
Terms for subject Commerce containing 质量 | all forms | in specified order only
与其他卖主货物质量相比The quality of our product prevails over that of other sellers' products
与合同上所规定的质量标准相符comply with the quality standard fixed by the contract
两种商品在质量上没有明显区别There is no marked qualitative difference between these two articles
严格地说,货物质量与合同规定并不完全相一致The quality to the goods, properly speaking, is not fully in conformity with the stipulation in the contract
买主拒收货物,声称货物质量与样品质量不符The buyers reject the goods, alleging that the quality is not in conformity with that of the sample
产品质量差异product quality variance
产品质量指标product quality indicator
产品质量认证verification of product quality
价格增长应与质量提高相称The increase in price should be in proportion to the improvement in quality
质量fine quality (与劣质量 (poor quality)相对)
优良质量excellent quality
低于一般水平的质量below average quality
低劣质量bad quality (与良好质量 (good quality)相对)
你应把质量说得更确切一点You should be more definite about the quality
你方必须详细说明质量要求It is necessary for you to particularize your requirements in quality
保持货物质量不下降keep up the quality of goods
全面质量管理total quality control (指 three-overall management 三全管理(全过程, 全员性,全面性))
关于货物质量with respect to quality of goods
判断质量水平quality of requirements
加工质量processing quality
双方对质量标准未达成一致意见The both parties' opinions did not coincide on quality standard
合销质量good merchantable quality
向某人担保货物的质量give sb. a warranty of quality for the goods
品质证明书旨在证明我方产品的良好质量The certificate of quality purports to be an evidence of sound quality of our products
商业质量commercial quality
质量低劣买主拒收货物The buyer rejected the goods by reason of the poor quality
质量低劣而索赔2,000 香港元claim HKD 2,000 for inferiority of quality
国家质量标准state quality standard
国家出口商品质量检查state quality inspection of export goods
大量订单证明了我方轻工产品的上好质量The numerousness of orders witnesses the top quality of our light industrial products
头等质量tip-top quality
头等质量prime quality
如果首批装运的货物质量良好,随即将有续订订单If the quality of this initial shipment is sound, repeat orders will follow
对货物质量有好评have favourable comment on the quality of the goods
尚好质量fair quality
履行质量performance quality
岀厂质量outgoing quality
工程施工与安装质量quality of construction and installation
强调质量管理give emphasis to quality control
强调质量统一place emphasis on uniform quality
强调货物的质量underline the quality of the goods
彳艮注意货物质量pay scrupulous attention to quality of goods
微量杂质traces of impurities
快运货物质量担保express warranty
忽视货物质量disregard the quality of goods
性能质量performance quality
总的说来,质量令人满意In the main, the quality is satisfactory
我们对第一流质量感兴趣We're interested in first-rate quality
我们正在采取措施改进产品质量We're taking measures to improve the quality of our products
我们的产品质量经得起与竞争对手的产品质量相比The quality of our products stands comparison with that of rival products
我们相信货物质量将得到你方认可We believe the quality will meet with your approval
我方产品质量与包装已有很大改进Much improvement has been made in the quality and packing of our products
我方产品质量为优The quality of our product prevails over that of other sellers' products
我方产品在质量上可与其他任何产品竞争Our products can rival any others in quality
所报货物的质量完全适合于买主的市场The quality of the goods offered is entirely suitable for the buyer's market
投入物质量quality of inputs (与产岀物质量(quality of outputs) 相对)
接受质量控制receiving quality control
接收质量quality of acceptance
普遍认为此货质量符合标准It is generally acknowledged that the quality of the goods is up to standard
最佳质量best quality
有保证的质量guaranteed quality
检验质量proof mass
次等质量inferior quality (与优等质量 (superior quality)相对)
消费者协会的代表们将讨论如何促进各自国家努力改善食品质量和安全Representatives of Consumers Associations will discuss how they can contribute to their countries’ efforts to improve the quality and safety of food
物质数量physical quantity
环境质量委员会Council on Environmental Quality
生产前质量评估preproduction quality evaluation
竞争对手正主动以更低的价格来报质量更好的货物Competitors are actively offering better quality at a much lower price
质量top quality
统一质量uniform quality
规定的质量stipulated quality
认为货物质量重要reckon quality of goods as important
货物质量不合标准The quality of the goods is not up to the mark
货物质量在不断提高The quality of the goods is being progressively improved
质量与价格不很相称The quality is. not quite consonant with the price
质量与合同规定的标准不符We regret to say that the quality of the goods does not measure up to the standard stipulated in the contract
质量以买方样品为准quality as per buyer's sample (与质量以卖方样品为准 (quality as per seller's sample) 相对)
质量判断标准quality of requirements
质量否决权veto on quality
质量和装期都重要Quality and shipment are both important. We should not emphasize one and deemphasize the other
质量奖金quality bonus
质量差别quality difference
质量差别difference in quality
质量执行情况quality performance
质量效能quality performance
质量方面的责任responsibility for quality
质量机动幅度quality latitude
质量检查制度quality auditing system
质量检査quality survey
质量测试quality test
质量特征qualitative property
质量的提高improvement of quality
质量监察quality audit
质量竞争compete in quality
质量管理quality control (经历三个阶段: 1900 - 1920's quality inspection control 质量检验管理,1930's - 1950's quality statistical control 质量统计管理,1960's - total quality control 全面质量管理)
质量管理与工程quality management and engineering
质量管理主任quality control manager
质量管理等级quality control level
质量管理经理quality control manager
质量管理计划quality control plan
质量管理资料quality control data
质量统计管理quality statistical control
质量缺陷defect in quality
质量胜过其他产品surpass the other products in quality
质量规范qualitative specification
质量许可证制度quality license system
质量设计变量qualitative design variable
质量评价成本quality appraisal cost
质量方面的责任responsibility for quality
质量责任制度quality responsibility system
质量超过平均水平The quality is above the average
质量问题举足轻重Quality is a matter of consequence
质量问题最为重要Quality is a question that takes precedence over the others
这—— 型号与那一型号质量相同This type is identical in quality with to that one
这与质量有直接关系It has a direct bearing upon the quality
这种货物有各种不同质量可以供应The goods are available in various qualities
进出口商品质量quality of import and export commodities
铁的质量quality of iron
降低质量debase quality
预期质量标准expected quality level
验收质量quality of acceptance
质量high quality (与低质量 (low quality)相对)
质量产品high-quality product