包装等,都需要严格的质量控制。)
热轧钢材质量系数quality factor (抗拉强度 × 延伸率)
质量系数quality value
质量系数quality factor
质量-能量转换公式mass-energy conversion formula
质量规范quality specification
质量认证制度quality certification system
质量证明书certification of quality
质量评价merit rating
质量评定quality rating
质量负责制quality responsibility system
质量转移mass transfer
质量速度mass velocity
质量鉴定quality rating
质量验收标准quality acceptance standard
质量验收标准acceptance quality level
超深冲拉深质量extra-deep drawing quality
超深冲质量extra-deep drawing quality
超深冲质量冷轧薄板cold-rolled sheet of extra deep drawing quality
超深冲级质量钢板extradeep drawing quality
轧制质量控制系统control system for rolling quality
轧制产品质量rolled product quality
轧材质量rolled product quality
轧辊表面质量roll surface quality
转炉钢质量converter steel quality
连铸坯质量quality of cast product
连铸坯质量quality of continuously cast products
连铸坯质量product quality
连铸坯质量continuously cast semis quality
连铸坯质量cast product quality
连铸坯质量控制continuously cast semis quality control
连铸坯质量改善quality improvement of continuously cast products
连铸坯质量检测continuously cast semis quality detection
连铸坯质量预报系统quality prediction system for continuously cast product
连铸坯内在质量internal quality of continuously cast semifinished product
连铸坯表面质量surface quality of continuously cast product
连铸板坯内在质量internal quality of continuously cast slab
连铸的钢水质量liquid steel quality for continuous casting
连铸钢水质量continuous casting liquid steel quality
连铸钢水质量的基本要求basic requirements for liquid steel quality for continuous casting (【技】对连铸钢水质量的基本要求主要包括以下几方面:钢水温度、纯净度、成分、可浇性等。及时均衡地向连铸机提供优质钢水是成功组织连铸生产的前提条件。)
量子性质quantum nature
金属质量metal quality
钢坯质量steel semifinished product quality
钢坯质量semi-finished product quality
钢坯质量预报semi-finished product quality prediction
钢材质量steel quality
钢材质量系数merit number (Q = 抗拉强度 × 延伸率)
钢水质量liquid steel quality
钢水质量控制系统control system for liquid steel quality
钢的质量steel quality
钢锭质量最小/最大l/3tsteel ingot weight min. /max. 1/3 tonnes
铁水质量hot metal quality
铁水质量控制hot metal quality control
铁水质量控制系统control system for hot metal quality
铁水质量预测hot metal quality prediction
铁矿石质量quality of iron ore (【技】铁矿石质量通常从以下几方面进行评价:铁矿石品位、脉石的化学成分及分布、有害杂质和有益元素的含量、矿石强度和粒度组成、矿石的还原性、矿石化学成分的稳定性、矿石的高温性能以及矿石的软化性等。)
铁矿石质量控制系统control system for iron ore quality
铸件质量casting quality
铸件质量cast product quality
铸件质量表面比mass-surface ratio
铸坯质量product quality
铸坯质量quality of cast product
铸坯质量semi-finished product quality
铸坯质量cast product quality
铸坯质量在线判定on-line strand quality decision
铸坯质量在线判定in-line decision of strand quality
铸坯质量实时评价real-time cast product quality assessment
铸坯质量实时评价cast product quality assessment in real time
铸坯质量指数cast product quality index
铸坯质量控制strand quality control
铸坯质量控制cast product quality control
铸坯质量检测strand quality inspection
铸坯质量检测cast product quality inspection
铸坯质量级别 水平cast product quality level
铸坯质量诊断专家系统expert system for strand quality diagnostics
铸坯质量预报semi-finished product quality prediction
铸坯皮下质量subsurface quality of semi-finished product
铸坯表面质量surface quality of continuously cast product
铸坯表面质量surface quality of cast product
铸造产品质量cast product quality
镀层质量mass of coating
阳极质量anode quality
静止质量rest mass
马蹄铁质量horseshoe quality
验收合格质量标准acceptable quality level
质量high class
质量回炉废料high grade melting scrap
质量回炉废钢high-grade recirculated steel
质量回炉废钢铁high-grade melting scrap
质量板坯high quality slab
质量烧结矿high quality sinter
质量粘土high grade clay
质量high quality steel